Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/830

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802 SIXTYJSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 259. 1922. tenance and general operation of machinery of naval fuel depots and fuel lants· water for all pur oses on board naval vessels; and ice for the O(}O OgYé8.Ol}%13 6p;)lud)ing the expense of transportation and storage 0 t , , , . sanmms, NAVY DEPARTMENT. °*"“*’” °"' l°Y°°’ Civilian assis` tant $2 500· principal clerk $2 250· two chief bookm in gm mi kee , at $2,000 each; clei·ks-—seven at $1:800 each, seven at $1,600 eacllifrgen at $1,400 each, eighteen at $1,200 each, eight at $1,100 each; five ¢;1ssista15;1messenge1s, at $720 each; messenger boys—four t $600 eac · in $82 950. ,,,;{d°“i°“°l °“*"°"‘ a For additibxial giersorial se}rg1cesNin the Butiieau of Suppliest0ap)d Accounts as the ecret o e avy ma eem necessary e employed only in the Biiruesau of Suplglies Accounts, includirig the Navy Allotment Office, the Navy isbursing Office, and the avy {»°§§°,°{.§»;,m,.,¤_ .Pro rty Accounting Office, $676,160: Provided, That no person shallc be employed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,800 per annum except the following: One $5,000, two at $4,500 each, one $3,000, two at $2,500 each, one $2,400, three at $2 350 each, one $2,300, three at $2,250 each, one $2,200, one $2,150, three at $2,100 each, nine at $2,000 each, and three at $1,950 each. m%·g¤·¤ °*_¥°¤i<=*¤° BUREAU_ OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Mnmcn. DEPABTMZENT. ¤;¤¤‘z¤¤¤¤’ ¤¤¤¤¤’·¤¤· For surgeon’s necessaries for vessels in commission, navy yards, civu embnssumm. naval stations, and Marine Cor s; and for the civil establishment at P . the several naval hospitals, navy yards, naval medical suplply depots, Naval Medical Schoo and Dispensary, Washmgton, and aval Acad-

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_ , e ec1n_ ecrearyo e avy or eric service m naval hosp1tals, dispensaries, medical supply depots, and N agral Mefilxgsil (Sghgol, for the Hscal year ending June 30, 1923, shall no excee 5 , 0 . CONTINGENT, BUREAU or nmnxcmm AND smzonmr. °°““°¤°°‘°*P°”°°· For_ tolls and ferriages; care, transportation, and burial of the dead, including officers who die within the United States, and supernumerary patients who die in naval hospitals; purchase of cemetery lots; purchase of books and stationery, binding of medical records, unbound books, and pamphlets; hygienic and samtary mvesti ation and illustration; sanitary, hygienic, and special instruction, including the printing and issuing of naval medical bulletins and supplements; vensaemec. purchase and rapairs of nonpassenger—car1yin§ wagpns, automobile ambulances, an harness; purchase of and fee for orses and cows; maintenance, repair, and operation of two Bassenger-carryin§_ motor velucles for naval dispensary, Washington istrict of Oolum 1a, and of one motor·propelled vehicle for o cial use onl for the medical officer on outlpatuent medical service at the Nava?Academ ; trees, plants, care 0 §;0unds,&arden tools, and seeds; incidentaly articles or the N aval edical hool and naval dispensaigly, Washington, naval medical supply depots, sick quarters at Nav Academ and marine barracks; washing for medical department at Naval Mlldical School and naval dispensary, Washington, naval med1cal suptpigy depots, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks, - pensaries at navy yards and naval stations,_and ships; and for minor replairs on buildings and lgrounds of the United States Naval Medical Sc ool and naval medica supply depots; rent of rooms for naval dis-