Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/929

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 356. 1922. 901 PAR. 914. Knit fabric, in the piece, composed wholl or in chief ’°“°'”·E °· value of cotton or other vegetable fiber, made on a vyarp-knitting %=iii)iii>1n·i1iu8ctm”° machine, 55 pi; centum ad valorem; made on other than a warp- ¤§1‘§°;§‘€,‘,,°f°°‘°'"‘° knitting mac e, 35 per centum ad valorem. PAR. 915. Gloves, com sed wholly or in chief value of cotton or §§i‘;°gbr,c other vegetable fiber, mad;) of fabric knit on a warp—knitting machine, ` if single fold of such fabric, when unshrunk and not sueded, and having less than forty rows of loops per inch in width on the face of the glove, 50 per centum ad valorem; when shrunk or sueded or having forty or more rows of loops per inch in width on the face of the glove, and not over eleven inches in length, $2.50 per dozen pairs, and for each additional inch in excess of eleven mches, 10 cents per dozen pairs; if of two or more folds of fabric, any fold of which is made on a warp·knitting machine, and not over eleven inches in length, $3 per dozen pairs, and for each additional inch in excess of eleven inches, 10 cents er dozen pairs, but in no case shall any of the foregoing duties be fess than 40 nor more than 75 per centum ad valorem; made of fabric knit on other than a warp- _ knitting machine, 50 per centum ad valorem ; made of woven fabric, W°"°”'“b“°‘ 251per centum ad valorem. AR. 916. Hose and half—hose, selvedged, fashioned, seamless, or Hm ‘“’° h““'h°°°’ mock—seamed, finished or unnnished, comlptcised of cotton or other vegletable fiber, made wholly or in part on 'tting machines, or knit by and, 50 per centum ad valorem. _ _ Hose and half-hose, finished or imiinished, made or cut from F'°m k'““°‘"°b"°‘ knitted fabric com osed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, and not specially provided for, 30 per centum ad valorem. _ Pu;. 917. Underwear and all other wearing apparel of every de- ,,,§`$‘,L§°°3,,,,`},’{,°i?,.'}'g;°T°r scrilption, finished or unfinished, composed of cotton or other vegptab e fiber, made wholly or in part on knitting machines, or knit y hand, and not specially provided for, 45 per centum ad valorem. Pm. 918. Handkerchiefs and mufflers, composed wholl or in m5“,§1s1T°'°m°f° md chief value of cotton, finished or unfinished, not hemmed, sliall pay C°“‘”'· duty as cloth; hemmed or hemstitched, shall pay, in addition thereto, _ 10 per centum ad valorem: Promkled, That none of the foregoing, when containing yarns the average number of which does not exceed number 40, shall pay less than 30 per centum ad valorem; nor when exceeding number 40, less than 40 per centum ad valorem. Chmn mdwwmg Pan. 919. Clothing and articles of wearing apparel of every de- sppmi. K scription, manufactured wholly or in part, composed wholly or in chief value of cotton, and not specially provided for, 35 per centum ad “l°'°m· ‘ samwummmm Shirt collars and cuffs, of cotton, not specially provided for, 30 cents per dozen pieces and 10 per centum ad valorem. Nottingham he 9 PAR. 920. Lace window curtains, nets, nettings, pillow shams, and mais. bed sets, and all other articles and fabrics, by w atever name known, m°{,’f§‘}§‘,,‘§§ °“‘°' """ plain or Jac uard figured, finished or imfinished, whollg or partly . manufactured, for any use whatsoever, made on the ottingham lace—curtain machine, and com}posed of cotton or other vegetable fiber, when counting not more t an five points or spaces between the warp threads to the inch, 1} cents per s uare yard; when counting more than five such points or spaces to &e inch, tl:u·ee—fourths of 1 cent per square yard in addition for each point in excess of five; and m addition thereto, on all the foregoing articles in this paragraph, 25 per centum ad valorem; Provided, That none of the foregoing shall §'°,,,‘§§'§,°,;m_ pa; a less rate of duty than 60 per centum ad valorem. AR. 921. All articles made from cotton cloth, whether finished or sp‘f$_§g;* pfotxffjd unfinished, and all manufactures of cotton or of which cotton is the component material of chief value, not specially provided for, 40 per centum ad valorem.