Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1076

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INDEX. 2617 "See Reimer National Park via Tacoma, Pan Seines, Pan. _ Season June-September, 1922/’ duty on, Bax, etc. . . . 902 special eancelin& stamp of, authorized for Seismologwal Association, Intunational, Tacoma, ash., post office . 502 deficien appropriation for contribution. 1161 Seed Cane, _ Senbure of chang or Vehicles, on free list, for _De(p:rr(timent of Agriculture provisions for forfeiture, etc., of, fm vinlat· 01‘ Boi-tmc eu 930 ing customs laws ,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,__ 982 Seed for Secdmg,_ _ Selby, Mary E. (willow), farmers borrowing money for, m 1918 and pension increased ,..,,,,,,,_,,,_____ 1643 1910 released from payment, if crop Se ctive Draft (see also Registration and _ a failure . . . 1322 Selection for Service), yield per acre deemed a failure . 1322 denciency appropriation or registration, Seed Grain for Crop Failure Areas, selection, etc., for 52,56, 196, 341, 345, advances to farmers for purchasing wheat, _ _ 458, 463, 780, 785, 1056, 1167,1170, 1554 etc., for seed purposes, for crop of amenabihty to trial of persons willfully 1922 ..,... 467 violating terms of, not changed by terms and conditions .. 467 _ _ _ laws, etc., as_to end of World War.. 421 limit to one person . , _. . 467 liabilities for violatnorm of, not terminated appropriation; part for use m the Dis- 16; Resolution declaring end of the mct, ._.,,, : .. . - . . 467 _ orld War ... . .. . ... 107 punishment for making false statements, Selenium, _ etc., to obtain loans, etc . . . 467 on free list, and salts of .. 930 Seed Grain for D1¥ougg1?tricken Areas;0 Selleck, Henry C. (sem), 16. I a ti or ectmg` loans farm- ° ll . 5 d";"°".,,“§;.§f{, ,,,, E . 1820 s.l}2““°., Em. M om.), lm ‘ a ro ° n or ° ... . . . . .. ° "‘°{L?.. $’¥.m¥.s¤. sr, 1s2s.°°u°°m·ii2 .. Ass sl’°““‘°"‘., ag, an t 668 Sud , co a ... . appropriation for testing commercial, adul· Scrnnhrid and Irrigated Wegta-ri Districts, _ terated, etc 515, 1300 appropriation for ex in in durymg preventing aduiiseion of 8dl.11t9!'B1i8d, _ _ and meat 536, 1317 etc., for seeding -.. _515, 1300 Semwnd Land Fanqwny, _ for investigating introduction of foreign appropriation forunpmyingmethodsol. 515,1300 plants and . , 16, 1301 "Semwentmn1al, Umoermy ofA.rbansas, lieu for purchase, testing, etc., new md _ 10-14, 1,922 (jifty years of serqws), rare .. . . 516, 1301 special cang:5 sump of, authorised for for diffusing commercial infomation of _ _Faye ’ e, Ark., post office .. 421 supply, market price, etc. of . .. 532,1314 Semmanes, ets., _ _ deficiency appropriation for purchase and on_free list b0oks etc., for; lumt . 925 distribution of valuable .. 54, 347, 783 Seminole lnefnans, 1%:, duty on, aromatic, not garden . . .-··.- 864 Sppmgrlatton for relief, etc., of . . ._ . , 1189 castor beans, ,__,,...,,,...,... 895 Semmo hf·;limTn;bg§la. (see also Five Civixseed ... 895 ` , ggrden ... 895 appropriation for tribal schools, ., 575, 1196 grass ... . ... 895 or repairs, etc., to school hmuldnngn. 1197 oil bearing . . ... gg? gmsgcgmmgpmirwb ... . o.6, 1107 $£g{'.`.`]ZfZZZf§§ZCi Z I i I Z Z I I I Z Q XIII] ZZ sim duty O?. mma Sc. t.p.»¢n1¤y pm»·mr».a _; ‘ nfl ..,.. . . . . 805 or. . .. ,7: on.?ree°1i;(;,Tchickpca¤ or garbanzos ... gtutggt not set 3

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gr Agriculture or Botanic excise tax on sales of. by de•len• . 293 Garden ... Segaognn, 893 h , ,,,.,,,._., . ..,...,,,.,. , ,, n on , . ¤5'f‘é’mg; ¤¤¤di¢i¤¤¤ --------------.- 3293 S;;¤:1>¤¤¤· dui? <>¤ --··---·-·---·--·-·--- 9 rm ``'`````'```` ]]jQ[§][]§j[]j[[[f[ 959 a roriation for compenation or sem. rape . . - PP P sesame ..., . ... . . . .. f églrs .. . ...,. :923, Bugubect ••·-· _ -~·····---··--···--·~-- vr %$°··· ···· i1;···{.: ········ ·;··· ·· Seeds, etc., C'o·ngresmonalAllot1nev:t. e¢c.,_ for secreary to e ice Presx eng', _ apprepriation for purchase, distnbutwn, 516 for Cmhiglgiz ------·-·--·--~-·-~---- sei°;2°{x5§,'§5'{5`i5éi1i{§fZQZZQZZZIZZZ gn; forSecretary;.simicsri1nt;clerl:s. mu- 42;,1.% seed-packet contracts, etc ... ol. for superintendent, etc., of documergq _ €<>§¤>¤—1`¤¤=¤1di¤trib¤li¤¤ -------- - ·--~ 017 mm ··--- - -·--·--»---·--·-- ; - · · 4--- 1265 sou ern delivery; allotments uncalled 51_ for téeéks and messengers to ( ommigo 1265 for .. . . 4 --, t BBE . · · ‘ f — panmo of Senate Manual 423, 1266 mh(idtdeif..R1T: . . Er. 517 fos]: liiséstance tt;> Senators cxlilot - . e o commx ees specifi v Segaeiisigglen A. (lmdmQ` ,,,__,,___ _, ,,,, 1632, 1697 pmvidetixfor ,,__,,,_, _ ,___,_____, 42%, 1266 $*9** ·*¤~*e?`*"”·*·? H , , { I dime f,.:‘“$%?,?;;;°'2;Er‘§ it *26* ‘ ’ ., 0 H ‘— “""'°".I§?“€§;‘L.'°,§§,‘Ll"’r‘,f,.a.?.? 5:4 :1,200 . as 1‘2•»o