Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/576

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PARCEL rosr ooNvnN·r1oN-SWEDEN. 2133 glirth combined, six feet (one hun- mans 6 engelska fot (= 185 cm.), red eighty—five cent1meters);and Paketen skola vara sa insl a, must be so wrapped, or enclosed att deras innehall ma kunn;glE:l.t— as to permit their contents to be teligen undersokas av postfunkeasily examined by postmasters tionarer och tulltansteman. Till and customs oficers, excepting befordran fa emelllertid icke mot— onlythosearticleswhoseadmission tagas foremal, viklas inforsel pa. in this manner is forbidden by the detta satt ar forbjuden enligt laws of the country of destination, adresslandets lagar. Underratdue notice of which shall be mu- telse i dylikt avseende skall tually given byythe postal author- omsesidigt meddelas av ostforities o the nited States and yaltningen i Forenta glzaterna Sweden, respectively. res ektive Sverige. _The following articles are pro- lgoljande foremal fa icke for- A'“°*°°P'°h“*“°d· lllblliédl PUbll0fil}l0I]S Wl'11Cl1 V10- g§_Hdg_5 i pakgfq n§,m1iggng Publi. lute tho oopcyfight l8·WS of tho kationer, som kranka adresslancountry of estmation; EOISODS dets lagar om den litterara agenand explosive or inflamma le sub- deratten; gifter och explosiva elstances; live_or dead animals, ex- lm- lgtt, anggndjiga gmmm; 16. cept dead msects _ and reptiles vgndg och d5d8, jul- med umhm. when thoroughly <l¤od_; f1’¤1tS and tag av doda insekter och reptilier V€€S Wl111Cl1 6&S].ly d€COIIr fuugténdigtg tgrkgf, f,iHg{;§,nd; Bose, and Substances which cx- fmkter och “nsaker, scm latt ale a bad odour; lottery tickets, évcygii, tm gon-ugmelse; iugluk. . lottery advertisements and lot- mnde gmmm; lottscdhu-, t§]]k5_¤_. tory o¤‘o*{1¤¥‘S; ¤·H_ob$o¢¤<·§ o1` 1¤r nagivanden angaende lotteri samt ¥¤oI'¤~l 9·I'Uolo$§ orholos which may lottericirkulir; oanstandiga eller H1 filly Woy oamkio of destroy tho osedliga foremal; foremal, som meds. oi' mlufo li o PofSo¤$ ho-¤· kunna pé. na ot satt skada eller dling them- forstora fpostgorsandelserna eller medfora ara for de personer, som behandla dem. All admissible articles of mer- Till befordran medgivna varor, Frgjlom frm inchandise mailed in one country som forsants fran det ena landet sP°° ° ` for the other, or received in one till det andra eller mottagits i country from the other shall be det ena landet fran det andra, fa free from detention or inspection icke kvarhallas eller underkastas of any nature whatsoever, except undersokning av nagot slag med such as is required for collection undantag av sadan imdersokof customs duties; and shall be ning, som ar nodvandig for u p- forwarded by the most splgeedy tagande av tullavgifter. Paket means to their destination, eing skall med snabbaste lagenhet subject, however, in their trans- befordras till adressorten, men mission, to the laws and regula- ar under befordringen underkastions of each country, respec- tat de i vederborande lander tively. gallande lagar och foreskrifter. Aarrcm III. _ Aizrumr. III. 1. No letter or communication 1. Brev eller anuat medde- 8T£¤¢w¤rc¤;]e:¢¤¤w¤m- of the nature of personal corre- laude, som har karaktaren av p na ’ spondence shall accom any any personhg skriftvaxling, fir icke parcel, or be attached tgercto. medfolja eller vidfastas paket. 2. If such communications be 2. Antrii.H`as brev eller annat ,m§;§°“°¤· ¤*°·» U found, they will be placed in the meddelande, skall detsamma, om ordinary mail, if separable, and det kan skiljas fraignpaketet, beif the communications be insepa- fordras med den v iga posten; rably attached the whole package men om brevet eller meddelaudet containing them will be rejected. icke kan skiljas fran paketet, If, however, any such should be skall postbefordran viigras hela