Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/845

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SIXTY—SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 267. 1922. 817 General, the Secretary of the Senate for use of the Senate, the Clerk of the House of Representatives for the use of the House of Re resentatives, the governors of the Territories, the Solicitor for the gkpartment of State, the Treasurer of the United States, the Solicitor of the Treasury, the Comptroller General of the United States, the Assistant Comptroller General, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Director of the Budget, the Assistant Director of the Budget, the Commissioner of Interna Revenue the Director of the Mint, the solicitor of the General Accountiéié Cilice, each of the chiefs of divisions in the General Accounting ce, the counsel of the Bureau of the Buqiget, the Judge Advocate General, War Department; the Chief of mance, War Department; the Judge Advocate General, Navy Department; the Paymaster General, Navy Dqpartment; the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, the Commissioner o General Land Office, the Commissioner of Pensions, the Commissioner of Patents, the Commissioner of Education, the Commissioner of Nav` ation, the Commissioner General of Immigration, the Director of geological Survey, the Director of the Census, the Forester and Chief of Forest Service, Department of Agriculture; the urchasing ent, Post Office Department; the Interstate Commerce Ciimmissionftilie Federal Trade Commission, the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States, the marshal of the Supreme Court of the United States, the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, the chairman United States Shipping Board; the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland; the Military Academy at West Point New York; and the heads of such other executive offices as may be provided by law of equal ade with any of said offices, each one copy; to the law librmii oIrthe Supreme Court, twenty-five copies; to the law library of e Department of the Interior, two copies; to the law libr of the Department of Justice, five copies; to the Secretary of theate for the use of commit_tees of the Senate, thirty copies; to the Clerk of the House of Representatives for use of the committees of the House, thirty—five copies; to the marshal of the` Supreme Court as custodian of the public property used by the court for the use of the justice thereof in the conference room, robing room, and court room, three copies; to the Secretary of War for the use of t·he proper courts and officers of the Philippine Islands, and for the headquarters of military departments in the United States, twelve copies; and to each of the places where district courts of the United States are now holden, including Hawaii and Porto Rico, one copy. "The Attorney General shall distribute one complete set of said ,,;'§°$l}°{§§,‘§1nf‘§'$}§l$,§? reports and one set of the digests thereof to such executive officers as g,¤,§g=h;g°°I{ggg*:éd¤ga are entitled to receive said reports under this section and have not nam. V already received them; to each United States jud e and to each Unite States district attorney who has not received a set; to each of the places where district courts are now held to which reports have not been distributed and to each of the places at which a district court may hereafter be held, the edition of said reports and digests to be selected by the tjudge or officer receiving them. _ _ " No distribution 0 reports and digpsts un er this section shall be R°‘"‘°“°"· made to any place where the court is eld in a building not owned by the United States imless there be at such place a United States officer to whose responsible custody they can be committed. _ "The clerks of courts (except the Supreme Court) shall in all cases P"’°°"°"°”’°t°' keep the said reports and digests for the use of the courts and of the officers thereof. Said reports and digests shall remain the property of the United States and shall be reserved by the officers above named and by them turned over to iheir successors in office. "The Public Printer shall turn over to the Attorney General, upon 1,}Q,$§§;°g §f°‘$’°‘g”“° reqpest, such reports as he may require in order to make the dis- ` tri utron authorized to be made y the Attorney General hereunder." 42150°-·—23—--52