Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/920

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892 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 356. 1922. BGEDULI 7. • · ° mmm mw pound, all other, 1% cents per pound, whole m1lk(powder, 3 cents um and mvrmm. per oimd; cream powder 7 cents per pound; an skimmed milk P ppwgeri)? cents iper pound; malteggiilk, and comsplouplds or mixtures o or su titutes or or cream per centum v orem. m§;f*°'· md mm blitz?. guptesnts plegilpiplund; oleomargarine and other 1 er . m§:°S°· °°‘* ’°*"“‘ P?11. 7 Cheese and substgsutss therefor, 5 cents per pound, but not esst an25 rcentum a v orem. P°““’Y·°‘°· Pan. 711. Bird: live: Poultry 3 cents per po1md· all other LMT valued at $5 or less each, 50 cents each; valued at more than $5 each; M 2°1¥’°" °°“”`”§.?.‘i.V$l‘L2’m.i. ...1 .1. d P ul A11. 712. e ess or un esse : o try 6 cents er pound; all other, ,8 cents per (pound; all the foregoiniipreparedp or preservegdinalany manner an not specially provid or, 35 per centum v orem. Em Pan. 713. Eggs of poultry, in the shell, 8 cents per dozen; whole eggs, e§ yolk, and egg al umen, frozen or otherwise p`1;§a.red_or preserv , and not specialllg provided for, 6 cents per po ; dned whole , dried egg yo , and dried albumen, 18 cents per pound °g€S **33 H°"’°°'“°“"""· Pm: 714. Horses and mules, valued at not more than $150 per head, $3;)dpea1i head; valued at more than $150 per head, 20 per _ centum v orem. ]f"° “""°"" Papi. (’§1f5. Liga animals, vegdtebglate and invertebrate, not specially provide or, 1 per centum v orem. 1?°“°" PAB. 716. Honey 3 cents per pound. gig; PAB. 717. Fish, fiesh, frozen, or packed in ice: Halibut, salmon, mackgrehfand swordfish, 2 ceplts per pound; other fish, not specially prov1 ed or 1 cent per oun . ,¤,_P"p”°d’ p'°°°"°°’ PAB. 718. ,Salmon, ickled, salted, smoked, ki ered, or otherwise dP PP prepared or preserve , 25 per centum ad valorem; finnan haddie, 25 per centum ad valorem; dried fish, salted or unsalted, 1-} cents per pound; smoked herring, skinned or boned, 2} cents per pound; agother Eshéhslntlnned or ;<;11;;d;nm biitllg, or Eipmimmediatg contsimegg ighing wi 011‘ con ore an en poun s eac , cents per pound net we` t. ,,l{°"°" ‘“° ”"°°" PAR. 719. Herring anldhmackerel, pickled or salted, whether or not boned, when in bul , or in immediate containers weighing with their umd in 1 t cogent; more tha? fifteerglpeapéicg earch, 11 cent per poulpxd net weigihti ‘“ · °°- an. 20. excepthe s , w atevernam own a e in oil or in oil and otherlsubstances, 30ylper centum ad galoremi Iallzfish (exceipt shellfish), (pickled, salted, smo ed, kippered, or otherwise prepare or preserve (except in oil or in oil and other substances), in immediate containers weighing with their contents not more than fifteen pounds each, 25 per_centum ad valorem; in bulk or in immediaze containers weighing with the? contents more than fifteen pounds eac , 1} cents per poun net weig t. w9”`° m°°°’ mh r°°’ PA15._72l. Crab meat, packed in ice gr fglozen, oxhpgepared ori serve m any manner 15 per centum a v orem· s aste an s sauce, 30 per centum iad valorem; caviar and other iislxi roe for food purposes, packed in ice or frozen, prepared or preserved, by the additmp of sa t in any amount, or by other means, 30 per centum ad va orem. Hmm _ PAB. 722. Barley, hulled or unhulled, 20 cents per’bushel of forty- aight pounds; bar ey malt, 40 cents per one hundred pounds; pearl Buchhm arley, patent barley and barley flour, 2 cents per pound. Pan. 23. Buckw eat, hulled or imhulled, 10 cents KI one hundred pounds; buckwheat flour and `ts or ats, one-h of 1 cent per pound En gm