Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/352

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-—SPAIN. FEBRUARY 4, 1921. 1909 Convention between Spain and the United States of America con- ceming the exchange of parcel posts. Signed at Madrokl February 4, i 1921, at Washington March 1, 1921; approved by the President, March 2, 1921. CONVENTION BETWEEN OONVENIO DE PAQUETES SPAIN AND THE UNITED POSTALES ENTRE ES- STATES OF AMERICA CON- PANA Y LOS ESTADOS CERNING THE EXCHANGE UNIDOS DE AMERICA. OF PARCEL POSTS. For the urpose of making Con el iin de estrechar las re- .}Q,°;,°§* P°°*.°°¤v°¤· better postal) relations between lacionesupostales entre Espana y uPr¤¤¤iii>iiimm` Spain and the United States of los Est os Unidos de América, America, the undersigned Excmo. los infrascritos, Excmo. Sr. Conde Sr. Count de Colombi, Director de Colombi, Director general de General of Posts and Telegraphs Correos y Telégrafos, y Albert of Spam, and Albert Sidney Bur- Sidney Burleson, Postmaster Geleson, Postmaster General of the neral de los Estados Unidos de ' United States, in virtue of the América, han acordado, en virpowers that have been conferred tud de los poderes que les han sido uppn them, have agreed upon the conferidos, las disposiciones sito owing conditions, with the ob- guientes, con objeto de establecer ]ect of establishing a system of un sistema de cambio de paqueexchange of parcel posts between tes postales entre los dos paises. the two countries. Article I. Articulo I. _The provisions of this Conven- Las disposiciones del presente S°°p°°‘°°¤v°°u°°' tion apply exclusively to the ex- Convenio son aplicables excluchange o parcel post mails ac- sivamente al cam io de paquetes Cording to the system herein postales, slggfin las reglas que esprovided for. It does not change tablece. 0 modifican en nada IH any way the arrangements los Acuerdos actualmente exisnow existin in virtue of the tentes en virtud del Convenio Universal Postal Convention, postal universal, los cuales con- Which will continue in force; all tinuaran en vigor; todas las disthe following provisions ap ly posicionos siguientes se reiiereu only to the arcels exchan edp in iinicamente a los dpaquetes cam- Virtue of tlie articles og this biados en virtud e los articulos Convention. del presente Convenio. Article II. Articulo II. 1. Except the objects expressly 1. A excepcion de los objetos ,,,§"‘,,,*,§,,‘@,{‘*"~‘“***°""° Prohibited by Article III there expresamente prohibidos or el Pom v- 1910- Gan be exchanged, under the con- articulo Ill, pueden cambiarse, ditions of this Convention, mer- bajo las condiciones del presente chandise and other postal matter Convenio, mercancias y otros ob- . that are admitted under any form °etos postales que sean admitidos to the domestic mails of the bajo cualquier forma ala circulacountry of origin and of the coun- cién en el servicio interior del pais try of destination. Nevertheless, de origen y del pais de destmo. Rvquiremsnts.