Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/574

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TRAVELING SALESMEN CONVENTION—PARAGUAY. Ocr. 20, 1919. 2].31 The present Convention shall El presente convenio quedara D“‘“’i°°- remain m force until the end of en vigor hasta seis meses dessix months after either of the pués de que cualquiera de las High Contracting Parties shall Altas Partes Contratantes haya have given notice to the other of dado aviso a la otra de su inten- 1ts intention to terminate the cion de denunciarlo, reservandose same, each of them reserving to cada una de ellas el derecho de itself the right of giving such dar ese aviso a la otra en cualnotice to the other at any time. quier momento. Queda ademas And it is hereby agreed between convenido entre las partes que, the parties that, on the expira- trascurridos seis meses des ués tion of six months after such de que cualquiera de ellas £aya notice shall have been received recibido de la otra el aviso menby either of them from the other cionado, este convenio cesara y goarty as above mentioned, this terminara. nvention shall altogether cease and terminate. IN TESTDJONY WHZEREOF EN FE DE LO CUAL los re- S‘°°°°”°" the respective plenipotentiaries zgetivos plenipotenciarios han have signedthese artic esand have ado estos articulos y los han thereunder affixed their seals. sellado con sus sellos. DONE in duplicate, m English HECHO en dos oiéginales en and Spanish, at Washinglton, this inglés y espanol en ashington twentieth day of Octo er, one el dia 20 de Octubre de 1919. thousand nine hundred and nineteen. . ‘ [emu.,] Ronmrr LANSING. [san,.] M. Goimna And, Whereas, the time limited by the said Convention within Q d which the exchange of ratincations thereof should take place expired before the exch e of ratifications could be effected, and the ratifications of the said Convention were thereafter exchanged on March 22, 1922, notwithstandinghsuch limitation, but upon the condition that the said Convention s ould not be binding upon, oiipromuggated b either of the parties thereto, until the Senate of the nited tates should have duly sanctioned the exchanegie of ratiiications aforesaid; Comm O, me Bm And, Whereas, the Senate of the Unit States by their Resolution 2:: ¤<> d¤¤•y•d r•¤¤¤•· of April 24, 1922, did advise and consent to the said exchantge of °' ratifications and to the promulgation of the Convention, an did provide that the said rati cations shall be deemed and taken to have een regularly exchanged, the limitation contained in the said Convention to the contrary notwithstandmw _ _ hmhmum Now, Therefore, be it known that I, arren G. Hardmg, President . of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and ever? article and clause thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good aith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In Testimon Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the {Inited States to be _ Done at the City of Washinlion, this twenty-eighth day of April in the year of our rd one thousand nine hundred and [san.,] twenty-two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-sixth. WARREN G Hannmo By the President: Cnaamrs E. Hucnns Secretary of State.