Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/410

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TREATY—CHINA. Ocronma 20, 1920. 1967 I1n·oa·r T.LRH'I‘·-COHHDIIQ. Import tarli!. P qpgggd Agreed Value. lDuty No. Name of Article. Raw Per Hk. Tls. Hk. Tls. umn:. suasnxces, new nm PREPAB-ED—0011td. Borzces, Feathers, Hair, Horns, Shells, Sinews, Tasks, e .:— 448 Bones Tiger .. Picul .. 56.00 2.80 449 Cow liezoar, Indian ... Value 5 per cent ... . ,.,.. . ,,_,_

550 Crocodllisand Armavcéhhlo bi .. gicul ., 53. 00 3. 00

Elephan 0 e or .. a . . 60 0. 18 452 Feathers, Kingdsher, Whole Skins Hutgired ...,.. 12. 00 0. 60 453 Feathers, Part Skins (1. e., Wings, Tails, or B E . Hundred .. 8. 00 0. 40 454 Feathers,P ,,..,._.,,... Value5peroent ... . .,,,. . . 455 Hm,Horse-... ... Picul .. 4200 2.10 456 Hair, Home Tarls . Picul .. 50.00 2. 50 457 Hams, Butralo and Cow ,.. Picul ,...,. 13. 00 0. es 458 Haus, Deer . . . Picul .. 34. 00 1. 70 450 Horns, Deer, Old ... . .. Picul .. 140. 00 7.00 460 Horns, Deer, Young (northern) ... Pair ... 50. 00 2. 50 401 Horns, Deer, Young (southern) .., Value 5 per cent ... . . . .,,. . 462 Horns, Rhlnoeeros Getty . so. 00 4. 00 463 Musk . . ... Catty . 180. 00 9.00 464 See·ho¤e Teeth ... Value 5 per cent. . . . . . 405 Sinews, Cow and Deer Picul. . 20. 00 1 1.00 mann, wooo, nnmoos, nm xanaxs. '1‘lmher:— IU Lnths . 1000 pieces 4.20 0.21 Ordlnaw (not includ.iu%'1`cak and other enumerated oods), Rough own: 467 Hardwood . . .. 1000 sup. ft., B. M . 29.00 1.45 408 Sdtwood .. . ... . ... 1000 sup. ft., B. ll . 23.00 1. 15

, Sawn:

409 wood .,,..,.. I000sup.ft., B.M . 36.00 LSI 470 .,.,. ( .. ,.. 1000 sup. lt., B. M . 30. 00 1.50 Ordinary an aetured m ding an recess

 than simple sawing), exclusiveyof Masts

ars: 471 Hardwood: a) Clear on net measure . 1000 sup. tt., B. M . 60. 00 3. 00 b) Merchantable, on net measure . 1000 sup. It., B. M . 42. 00 2. 1.0 477 Sottwood: a) Clear ocunetmeasure . l000sup.It.,B. M . 50.00 2.50 Eb) Marchantable on net measure 1000 su?. it., B. M . 36. 00 1. 80 473 Ordinary Masts and épars ,,,,_._..._,,,,. Value per cent ... . . . .. 474 Railway Slee . . Value 5 per cent ... . . { .. 475 Teak-wood, eams and Planks 1000 sup. ft., B. M . 135. 00 6. 75 Wood, Bamboos, Rattans, etc.:- 476 Canes, Bamboo ... Thousand . 8. 40 0. 42 477 Rattan Skin .. . ... Picul .. 15. 00 0. 75 478 Remus, com or when ..,,..,,,,,,,,..,,. Pieul .. e. 41 0. 32 479 Rattans, Split . Picul .. 6. 70 0. 34 480 Wood, Camagon .. Pico.! . . 3. 20 0. 16 481 Wood, Camphor. .,,,__,_,_,,.,.,. Value 5 per cent ... . . . . 482 Wood, Ebony ...,,,,_,___,_,,..,,.,. . . Value 5 per cent ... . . . . 483 Wood, Fragrant ,,,_ _ _____________,,_,,,,,...,.,...,. .. Value5per cent ... . . . . 484 Wood, Gaing ________ _ ___________ _ ____,___ , _,,,_,,.,,,. Cstty. . . .. 2. 40 0.12 485 Wood, Kraujee ,_,___,________,,__,___,,_,,,,,.,.,...,. Value 5 per cent. .. . . . . 486 xw, L' ° S?i|;Dy°S· Value 5 per cent 1 um . . .. . . . . 487 Wood; OLE ’ . W 'alue 5 per cent ... . . . . gg {gm. Pure ... . .. goo} .. $3 3. ga R _ _,,,, . . . ..,.,... , .,,,...,.,.,,.,,. . . on wml %e2$'E..? _..,. rs$¤ .. ww v-43 491 gg, gonna: pgs; .,,_,_,,,,.,... Value s per cent ... . . . . 492 Wood; S::m¤étieg.??? . Piece .. 0.18 0. 000

 xm, Seemed  . .. .  Value g per een: ---·-·- - ---···-·- - ·--------

ood Shavln Hin ki .. ’e e per een ... . . . . 495 Wood;Veneer?: . ? Valge5perce¤t ... . .. ... .. In this tarm, by Sottwood is meant the wood of ¥:Y conikarous tree augigt agvtreegs with ‘;1:redle" mom eaves, e. g., es urs, pruoes ches Yew Iunipers and Cypreases. The wood of all trees with broad, leaves is to be classed as Hardwood. coax., mtr., rrrcn, nm cnn. gg .. . .. . .. . .. gon ...,. . .,.,. 1%% Bri uettee . .. . . . . . eas c1°;°Qm.{{ ___________ _ ________________________ , _,.. pgeliu . . -1.093 0.05 gg gre {jj] ,..,, gon ...,.,,_,,. 12.% 3.% ' Fuel. .,. . .. 1 5 . 501 Pig? .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ... ... . .. 4.700 on 502 Tar, Ogg] _____________ _ __________________ _ ________,,,. . Pleul .. 1. 600 0.08