Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/509

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2066 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION—Novnms1m 30, 1920. 4********- 4° classe: Chosen, Dane- 4th class: Chosen (Korea), mark, Finlande, Norvege, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Portugal, colonies portu- Portugal, Portuguese Cologaises de l’Afrique, colonies nies m Africa, Portuguese gortugaises en Asia et en Colonies in Asia and ceacéanie; nia; °°‘°'““' 5° classe: Bulgaria, Chili, 5th class: Bulgaria, Chili, Colombia, Maroc (a l’exclu- Colombia, Morocco (except sion de la zone espavnole), Séianish Zone), Morocco Maroc (zone espagnolze du), ( panish Zone), Peru, Tunis; Pérou, Tunisia; °**¤¤*¤· 6° classe: Bolivie, Costa- 6th class: Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, République Do- Rica, Cuba, Dominican Reminicaine, Eguateur, Gua- piublic, Ecuador, Guatemala, temala, Haiti, Republique ayti,Republic of Honduras, du Honduras, Luxembourg, Luxembourg; Republic of République de Nicaragua, Nicaragua, epublic of Pan- République de Panama ¤Pa- ama, araguay, Persia, Reragua , Perse, Republique public of Salvador, Territory de Salvador, Territoire de la of the Sarre, Kingdom of Sarre, Royaume de Siam, Siam Uruguay, Venezuela, Uruguay, Venezuela, colo- Dutch Colonies in America; nies néerlandaises en Amé- rique: "***°*¤~ 7°c1asse:Colonie du Congo 7th class: Colony of the belgg, etablissements espa- Belgian Congo, Spanish Esiilo du golfe de Guinée, tab 'shments in the Gulf of ande ensemble des Colo- Guinea, Iceland, the whole nies italiennes, ensemble des of the Italian Colonies, the dépendances 'aponaises au- whole of the Japanese Detres ue Le Chosen, Liberia, peindencies except Chosen, Iles Philippines, République `beria, Philippine Islands, do St-Marin. Republic of San Marino. XXXVIII XXXVIII csnapinammwiin Communications a adresser au Omnmunications to be addressed ""“"“"°““’ ““‘°°" Bureau ·internat1Zonal. to the International Bureau. uneguxamoemca- 1.——LeBureauinternationalsert 1. The International Bureau °°‘°' d’intermédiaire aux notifications serves as the medium for regular régulieres et genérales qui inte- notincations of a general characressent les re ations internatio— ter concerning international renales. lations. U1¤r¤r¤¤=;r_i¤¤i¤r 2.-—L8S.AdII1lI1lStI&tl0DSf&lS8Dl3 2. In particular the Adminis- °i°°°°°° "°s` partie de l’Union doivent se com- trations elonging to the Union muniquer notamment, par l’in- must communicate to each other termediaire du Bureau interna- through the medium of the Intertional: national Bureau: smenugame 1°1’indication des surtaxes 1. Particulars of the sur- ,m,,p_1m, qu’elles percoivent par ap- charges which, b virtue of ggication de l’article 6 de a artic e 6 of the fimnvention, nvention, en plus de la they collect in addition to taxe de l’Union, pour frais the Union rate to cover the de transport extraordinaire, cost of extraordinary servainsi que la nomenclature des ices as well as a list of the pays par rapport auxquels countries in respect of which ces surtaxes sont gercues, et, these surcharges are collected, s’il y a lieu, la ésignation and, if DBCGSSSIY, particulars des voies qui.en motivent la of the routes on which surperception; charges are due;