Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1026

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INDEX. 2567 Personal Service Corporations Page. P ge additional tax on income df, for the years csi/p)pr‘opriation for suppresing tre,fHo in Page, 1913-1821 lf law exempting, de- among Indians __________ _ ________ I 1182 clared invalid ,., , 319 phe,.88 F,.8"16118 M equal to corporation income, and war enéien " 1739 wd cxgw ravi? mx . 319 p;Ym,.,,,,,,,}{,;,i,]' 1};,5;,; 35,5;, `°’‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘ returns to e ma e or each year after · · ’ - · 1evre1· 1 _ dcc1ee entered; bam;. 1 { . 319 appmpgg for cmpemting m ($2 IW6 c aim cred ts be . . '. ’'°'’‘’'°‘‘ ’ 11 @25..8. . T. . YT T?. . K .7 .‘f’ . ‘T' . 320 PM73_g;1_g>m-*7 <w·<7<~7>» 1688 r uction o , if claims m de b 1 •. ·•‘‘············· . ···· : ···----···· than no pe; centoi stool: .?'. . T7? 320 "§g;<7gg,¤*e°7”·rC¤77~¤J7w 4~7· 861 assessment, co lection, etc., as of cor- · ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ r ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘*· poration income, and war and ex- Phda11b;g:°{n1§°1M1°m1E° (wu1°w>* 1694 _ cess profits tax _ ... 3 20 P,FZ1d11 ,1, P ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘········ limitation of interest or nalties, etc. 320 1 P lar, an m·edit1e_11ewed for tex member if appropriation for naval home . 127, 793, 1138 joint claim made y corporation and °!' m;VY Yud ······--··- - ---···----· · 129, 805 member _ _ ____ _ ______ __ _ ____ _ __ _ _ 320 for mint at _. . 382, 1103 to be med Within six months from for_post office coiuthouse, repa.1rs... 1105 1 entry of decree _________ _ _________ 320 d€6C1€110Y 8·ppI0p!'12.t1011 for Army supply claims for credits and refunds not allowed bm $1*2 -··--- ; --·· · ···-····—··---- 777 unless filed within six months 320 ig; AMY mhud W”°h°“B"’° ···· ` posed la1m' 1 f . . . ················ : ··········· mt 132., ny_§n£°2fnndnnF.?i. ff sm ¤¢<¤·¤¤¤¤<·¤ 0* 1=¤¤<1¤ !¤¤ Amr ¤¤1¤¤<1 wm exempt from mcome tax until December h°“°?11*‘!l-h°¤z°d ·-····---·---·-·-· 1030 311 1g21_ _ _____________________ ___ 254 amount sul onzed 1for real estate, Army 111 . ° - . ““P Yb“°. 0 ·---· , —·-·-—· , ··.-; ····- stOckh?1§§;1su§{ ’11F;g;1;(i gig? _?1?_???l1 fj 245 holding o1pSesqu1centenma1 Exlubmon st, provision terminates December 31, 1921. 246 Ph .1 . m “¥j§’°V°d· ···············- 833 Pmemz Tan Beard, 1>. 0., 7 b¤<='¤» W7 77777 ·· P appropriation for salaries .. 672, 1329 P,gz}1;’;1‘1!;1’;l1;.’8$’1811;_;81;88;1;1 ······-·······-······ 1793 cm, . . . . # . npprnpnnenn forambassadorto eoonoeo 1¤¤¤v1*¤16f1¤¤1m¤¤¤fV¤*¤r·1¤¤’ 11*1,1*¤e¤¤ #1;:0- deticiency appropmation for expenses arbr “ ° °r vewmm ° · s . ering m trating claim nr rnnn onenan Lan- ¤¤¤¤¤z1 ed ¢¤b¤r·=¤1·¤ d¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ —---- 497 dnnn against. .,,.,... 336 =n>p7¤v¤¤¤¤¤ ig; ------------------ I ·- 507 commission created to represent the United p°Hm°¤° W1 °?°B °f P°m°m Bervmg States at tirst centennial of inde- 90 3YB m, ctc., rate merensed, etc. 834 pendnnc., of _..__.._... 67 :1v<>m¤r8 ¤1g;=·{1{:;7 g8¤—·¤¢¤; www <1¤¤¤·=<1- gg; appointment by the President .. . . - - 67 gpm G Bn ·····--··- . ·········· appropriation for expenses . 67 {<¤1<>¤¤ of ggeth 01; gdaetv 835 limitation of production of coca leaves, to "°·V°5° .8 ucem u °°P°°“°m ° 35 11 bg requested of .,,,_,.. 1433 1111 _¤°'}“l‘j1°·11; -··~--··-· · ~----- - -······ 8 eters, Henry z tppme a_ n _ _ may bring suit for damages to derrick boat appropriation fdr pay 0tR€B1d8Dt Comms- "Pgljcan ” ______________, _ _ __,,, , _ _ S10l1€I'Bfl‘0ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425, Peters, Mary (widow), for ex1penses_of ... _ 1. ._ 425, 1268 pension ... . .. 1645 for c erk hire, Resident Commission- Petmcn, Sarah C'- srs --·.- . ..--.. _ .-----·.-·-- 428, 1271 pension incr . . . . 1708 for shelter of troops in 83, 733, 1393 Petoskey, Mich., limit, oH1cers’ quarters . . . . 84, 733, 1393 preliminary examination, etc., of, harbor for care of msane soldiers at asylums m. 88, to be made ----·...·..--··-------·-- 1045 _ _ _ 739,1400 Petritz, Robert, for contmgencies, Engineer Department pension ... - . . 1728 m . ... 1 .. 89, 741, 1401 Petroleum, for care of lepers, etc., CI1l10D1 . . 124, 788, 1134 appropriation for investigations for eco- for relief an protection of slnpwrecked nomic production, etc-, of ... _ 588, 1210 Augerxqan seamen ug 603, 1072 deficiency appropriation for invest1§a·5 1511 101* distmcuye mail equipment for. .- 659, lggé tins . . . ... 3, 7 0l'8,]'l‘98.l'SO WB.1`]I1.. . . on frcc list, crude or rctiucd, etc -.--- . -..- ’ 929 for plans for fggttlicetlcns, etc -·.. . . . 741 distillates from ... . . 929 for engineer vyharf, Fort Mills- 1 . 742 Petroleum Reserves, Ahval (see Naval Pe- for constructing submarine mme structroleum Reserves). tures. 1 ,.. 1 7 42 Pettigroiw,1 929 for sparchhghts, etc., seacoast fort1iica· 112 fr t. '1 ...-----.-..------ - -·----- wm, -..·..-. . , _ ... Pe(itllr.s,€iEgIa% for electric plants, etc., forlnfieations 1402 credit in aoccounts ...,...,,.. 1800 deficiency appropriation for rehef1 of ship- Petty, .S'.;mrh A. (widow), 16211 1 wreckeéi seamen in ... 122 · ____ _ ____________________._. orseacoas eenses . . Pmxon 11 for i111vestigating rubber plantation in- 151111 d t mi 1 t ‘ ll vi ed wry -·-·--·-- - ----·-·-·----·-·—· u Y lg; . .1%). . . 888 all internal revenuesto be paid intoinsular not gold plated, etc .. 888 treasury. . 935