Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/214

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1768 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Cris. 57, 58, 61. 1923. Fw 19% CHAP. 57.·-An Act For the relief of Edwin Gantuer. P““‘°°’ N°‘1`°°'] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Edwin Gmm,,_ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Land pam: to, mr of the Interior is authorized to issue a patent to Edwin Gantner h°”"”°°d°°°"‘ upon homestead entry, Newcastle naught twenty-five thousand three hundred and four, embracing the west one—half section twenty-six, and the north one-half section twenty-seven, township fifty-two north, range seventy-four west sixth principal meridian, made by said Edwin Gantner, without requiring further residence. Approved, February 3, 1923. F°kigr{1;Y]lm' CHAP. 58.-An Act For the relief of William B. Lancaster. [Private, 0.160.] mmm B_ 1,,,,,,, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representattves of the Wlimmy I U nited States of America in Congress assemibled, That the Secretary z¤,z¤1¤1¤¤¤. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to dpay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate , to William B. Lancaster, during his natural life, the sum of per month, to date from the passage of this Act, as compensation for injuries sustained while emplo ed bly the Reclamation Service at the west portal Strawberry 'lxunne , Strawberry Valley (project, Utah, said monthly payments to be paid through the Unite States Employees’ Compensation Commission. Approved, February 5, 1923. [ [S; gilqtii-§ CHAP. 61.-An Act For the relief of Lucy Paradis. VEB, 0. . ` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentattves of the i:’1`iiqnP:f;“ii°¤`w¤ United States of America in Congress assembledw That jurisdictwn

 be, and hereby is conferred upon the Court of Claims to hear, deeicudngigsk-. r¤¢•m¤ termine, and render final judgment ulpon the claim of Lucy Paradis
  • ° ° for horses belongin to her and kille and destroyed u on the Chey-

enne River Indian lieservation, or elsewhere, in the Sitate of South Dakota, by the Indian agent in char of said Cheyenne River Indian Reservation and other persons und; his authority, with right of appeal as in other cases. '¤°*°'°'°“°¥·°‘°· hat a petition may be filed by the attomeys of the said Lucy Paradis in said court within six months from the approval of this Act, and service of said petition shall be had by filing copies thereof with the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Interior, and answer thereto shall be filed in said court within sixty days after the service of the petition. ,,§2§_°°°° ‘° *’° °°°’ The court may receive and consider all fpapers, depositions, records, correspondence, and documents hereto ore filed in the executive dgpartments of the Government, together with an other evidence o ered, and shall render a judgment or decree thereon for such amount, if any, without interest if any, as the court shall find legally or equitably due the said Lucy iParad1s. ,,,§,2f,‘§,§f°°"‘°"" °‘ Said cause shall be advanced on the calendar of said court and the amount for which 'udgment may be rendered, when paid to the party named in said judgment or her duly authorized and accredited attorney, shall be received in full and final settlement of the claim for said unlawful destruction of said horses. Approved, February 6, 1923.