Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/704

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A PROCLAMATION. ,9g`{““k“g*"*“g D"Y· That Season has come When, alike in pursuance of a devout people’s rrkambie. time-honored custom and in grateful recognition of favormv national fortunes, it is proper that the President should summon the nation to a day of d6VOl)10l1, of thanksgivinélfor blessings bestowed, and of ppayer for guidance in modes of ife at may deserve continuance of ivme avor. Foremost among our blessings is the return of eace, and the approach to normal ways again. The year has brouvllit us again into relations of amityhwith £ nattiplnsfafter a long pexigod of struggle and turbulence. In t 1 ess ere or, we may we unite in the hope giat Provigpnlpsl will vogglésgsfetslpprolyd gcglthe we halw;e dtpne, eaimswl e ave , eas 1ra sw c aveins 1I`8 us. We shall be prospereglalsbwe shall deservp plrosperity, seeking not alone for the material things ut or those o the s irit as well; earnestly

 to lgalp pglireligs;   bglore allteltse, ilhehprgvilege of service.

we ren er s anew or e exa a ion w IO came o us we ' may iittingly etition that moderation and wisdom shall be granted ` to rest upon all, who are inauthority, in the tasks theylmust discharge. Their hands will be steadied, their purposes strengt ened, in answer to our prayers. Ours has been a favored nation in the bounty which God has bestowed upon it. The great trial of humanity, though indeed we bore oiur part as well as we were able, left us comlparatively little scarre . t is for use to recognize that we have been t us favored, and when we glather at our altars to offer up thanks, we will do well to péedge, inb umility sud all slincerity, our purpose to prove deserving. e ave een raiser up an preserved in national power and consegglence, as part ofda plari whople wisdfzlm we can not question. Thus `eving, we can o no ess t an ho our nation the willing instrument of the Providence which has so wonderfully favored us. Opporgunity for very ggeat ser§ic¢; awpits us if we shall prove equal to it. ret our prayers e raise , or irection in the rig t paths. U der God, our responsibility is great; our own first, to all men afterward; to all mankind in God’s own Justice. ,,,,'f§‘§’}';‘;f;’f;,°,1§‘,g2,$’§,; Now, therefore, I, Warren G. Harding, President of the United =;;m;>k_<ggm<: K€¤€?¤l States of America, hereby designate Thursday, the twentK—fourth day of November, to be observed by the people as a dav of T anksgiving, devotion and prayer; mgiig-,5 that at thenr hearthsides and their altars they will give thanks for 1 that has been rendered unto them, and will pray for a continuance of the Divine fortune which has been showered so generous] u on t-his nation. gin Yggneip §Vl&ereof}j Igiavrge hereunlto set my hand and caused the se o e nite Stateso e e. Done at tlie City of P7Vashirig)ton this thirty-first day of October in t e year o our rd one thousand nine htmd d d [san.] twenty-one, and of the Independence of the UniteIdeSt;fi—>s of America the one hundre and forty··sixth. W ‘ G HA By the Presideiit: Ammh RDING s . Hucmzs Secretary of State.