Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1065

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2606 INDEX. River and Harbor Impv-ovemento—Continued. Pan- River and Harbor Improvem.enta—Continued. Passplans of existing works modified, Sanluan modification of proyect, Columbia and Harbor, . I.; location of dredging Willamette Rivers at Saint Helens, work changed - .. . . .. 1041 Oreg 1563 projects repeale ; use of unexpended survey directed of mtracoastal waterway balances for other works ... . 1041 from New Orleans, La., to Corpus Pearl River, Mix., below Rockport . 1041 Christi, Tex . . . 1439 Brazpvs River, Tex., Old Washington to 10112 Riverdale, HL, 960- ·-··--· - ·-~··-·-·--- - ·-··-·· b °d th ° ed L'ttl Cal t Trinity 1tivei,·rex., Liberty to ns11ss.. 1042 " g°g°{{’,,,,‘§$,‘? ____ 'TY f __? ____ Tlfi lm Galena River111<;c1?1, 1111 . 1042 Rivera, Pr°i°°t‘° °°D°° ; . mm °? appropriation for lighting of . . 479, 1120 o.iJ£.?§¥EZ.’§.$’l‘iLiH“"“Ri.‘;2"}i‘X§3 gd; {3% R*g¢~j§¢»,g·gg1·,O,Sh9mn ,,],,,,1,,,, ,,,,1 Blm;51 Biver111Mic11., Port Huron and at 1012 pp Pschwl 1 1 1 _1______________ ____ 1 567 1188 e mou .. . - - · - ’ co I cdou of six mg 1 iges fm deficiency appropriation for Indian school- $1151131 general work, authorized - . 1042 . . . limit of cost; purchase from private con- RW" C°“”’!I» Cal? ¤ . ma31i:1r¤itiaar1:1;r mw yards can 1012 m*1i:1<1¤_;¤}1;¤¤¤¤m¤¤¢,t¤ gi §¤:1¤3>j1;¢ 11:1; - - - 802 IDA!) t t . . unexpended baliyczs agiliicozriations for t° l*?1d» tg %’°1€°°m°°di1gt° ···· · · 21- · completed projects available for » _ WW? Hgdi?1 ¤ _ md PYGITTEB ·· preservation, emu of other w0,.k¤_ _ _ 1042 time exten e or certain esert n enprivate telephone instaHations emitted mes m- ····· : ···················· 66 · S assessments operative from May 1, 1923. 66 for engineers at locks and ams 1042 . . . Detroit Rwe,.1 M1ch_1 ,,ppmp,.i,mQHB may 1 further extension water not available- 66 pe used for quarters of engmeering 1012 Riverton Ig·r11g1at•0rn Pro_ge¢:1€111 Wyo., 1- 1 1185 12111 orce .. - . appropna on ormam ance, e c. o . , no project to be considered live years after Rivets, _ , _ report of survey, etc. . . 1 .. 1043 duty on, iron or steel, lathed, machined, work may11>e p1osec¤111t1e1d_ by d1re1c1::1c a1ppro- itc. . ._ . ,11111.1 . % ria ons, con rung con , or no specially provi or by both . . 1043 nonskidding automobile tires . . 880 owners of vemels, etc., on navigable waters Roach, G. Fred, t1? furnish detailed statements of 1013 desert11a1n1¢1§ntry allowed 1574 usines, tonnage, etc . Roach, a . raftin of logs excepted .. . 1043 desert land eritry allowed .. • . 1574 punishment for noncompliancg 1043 Road C'omtructno1n, eéc,111 51111 prel1minary' examinations an surveys appropriation or e experiments. .. authorized .. . .. _ -. 1043 Road) Materials, _ _ allotments of cost from general appropna- 10111 appropriation for investigations and egéo 1111 tions ents .. , limited to specially designated works . . 1043 for and physical investigations. 530 supplementary reports restricted . . . 1043 Road Management, etc., no work authorized until actually appro- approsriation for investigations, etc 530, 1311 printed for .. 1 . 1043 or etenmnirig best materials, etc. .. 530, 1311 projects designated; Hudson River chan- Roads, Publek: (see ederal H§hway Act). nels on New Jersey water front. . . . 1044 Roads, Trails, etc., National arms, Norfolk, Va., Craney sland anchorage 1011 111a1p1>ro&;1i1a1t1ion for1¢;_opstruc11.1ion, etc . 520,1304 . . .. s, etc., itary oats Min;i1?i1p1p1111tiver, for harbor at Saint 1015 appropriation for iconstructidn, repairs, 1 a , mn . .. etc . 84, 733, 13 'l‘allahatch1e; am*1 Coldwater Ri\11g111811 deficiency appropriation for. . . 52, 781, 1056, 1555 etc., _1ss., or cooperative 1:;,,,,,,01,, Riva., protection . 1045 · · ging ,,1,-;,: Illinois River, Ill., for llood proven- 0111 time egg§:;E1dNi?1é_l?nd ’ by H 170 tion, etc .. 1 ,,,.,·dm,, '``````` ``````````` waterway from Erie, Pa., to Ohio River. 1046 Rggémiggqgzrésgd _____ ’ __________________ 1083 Los 1r1\1n1§1eles and Long Beach H¤1’b01'¤, 10116 Robbins, Anna (widow), conumbié iiiééif i»éh+i¤E»i%i·é`w¤u»m· ```` été Rm°“6<,‘§§$.i‘3,°°_,‘if’g;,;.;,;,;.,;,3 ·‘‘··‘‘‘······ 16*7 and Vancouver, Wash - . 1046 pensién ____ _ ____ _ ’ 1007 Gowlitz and Puyallup Rivers Wash-, Robbins Myra C. . . far •i<><>Rr>1<¤¤¤¤iv<·= 0000 9<>¤¢¤>l--- ;- -; · 1047 peiisiéii - . I .,,,, me M¤¤¤¤511>P{ V0? C0mm*¤¤Q¤ 110031 lu-¤¤· Robbimdale State Bank, Robbimdale, Minn., ction extended to tributaries from loges to Liberty bond mbscribem through Cm *0 0¤<=_H¢¤0 0* P¤¤¤<·=¤- -··-·- - 1047 imma or, to be determines, ere was annulment authorized of contract of Great payment authorized ... 1598 Lakes Dredge and_Dock Comm Roberta, Arabella (widow), t0_ 1‘€¤10Ve COQDUBS Reef, pension increased _,,,,,.,___,,,_,,___,_,, 1694 _ River, N. Y. . 1..- 1047 John L, modification of rmprovement of Indiana pension mcreued .,.. . .,.. _ .,...,, 1 738 Harbor, authorized; conveyance to Roberts, Nanme (widow), local mtemsts of lands released . 486 pension. . . . 1612