Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1134

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INDEX. 2675 W?1shington’s Birthplace, Wake/ield V _ P Wax, p · · appropriation for maintenance, etcgi. 759, 11519 (l`Jud ’dLr$iwn (sec F°d°“‘l Power Page- Wiifiy oo oo. ed W‘“"' S“"’”€¥ °’ f“"'”* on CQ 11 man_ tur etc ._,_ _ _ _ 898 Spptoprm on or ' , t _ ¤°° ¤r;¢°1**11>"l>r¤v¤<1•=<1 f<>r· Y ... 921 mosnc . 11 1 . - .1 ii .d§1 mz

    ...,, , __________ 905 Water Supply of age Umxod ,5*;,;;,;,,, ’

°¤ ¢01’ --·--. . .. . . . 926 aPP1'0P1’19·t10¤_ or investigatin st , 1; cotmn...’ . 927 _ determine the; &l'1'»8S18»HV§éuB.f: 5§7, 1208 pager stock . . .,,,, 930 Wawnny Flapes, Publu: Lands, Wm? . ..._.., , , 931 nppmprnzgipn for clamiying, ono., lands for ls » P11 c . . ... 5 dugycgzitij ____________ _ _ _ 374 Wat"' 100, IWG, 87, 1209 77,,;,,;, ywmmu, ````````'``` 1€1’1¤¤ of court at 1483 gutiyn lv`' ·````'```'``'````` ````` 884 W 111gl to 1588 W,§,§,,,§T‘,§,'°q“ °“ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 884 Wawrproof Cloth, ````'`````'```````` duty uu ________________________ _ _______ 884 Wgtlgy oil}, cogoxz or otlger vegetable f1ber... 900 Watches, at ‘ wow v duty on dials enameled, for ..,..,,,,. Q, 884 °Dm°°1n?T°°°°d ············ · --····· 1634 jewels, for movements of ... 884 Wpaumt mllwm W1 gxcigg tax on sales of, by dealers ,,_,____,_ 293 ·····•·•· · ······’‘’*··· 1742 Water a·nd§ey2ers at Ldlimry Posts, T3 °ftiN“"’;91‘fIbI‘. S"‘“""·" (W C°¤‘ approprngtion for expenses; limit on new W I , B"? °D7° Mazawgable W’•t"”» °1°·)· W -.. . --. 8 78 1391 ¤ . . ·· . Wgm Cob", l I l' 1* Wb•l¤uoo,o for, covered m 755 ut on, pemtmgs etc .. . .,,,.,_ 920 · on gee list, origimil paintings in, etc . 933 hndc,umu]°mc¢jd,g{u(;,mut;n 3f' `m' 'glisx 'u‘u,' 766 Water Departvneng 7)).) C'., (au also Water received., uuthmdzud 767 apipropriation ,for sulaiies and expenses.710, 1368 Omega ,2 cumoudusgd _____ fil" hm? omcg 1179 °' °P°“?·“°’¥ °*P"“B€“ -·-·-·· ; ------ 7111 1368 Watervlict Arsenal, West U `°`` for distribution system extension 710, 1369 bdymue of apptupdmudu cuvédd in 755 rates of amessments for laying mains, Wuumuy, Ummm Cuuudh, " S€I'V1(;G BCWBPB, €tC., 1J1Cl'@B0d. . 710, 1369 appropriation for of l ~~ for instnlhng meters, etc 710, 1369 77,,;,,,,,,,7,, ]·,,;,mg, ` ''‘ ’ for f¤·=¤¤<1 P“b1*° 1¤v<1¤n¢¤» ee --·-- 710,1369 improvement authorized of Core Sound fm- purchase, etc., pumping unit. .,,.,,, 710 to Beaufort, N_ C_ _ _ _’_ _ _ _ _ ____ ___ _ 1039 for I3;z vg111§;`y 11; plans for impnévimentiu of, from the Minis- , sippi to s ine iver, Ls., and Tex. Park . - 710 odjged ____ _ ____ _ ’ for new Avenue from no pro11m§:ry eidumlmtgodi-zo`Be` or, 1041 ooo ooomo, o.oo;o;.:‘.‘.‘::::i; ooo ml.? . .?‘f.?: ‘1.Tf’.}‘f’Tf"T‘?‘T?‘T ooo for addmonel $240 ¤ year to employees Lake Charles to sobioo 1z1»·oo,·roo. and oi, from revenues thereof. ... 714, 1559 La 1045 for additionel $240 a year to employees Erie, Pa., to the Ohio River . 1046 of;}V;i1l;ngton Aqueduct, from wstg{4 1559 Waterways, Inlangl cmd (fomtwiae, re e ... _ . _ ... _ 1 , f penf transports ' deficiency appropriation for lugh service .ppmp es?>ln,0by Wa1¥§)sp•rtmenLh?Zn60 1421 system ._ .. 443 deficiency appropnntion for operating ’ for extendmgguuns, etc . 443, 1534 W In t;Za;1sp£>rt:§Fn fgcilities on .. 1551 Winer Sermkc, D. ., at 'ns, iza et _ ars , appr riation for Washington Aqueduct ayment to for injuries . 1769 Oplleservoir, tunnel, filtration plant: Flgthns, .l@’·m1ly(u·ndow), tc ... 3 pension increased ... . 1742 for pieparing plans, initiatixm work, etc., 94 Watsmt, F. (widow), 1704 f r increasing water supp y . .,,. pension 111¢@ _ ... . for ingreaslgg cig water supply .. 709, 1%; Whtsmg, Lomsa (undow), 1614 project opt ... pension . ... contracts authorized . 1367 Watson, Thomas E., late a Semztorr, _ condemnation (proceedings, etc., for deficiency appropnauon for pay to widow __ acquiringlzm s, etc. ... 1367 of lloo for expenses, wholly from revenues of Wattle, _ water department. . 709. 1368 duty 011, €X¢¤¤3t» ¤0¤81¤011011¢ ·-------.-.. 854 for Washington Aqueduct, reservoir, Watt]; Built, tunnel, filtration plant, etc . . 709, 1368 on free 1181 ···-· - ··-·----------·-··---·- 927 for Conduit Road, repairs, etc ... 709,1368 Watts, _Arthur P., for emer ency fund . ... 709, 1368 Ctedltlil 8·€€¤1mlB ·····--··--· - --·-··-··-- 1901 control of Secretary of War over Watts, joseph, _ a.queduct,etc., not affected - ?09, 1368 Wpensxon. -_ ---· _ --·-.··-··-------------·.. 1 #44 for water department, salaries 710,1368 atts, _Mame (widow), '_ for extending mains ,. . . 710, 1369 P€¤B'l0¤ ---- - ········-·--—-····-·-—»--·— 10- 1