Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1062

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INDEX. 2603 Rwmuq Act of 1921—C0mi¤u0d. Page Revised staw ,...4;,,,1151, P gm! 1¤¤0¤1G Qf resident in China. allowed gmgndgd slgctgon 33g4`f?g° ______________ az;} exempuon of diviqends from Chim S€ct50¤’34,g0 _____________ _ ____________ Q: 1226 . T'“d° A?* c°YP°"¤E¤°¤¤ - ···----- ; - · 856 section 3689 .. _ _ 314 vrecht cxceptnons spphcablg to Chun, section 4132 ____________________________ 947 _ _TY8d9 Act_C0(;¥0i'9·ti0I1S . . . . 856 section 4777, _,..._,,__ _ ___________ _ _ _ _ _ 1030 dwxdends repmv by . .,., 356 section 4883 _________________________ _ _ _ 391 by fi0m€5tlC C0l'p0¤\t10¤S. . ., . 856 section 4898 ___,,________________ _ ______ 391 bY 1¤¤*¤‘¤·¤¢6 ¢0mP$·¤16¤ - .-··---··-·- 856 section 4906 ..,,__ _ _ 391 RQVQNU6 Act 0_/1921, A.'m€T1d1n.enl3, section 4921 ________________ _ ______ _ _ 1 _ _ 392 mcome tax computation of gain or loss in muon 4934 _,_,.,,______________ _ ______ 394 _ ¢X¢h¤¤g¤ viipwperty ..- 1560 section 5136 . _ .,____ 767 l¤00m0 tax, refun s and credits for excess section 5292 ___,_________________ _ ______ 1481 _ _ payments H}0di.6.6d .. _. . 1504 section 5211 ,...,,,, , ____,_,,______ _ 1067 llmltation on sluts for recovery after dm- ggctjou 5219 _,,____,_____ _ ___________ _ _ _ 1499 ailowspce, etc. ._ ... 1505 repealed, section 1994 ..,..,,,,,,.,. _ ______ 1922 Iwttficatxon of dxsallowancc in tax- section 2453 ,.,,,________________ _ _ _ 857 {Myer _ . 1505 sectmu 2454 ...,,,___ _ _ _ 357 ll tax on net income of indivxduals 1507 section 2903 ,,,,__,__,,______ _ _ _ 17 upon $4,000 of citizens or residents . . 1507 section 3227 ..., 315 nomesxdent alieps, resident of contig- section 3565 17 uous countnes, from Umwd States repealed by Tariff Act of 1922, section 909 . . 989 sourca ... 1507 sections 2520, 2552 .,_,,..,...,,__ _ _ _ 989 other taxable income . 1507 _ section 2524 .. . . 989 personal exemptions of uommident aliens. . 1507 section 2537 ...,. . ,..,______ 939 allowance for dependent, if rsidmis of &Cu0D 2540 .--- - - - - 989 contiguous countries. .. 1507 section 2554 ...,. Q, , 989 Rwmucfrom Guszmns, section 2561 .. , ...,____, 939 sppmpziatiou for collecting . .. 873, 1094 section 2581 ..,. 939 deficiency appropriation for collecting . . . 51, 55, sectgoma 2588-2590, ,.. . ,.,,_,___ 989 193, 196, 341, 457, 462, 780, 1055, 1554 soct10us_2609, 2610 ..,.,, 989 Revenue Stamps, gectgons 2(°7, 2638 ,, . ..,__,, 989 printing in black and white of foyeign, necqon 2652 .,.., _ , , 989 from defaced plates no vxolatum of secqons 2770-2791 ... . .. 989 " _ Criminal Coda . ... 1437 ¤oc¢}0¤¤ 2794-2803 -... . . 989 or 1I1u¤tm.tions in books, catalogues of soctgous 2805-2834 . . 989 dealer, etc . . .. 1437 · ¤ect}0¤¤ 2836, 2837 -. . ... . ... 989 enlarged borders of United States - . 1437 BBCQOD 2840. - -·----- . -.-... 989 Revised Suztutes, · BGCQOD. 2842 . . .. 989 amended, section 236 . 24 BGCQOD 2844- --·-----.. . -... 989 section 324 . . ... 621 BGCQOUB 2846-2850 ·-.-.. . ...- · -.- . . . 989 section 370- . . .. 1503 BBCQOD 2852- · -·····-- . .·.-·-... 989 muon 440. ... . 389 nectgon 2857 ..---·. . 989 muon 477 ______,___.., , _,_,.. . 389 gectgon 2859. . .. 989 muon 487 ,..,... . . 390 eocqons 2864, 2865 ... . .. 989 muon 876 _,,,,,,..,... . ... 848 sectyms 2867-2870 . . 989 ggtign 955_ ________,_____,___., . . 323, 352 wztgons 2872-2884. . 989 section 1044 __,_,,,,,,.,, , _, . ... 220 sections 2887-2896 ... . . . 989 ggctign 2294 ______,,. . - ,,,.,.. . .. . . . 1281 GBCCEODI 2898, 2890 --.. ... . ..·. · .·.. . 989 ggcfjgn 2296 _____,__,..,._,, . ... 502 sectgou 2901 ...·. . . . 989 ggtigu 2324 __________,__ _ ,__... 186 sectgcn 2906. . .. 989 ggcfjon 2372 _____________ _ ____,.,,.,.,,. 359 gectgous 2910-2918 ... . .. 989 ggcijqn 2450 _____ _ ____,____ _ ,.. . 857 SBCQODI 2920, 2921- -. . . . · .-.- . . . . . . . 989 BgctiOu24,5]___ ____ ______________,, ,____, §6Ct!.ODS2925,2926·.., .. ·gct·i°n2456_______ ____ _ _____ _____,,___, B2Ct!·OH2928..-····· . ... . ... gction 3114 _____________ _ _____,,,, , ,_., 957 sactgon 2933. . ... . .. 989 gction 31 15_ _______ _ ____ _ _____,,,,,,,,, 957 sectgons 2935-2937 .. . ... 989 ggfjon 3142 _______ _ _______ _ __,,, , ..,,.. BGCQOD 2939.--··•~• ··... . ..-- · - - · . . xgtigu 3164 _______________ _ ___.,,. , ,,,_ 311 sectgons 2945-2950 ... . .. - ... 989 secticn 3165 _____________ _ _____ _ ________ 311 gect10¤s 2953-2989 ... . .. 989 section 3167 ____________ _ ______ _ ___,____ 311 secqou 2998. . . . . . .. 989 section 3172 ___________________ , ,... 311 secqons 3000-3008 ... . .. 989 ggction 3173 _________________,,_ , ,,___.. 312 secqou 3010 . . .. 989 mcgjou 3176 ____________ _ _____ _ _________ 313 gectgons 3015-3026 . - .. - . 989 section 3182 ______________ _ ______ _ ,_____ 315 sectqcns 3028-3047 . . 989 ggctigu 3220 _________________,, . 314 sectzgons 3049-3060 ... . . . 989 gction 3225 _______________ _ _____,,,___, 316 sectqons 3063-3067 . . 989 ggdon 3226 _____________,__ _ __,,,... 315, 1505 secqons 3069, 3070 ... . .. 989 muon 3228 ______________ _ ______ _ ______ 314 sectgous 3074-3088 .. . . . . 989 section 3315 _____________ _ ____ _ _________ 319 sect10u 3088. . .. 989 section 3360 ___________________ _ _,,,_,., 288 mcqou 3090 . . .. 989 Section 3362 _____________ _ ________,,___, 287 eectgons 3095-3108 .. 989 section 3368 _____________ _ ______ _ _,_____ 287 sectgon 3110 ... . 989 whoa 3369 _______________ _ ______,,____ 205 secqcns 3120, 3121 .. 989 mum assz . . .. 287 ¤¤¤¤¤¤ 3123 ----·-------- - --·--------»-- 989