Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/71

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 23. 1921. 43 NAVY DEPARTMENT. Nw D¤¤>¤¤¤=¤¤¢- Bureau of Yards and Docks: The limitation specified in the Legis- pg‘§‘§°“ °IY"°S md lative, Executive, and Judicial Appro riation Act for the fiscal year m£j}‘Q;l?v';ggs‘°{;2{°*;*,;j 1921 pn expenditures for the pay oi) skilled draftsmen and other crassa. ’ ' technical services in the Bureau of Yards and Docks from appro- ,,,;;‘}};1,,,{1’ °‘ mi" priations and allotments under said bureau is increased from $200,000 to $202,838.65. _ Damn§e claims: To pay the claims adjusted and determined ,,;§‘,§,‘E{"°“ d’""°‘° by the avy Department under the Naval Appropriation Act for V°*·36·P·•`>“’· the fiscal year 1911 on account of dam es occasioned to private property by collisions with vessels of the Ugnited States Navy and for which naval vessels were resfponsible, certified to Congress m House Document Numbered 26 o the present session, $5,421.05. ` NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. . N"" PAY, MISCELLANEOUS. Pay, zniscellaneous. For commissions and interest, transportation of funds, exchange, M °xp°°` and so forth, including the same obflects specified under this head in the Naval Approplriation Act for the fiscal year 1921, $750,000. , Mrs T E S cms The Secretary of the T1‘B8Sll.l’%.`;S authorized to pay to Mrs. T. E. S. rayinsia it] ' Cates, out of an funds in the easury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $63 for rent of quarters furnished to Lieutenants James E. Maher and L. E. Myers of the United States Navy while on submarine duty. _ Mvmim The Secretary of the Navy B authorized to pay from the appro- n am 1-5:, me griation “Pay, miscellaneous, 1920," the sum of $42.30 to the Boston H°'“d· ost, and the sum of $28.08 to the Boston Herald, both of Boston, Massachusetts, for their. services in advertis for emplpgges for the United States naval hospital, Portsmouth, uliliw Hamp ° e, during the months of March and April, 1920. Punuc wonxs, BUREAU or YARDS AND Docxs. P°bu° `”°m` T NAv1{)lrA1l:D,§Ionr0Lx, if/'rlm;.o1§1A: For dry ldocér and iagccessogies: d.g§ZY'°u"L;°" Cd" o ena e the ecretary o the avy to ay the eorge e on- °°’¤° ’Y °¤· struction Company, under contract nuriibered 2258, and aizvhanges mmm C°mpmy` thereto, for completion of Dry Dock Numbered Four, in full com- Gm, Pmhmd C, pensation for the construction of such dri dock, $167,500* and to menwompsny- , the Giant Portland Cement Comfpany, su contractor, for loss sustained by it on cement furnishe for this work, $75,517.94, or so much thereof as ma be shown by audit of the subcontractors books by the Navy Department; in all, $243,01794. nuanxu or surrnras AND Accourrrs. m’§“g“w'g,,g§,?“PP“” MA1N·rnNA1<cn, Bunnau or Surmzms Arm Accomrrs: The limi- Hi°»:»?:€$i°$i¤¤smtation specified under this head in the Naval Approlpriation Act for mh the fiscal year 1921 on expenditures for pig 0 c emists and for BdV¤¤.41p.a26,¤me¤¤· clerical, inspection, and messenger service in e supply and account- ' i in department of the navy yards and naval stations and disbursing ofiices for the fiscal year 1921, is further increased gy $400,000. _ Fimrerrr, Bunnau or Sm>rLms AND Accomrrs: or all freight F'°‘**“- and express charges pertaining_to the Navy Department and its bureaus, except the transportatmn of coal for the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $1,500,000. Fum. AND TRANSPOBZIATIONZ For coal and other fuel for steamers’ ,,§‘§_ ‘”" """’P°" and sbips’ use, including expenses of transportation, storage, and handling the same; maintenance and general operation of machinery