Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/817

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s1XTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. sm. II. GH. 259. 1922. 789 For temporary employeesin the Office of the Solicitor for the Navy %§°mP°¤*¤' °mP*°Y· Department, $19,920: romded, That no person shall be employed Prom. _ _ hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,800 er annum P°"°S*”°”°"‘ except the following: One $3,000, and two at $2,400 each. OFFICE OF NAVAL RECORDS AND LIBRARY. orQ§a§d°£,§)g;g}_R* sALA1zms, NAVY DEPARTMENT. Chief clerk, $2,000; clerks——two at $1,800 each, four at $1,400 (mmm °mP‘°Y°°S· each, four at $1,200 each, one $1,000; copyist, $900; copyist, $720; assistant messenger, $720; laborer, $660; in all, $20,000. NAVAL WAR. Enconns. w’§;‘,f,°$v,§°°°‘°’ °‘ Toward the collection or copgging and classification, with a View to ,,,§"{~,?g,,°}*S°S °' °°“°°** publication, of the naval recor o the war with the Central Powers ' of Europe, including the purchase of books, periodicals, photographs maps, and other publications, documents, and pictorial records of the Navy in said war, clerical services in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, and other necessary incidental expenses, $19,000: Provided, §;;"‘·’rgé,rmm_ That no person shall be employed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,800 per annum. For completion, with the exception of the index, of the ppblication 0,1f,§§°},§§,${,$j· W°' of eleven thousand copies of the official records of the nion and <>¤m1>1¤¤¤:- Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion, $4,500. OFFICE or JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL. ...{;¥’*°*°'°°°”°"* SAIAEIES, NAVY DEPAR.'1‘M1ZNT. Two attorneys, at $2,500 each; chief law clerk, $2,250; law clerks- euijieviiiiiu mp1°y°°°i° one $2,200, one $2,000; clerks——one $1,800, one $1,400, one $1,300, seven at $1,200 each, three at $1,000 each, one $900; messenger, $840; assistant messenger, $720; in all, $29,810. Tm Bum For temporary emripllioyees in the office of the Judge Advocate nays. wm ` General, as follows: o attorneys at $3,000 each, $6,000. Gm Bmmn To pay Georg? Melling for compiling the laws and decisions relating cemgpaung g·Navy to the Navy, _ avy Department, and Marine Corps made prior to '“"'°·°‘°· July 1, 1922, mcludipf an mdex thereto, and m accordance with Senate resolution of arch 30, 1914, $3,000, to be available upon completion of said work. OFFICE or CHIEF or NAVAL OPERATIONS. =··$·`?»f°'°”°'“'“`°"°"' SALARIES, NAVY DEPARTMENT. Chief clerk, $2,250; clerks——one $1,800, two at $1,600 each, three at mplcymm $1,400 each, four at $1,200 each, three at $1,000 each, one $900; photographer, $1,800; two draftsmen, at $1,200 each; two assistant messengers, at $720 each; messenger boys——one $600, one $400; laborer, $660; in all, $27,450. _ .1.,,,,,},,,,,,,,,, ,,mp,,,y_ _ For temporary em loyees in the office of the Chief of Naval Opera- my . tions, $33,720: Provizxd, That no lpgrson shall be employed hereunder ratimsetiinaim. at a rate of compensation excee g $1,800 per annum except four persons at $2,000 each. OFFICE or Dmacron or NAVAL COLHIULTCATIONS. C£°*m*gmgmF•'•‘ _Salaries, Navy De artment: For employees in the office of the °g°'*,§*,*j¤°‘”P*°Y°°°i° Director of Naval (gommunications, $134,300: Provided, That no nam.