Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/891

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 356. 1922. 863 domestic roduct when used in substantially the same manner: S°“°°*·*%1· Provided, llhat no duty imposed under this paragraph shall be p¤(i¤i1gi1m1s’ °l1s’ me increased under the provisions of section 315: Provided, That the }},°§'§'},’?9Yr°§l'””°‘ s ecific duty of 7 cents per pound herein provided for on colors, ,0S°gg*°jsQ‘;§){,g§]*;•é¤% dgres, or stains, whether solu le or not in water, color acids, color ¤<>1¤r¤.=1y¤s,¤rsi¤ms. bases, color lakes, leuco-compounds, indoxyl, and indoxyl compounds, shall be based on standards of strength which shall be established by the Secretary of the Treasury, and that upon all importations of such articles which exceed such standards of strength the specific duty of 7 cents pir pound shall be computed on the weight whie the article would ve if it were diluted to the standard strength, but in no case shall any such articles of whatever strenlgth _ _ Hy a specific duty of less than 7 cents per pound: Provided furt er, w§{’Q°§‘t§'i'},°i§§",{’,E,{§’§e‘}{ at six months after the date of {passage of this Act it °“ °°¤*·“¤°’¤·°*¤· shall be unla. ul to import or bring into the nited States any such color, dye, stain, color acid, color ase, color lake, leuco-compound, indoxyl, or indoxyl compound unless the immediate container and the invoice shall bear a plain, conspicuous, and truly descriptive statement of the identity and percentage, exclusive of diluents, of such color, dye, stain, color acid, color base, color lake, leuco— Im ,

md, indoxyl, or indoxyl compound contained therein: Pro- et¤.,I$?itti¤°*i81S°§°,l§Z,lZi

` further, That on and after the passage of this Act it shall be §{§§',§¤,Q,‘;,u{°”“m“· unlawful to im rt or bring into the United tates any such color, dye, stain color acidic color base, color lake, leuco-compound, indoxyl, or indoxyl compound, if the immediate container or the invoice bears any statement, design, or device regarding the article or the ingredients or substances contained therein which is false, fraudulent, or misleading S in any particular: Provided further, That in the enforcement of the for °§'§‘l.§°§,‘L{f‘*',°§’g,';*; fore oing provisos in this paragraph the Secretary of the Treasury “°P*°°· shall adopt a standard of strength or each dyle or other article whic shall conform as nearl as practicable to the commercial strength in ordinary use in the {lnited States prior to July 1, 1914; that if a d re or other article has been introduced into commercial use since ‘ said date then the standard of strength for such dye or other article shall conform as nearly as dpractica le to the commercial strength in ordinary use; that if a ye or other article was or is ordinarily used in more than one commercial strength, then the lowest commercial strength shall be adopted as the standard of strength for A mm . such dye or other article: Providedfurther, That any article or product etc.F¥o een? which is within the terms of paragraph 1, 5, 38, 40, 61, 68, 84, or 1585, as well as within the terms 0 paragraph 27, 28, or 1549, shall be assessed for duty or exempted from duty as the case may be under paragraph 27, 28, or 1549. COM, PAR. 29. Cobalt: Oxide, 20 cents per pound; sulphate and lino· ` leate, 10 cents per pound; and all other cobalt salts and compounds, - 301per centum ad valorem. Cdlulmmm An. 30. Cellulose esters, collodion and other liquid solutions of Liqusa. ` pyroxylinl, of other cellulose esters or ethers, or of cellulose, 35 cents per oun . PER. 31. Compounds of pyroxylin, of other cellulose esters or m°°¤'&b°°l's’°°°` ethers, or of cellulose, b whatever name known (except compounds of cellulose known as or hard Hber) , in blocks, sheets, rods, tubes, or other forms, and not made into finished or lpartly finished articles, 40 cents per pound; made into finished or part y fimshed articles, of which any of the fore ing is the component material of chief , value, 60 per centum ad vglldrem: Provided, That all such articles Appaiam, (excpptihotographic and moving—picture films), whether or not more spec` c y provided for elsewhere, shall be dutiable under this paragraph. _