Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/827

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 259. 1922. 799 Navy," in this1A)ct1 constitéuted as one fund, and the appropriation _ "l)rdnance an r nance tores, $65,000· In all, $101,400: Promkled, That no person shall be employed {,’;*;,”‘,{,;%m,0n hereunder, other than as a draftsman or such other technical capacity, ` at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,800 per annum, except the following: One at $2,200, one at $2,000. BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS. an%¤_{°c*;gu,QS_S¤PP“°$ rar or THE Navy. §*;lg*e:>;]f*g,ggf¤vvgor‘£a.y gud allovganrégs prescribed by lavsil of officers on sea duty ggwgtal and sub. an o er uty an officers on waiting or ers—pay, $25 586 102 · ’ ,,· _ rental allowance $5,712,771, subsistence allowance, $3,218,643, all $34,517,51% officers on the retired list, $3,623,715; for hire of quarters fipgl officers;ertv]11ngGw1t;1 troop; v;lI1greW@ere {Eire (po public; quarters onging e ov en re er are no sufficient qgi-grters possessed by the United States to accommodate them, land e of <i1uarters fcir ogicers agd fenllisted men on seabduty at suc times as they may e e rive 0 their quarters on oard ship due to repairs or other conditibns which may render them uninhabitable, $20,000; pgisof enlistgd rplen on gw getged 11st, $944,689; ,"§,{:l5{f;*;*g_m°¤· extra pay to men ree ting 1111 er onora e isc e $2 809,675; interest on deposit by men, $10,000; ]iay_o:f petty fldédeisj seamen, landsmen, an apprentice seamen, inc uding men in_the eng1neer’s force and men detailed for duty with the Fish Commission, enlisted men, men in trade schools, pa of enhsted men of the Hospital Corps, $70,902,478; pay of men undergoing sentence of courtmartial, $858,000; and asmany machinists as the President may from tinge to time deem necessary to appolint; apprentice Slsleamen un er training at training stations an on training °ps at the pay prescribed by law, $1,512,000· pay and allowances of ,the ·N¤¤=¤0¤rp¤· Nurse Corps—pay, $631,180, rental allowance, $28,800, subsistence gllovgance, w,140, in all $673,120; rent of céuarters for members 0; e urse rps, $25,000* retainer pa an active—service pay o F1e¤tN¤v¤1R¤mv¤. members of the Naval Reserve Force Clsass 1 (Fleet Naval Reserve), Pmpmylosses cm $5,689,233; reimbursement for losses of property under act of ¥)¢>L;l0,p-389-I October 6, 1917, $10,000; payment of six months death gfhtulggf, A;;‘;u:tY:;“gé‘ $150,000; in all, $121,745,426; and the money herein specific y ' appropriated for “Pay of the _N avy," shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing law as "Pay of the Navy, ’ and for th the hall con ftute one fund P omkled That retainer pay gmiiriér pn r•- a os s s 1 : r grovgiggby exilsting la; sihvgg not be paid to agydrgemlger of the :2$°il?l}te?:°'5 R°° av eserve orcewo totrainasprovie y w uring theriear for which he fails to train. _ e authorization contained in section 2 of the Naval Approprias 0m¤c¤;¤rx;l¤¥_j¤s&;l;=:;;c tion Act épr the fisipal year 1921 ger the employmenthof live ungrceld ar.? Pfriwé;4 ’ reserveo cersint eaviationan aux` `aryserv1ce1s ere yrepe . °· ·P· · Immediately upon the approval of this Act the Secretaixéy of the Enlisted mn. Navy shall begin to reduce the enlisted strength of the avy, by 86%&1¤cti¤¤ oi, to furlough without pay (and up refunds sléall be {eqmred of men Iso ’ ‘ urloughed), discharge or otherwise un er $110 regulations as e may prescribe, withodt regard to the provisions of existing law governing discharges, so that the aver§e number of enlisted men, mclud.i1$ 6,000 apprentice seamen, sh not exceed 86,000 durirég _ the fisc ear 1923: Prmnkled, That enlisted men wh0_have serv §,",,2,Qg;mm _ not less tlivan twenty-fivaei years shall, uinless soourigr disciiharged by for use reiiiisentence of court-marti be permitte to ree t an continue ' serving until they are eligfble for retirement after thirty ears’ service as now provided by aw: Promded fzgrtiger, That enlisted men N§§1 <?¤¤1;iaii of the Nav who would be el` ble under existing law for transfer to Y ° Y lg!