Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1104

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INDEX. 2645 Tm-if Act o{ 1922—Continued. Pam T:1§f_Qommiaviqn5Continued. Punburden o proof on clarmant for property ditional duties 1m_posed . . . 946 in srnts for forfeiture of vessel, etc. - 987 ascertain conversion costs and costs of on dexndapt, in lsuits ger recovery of 987 Kr-slductxion inl United States of v ueo vesse seize . . ... ‘ mj _ ________________ 946 probable cause for suit tp be shown. . - 987 in oi imports 946 compromise, etc., bys omcrals of claims select an describe representative im-. ixlnger ws, unlawful ... 327 Algorts American articles-. . 946 pums en or 7 arti simi1arto' ports.- 946 authority of the Secretary .. - .. 987 costs of all rlelplresentazifiorf, of facts by officer in charge . . 987 five articles . . . 946 owanrieg if recommended by Solici- 98 selling price of representative Ameritor o e 'Treasury . 7 can arti les ... 946 apphlrlxiitirigr 2,1- remission of tines, etc .. other faiftgaigdecting competition . . . . . m au on gran ... . ... .. powers co err ...,,,_, . ..

 to be taken  .. . - Z ... 988 sworn statement of selling price  

award to_ ormer made beforefiling 988 United States by importer, Amencompensation allowed to person, not an of- can producer, etc., required ... 947 iiual, for seizing, reporting vesel, office to be established at New York .. 947 etc., violatin customs laws . 988 seal authorized, ,..., 947 furnishing origingl information of fraud attendance of witnemes, etc., at place of on revgniue, etc., leading to recov- 988 cnf hearingni) . E ... 947 ` utres etc . . ... t 'ct territo ` ¤mrZSi§.T’ ’ as °'§.°£&? ...1 ms.·re““.r combs punishment for receiving money from supreme court . 947 informer byollicial .. . . 988 pumshment for contempt on refusal _ recovery oi_money pand .. - . . . 988 _ to appear, etc ... : .. _.. . 947 time for bringing mute for of differences m gusts of production of 1311- pecumary' penalt , tc., com- rts com `tive ° 0- menced within iize greats . . 988 ii1°estic·l;articles,pet:>1 be absence from country not included . 988 by, to assist the President in — emergency extension, y reason of war, of ing duties, etc ._ .. . . ,. . 943 time prescribed herein foranywact- - . 988 to ascertain _ by foreign additional general regulations to pre- countries against United States scribed by Secretary of Treasury 988 _ products, commerce, etc ... _ 946 repeal, etc., of existing laws not to affect unfair acts cmnpetmon m unportatrons, an pending proceedings, rights, etc., in urrous to American mdusy . lm. . etc., under .,.. 383 tnes to mvatigzttied by .. m ' hte, liabilities, etc ,._,,.., . . . 8 powers proc 016 ··..---~---

c3gion, etci;1 of eoiffenses under ...   T effect of iindinslj -·..-··-...----·-- 944

ns con u . . , r repeal of sections of Revised Statuti-38 - Tdlltygu, C;¤ld6 · · ·.·.·········~ - ------ 859 desrgna' ted la .. · -------- »

 ,,,,,., . . .. 989 illlliyllll ...·· ····.y·······~ ····-·- 859

invalidity of any clause, etc., not to affect Tartarie Acid, remainder of Act ... . .. 989 duty on- . . , ..··-···.-·-··- · ···----··- 859 snfcugive daetg .. . . m Tagtrate Coleman. 859 tj; 6 Bch; _________________, , ,..., u on, cru e . .-.···- · additional copies of, ordered printed . . ._ . . . 1816 Tang, domestic animals, cattle, etc., urwg duty on, cotton . . 900 etc., auom boundargggnor to flax, etc ... . .. 903 1, 192gé gdyiyzjtfgd tha of duty, if 1562 silk, ptc: gt; return in mgn ______,,,,,,,, WHO, ..--····-···· ·-·· T · Bug, Iggy, woolen., 1 .. . .. 906 Tigitional cogies 0% with iridex, ordered 1808 Tatum, Anma (wrdcw), 1653 Sens}l';li1oc?rli:a¤t0c..nm.. . T? .:1:::::::;: ss T.t‘”‘“'°“Sr,r,4t;»z.,;.m·1s.;t.;g· pw Senate print, with index, ordered as a wrong, 1097 Senate document .-- 1814 appropmucn for erypcnses .-. 775 ordered printed __,__,.,_ _ __,,,,,,,,, 1815 deficiency appropriation for oxpqosg. - _ 4.54, correction in enrollment of, ordered . . 1816, 1816 mtabhshment of . . _ . _ . . 317 Senate Finance Committee hearings on, three menrbers representing the public, ordered printed ,,____,,,.,.,,, , , , , 1812 appomtod by the Prgidgntz _______, 3],7 Tori], Chinese Cuatomr, Internal Revenue Bureau, appointed by appropriation _ for representatives, under 1 bu the Seicretatzy ... .. B IR 317 · “°“""-“‘ ‘°““‘°“ °" ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 6 ° P" °8'ft‘§;'3e.§§'}a,,§F"° L3, ,,,23;, 317 Tmf C°""”?”'°”’ · 240 B b mmg’ without MEL ap mpnauon for salaries and expenses. 646, 1 ureau_ mem ers serve 317 gr printing and bimiing f<>r -·-----···-· 1241 _ ¤¤¤a1 my -------------- , -·-------- for additional $240 a year to mnploye’¢;s4, 1559 clencalbeassistancgafi omce supplies, etc., to 317 0 _, ,_,,. . .---.·--· ·•·· · ’‘ ""' " °` Z" ’ ‘ f ’ es¤ga' rocedure, forms, etc., of Bureau to be in- “`°°“°§?"’¤ii·’$$”?m? *·?f¤i¤~· iii is P tgrésgrgrtei mszmcnrm for 1156 report to Co¤gr¤; control of expensu 317