Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/833

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 259. 1922. 805 Naval station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii: Extension of existing paint Hf V; $*1 H¤*n°f» and oil storehouse, $65,000; blocking for Dry Dock Numbered One, ` $25,000; paving, grading, and railroad extension, $38,000; addition to machine shops, $100,000; in all, $228,000. _ Naval ammunition depot, Iona Island, New York: Repairs to f;,‘§,{‘}‘§§‘,l§°N'??{’YlS' south dock, $15,000. Naval ammunition depot, Lake Denmark, New Jersey: Addition Lens D¤¤¤¤*k·N-i- to water main, $5,000; standpépe, $21,000; in all, $26,000. Naval ammunition depot, ort Lafayette, New York: Magazine F<>rt1·¤f¤v¤¤*¤»N·Y roof, $10,000. Naval ammimition depot, Charleston, South Carolina: Magazine ¤1¤=¤1¤S¢<>¤»S~C- for warheads, $36,000. Naval ammunition depot, Puget Sound, Washington: Fuse and P“g°i S°““"·W“Sl‘· detonator house, $8,000. _ Naval ammunition depot, Mare Island, California: Magazine and Mm Ini”·n‘i·°°"‘· shell house, to complete, $100,000. Naval ammunition depot, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii: Lighting and Hfvggfi H°’i’°'¤ plriwer extension, $15,000; additional storage facilities, $80,000; in $95,000. Naval to edo station, Ke ort, Washington: Extension of existing K°YP°'*» Wm-- *°" buildin foiillzorpedo stora ey-§45,000. pedndclm N ave§ training station, great Lakes, Illinois, buildings: Shore pro- stggégtgilnkn iniining tection and harbor improvement, $425,000. ` Marine Barracks, San Diego, California: To complete the develop- 1iS§:_hi;;°§°·Cnni, · ment of the Marine Cor s base, $482,000. ` ` Naval hospital, San Igiego, California: To complete, $500,000. N¤v¤1 h<>S¤i¤•i- Submarine base, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii: Extension of existin HP¤ar1 H¤*i>°*» building for battery storage and overhaul, $64,000; grading and rail? isiiiiiim-ine me road extension, $7,500; in all, $71,500. BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS. ugurwu M A¤¤>¤¤¤- AVIATION, NAVY. For aviation, to be ex ended under the direction of the Secreta *i"i““°“;,““d°' S"` of the Navy, as follows? For aircraft and accessories in course loyf niiiggfgdgsigézm. construction or manufacture on June 30, 1922, $400,000; for navigational, photographic, aerological, radio, and miscellaneous e uipment, including repairs thereto, for use with aircraft built or building on June 30 1922, $165,000; for maintenance, repair, and operation imma racmry, of aircraft factory, helium lant, air stations, fleet activities, testing hmm pl°"°’°t°` laboratories, an for overhauling of planes, $5,475,000, including $475,000 for the equipment of vessels with catapults; for continuing C¤°¤Pn“n· experiments and develo ment work on all types of aircraft, $1,116,- 950; for drafting, clerical? inspection, and messenger service, $710,000; for new construction and procurement of aircraft and equipment, ,,,,ij§’,,‘“},’,,@‘f"Sl“’°°i°”’ $6,537,000; for new construction, buildings and improvements at air stations at a total cost not to exceed $280,000, as follows: Anacostia, District of Columbia, $50,000; Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, $150,000; Quan- _ tico, V` 'a, $80,000; in all, $14,683,590, and the money herein A°°°‘“"“‘g*°°°‘ specific:-illy appropriated for "Aviation" shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing laws as "Aviation" and for Prom, that p ose shall constitute one fund: Promkled, That the Secretary Damages from anof themlgavy is hereby authorized to consider, ascertain, adjust, °'°“· determine, and pay out of this appropriation the amounts due on claims for damages which have occurred or may occur to private property growing out of the operations of naval aircraft, where such _ Claim does not exceed the sum of $250: Provided further, That all c,£,$§‘?" °’ °d’"St°d claims adjusted under this authorit during any fiscal year shall be reported in detail to the Congress by the Secretary of the Navy: _ Provided further, That the sum of $400,000 of this appropriation shall H°l‘"mPl°°t'