Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/727

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1922. 2275 United States from and after the accomplishment, before the expiration of fifteen months after the date of the President ’s proclamation of iipace, of the conditions and formalities prescribed with respect to suc works by the copyright laws of the United States: Provided further, That nothinglherein contained shall be constructed to de rive any person of any rig t which he may have acquired by the repulilication of such foreign work in the United States prior to the approval of this Act." AND WHEREAS_the President is authorized to determine and declare by proclamation made from time to time the existence of the reciproca conditions aforesaid, as the purposes of the Act may re uire; l\.ND_ WHEREAS the President by proclamation dated A ril 9, V°‘·°°·P-*85 1910_, did declare and proclaim that one of the alternative conditions V°*· **5·P1>“"6 1°"’· specified m Section 8 of the Act of March 4, 1909, was then and from July 1, 1909, had been fulilled in respect to the sub`ects of Great Britain and her possessions, and that the subjects of Great Britain and her possessions were and since July 1, 1909, had been entitled to $ thefbeneiits of the said Act other than the benefits of Section 1 (e) ereo ; AND WHEREAS the President by proclamation dated February V°*· 3% P- *8*5- 9_, 1917, did declare and proclaim that one of the alternative conditions specified in Sections 1 (e) and 8 (b) of the Act of March 4, 1909, then existed and was fulfilled in respect to citizens of New Zealand, and that citizens of New Zealand were entitled to all the benefits of Section 1 (e) of the said Act; AND WHEREAS satisfactoré oiicial assurances have been mggyug received from the Government of reat Britain that the Government of New Zealand issued an Order in Council, dated January 10 1921, by which protection is granted for works by citizens of the United States similar to the protection provided by the Act, approved December 18, 1919. mmm meumto NOW THEREFORE, I, WARREN G. HARDING, President of l<=;g¤¤&l_¤2v (1;;: Z3-_ the United States of America, do hereby declare and proclaim issued enmm,U iam 1. That the conditions specified in the Act of December 18, 1919, §‘§§,,{‘°‘ *“ '“' now exist and are fulfilled in respect to the citizens of New Zealand, V¤1-4rr>·3°°· and that citizens of New Zealand are entitled to all the benefits of the said Copiyright Act, approved December 18, 1919. _ Provided that the en]oyment by any work to which the provisions °°“““°"’· of this proclamation relate of the rights and benefits conferred by the Copyright Act approved December 18, 1919, shall be conditional upon compliance with the rempiirements and formalities prescribed with res act to such works by the copyright laws of the United States, and shall commence from and after compliance with_those xéxents, constituting due registration for copyright in the mted tates. 2. Nothing in this roclamation shall be construed to abrogate ¤¤iiii°f}ii¤r§`$i(iA°iei°l»?1li§ or limit an rights andpbenefits conferred under the reciprocal arrange- Q B ““° “°‘ °" ments with Great Britain providing for copyright protection hereto- 39V¤1-1;% p- 2685: VM- fore roclaimed. 'p` ` INP WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed. _ DONE at the City of Washington this 2g'ith day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand nme hundred and twenty- [SEAL.] two and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-sixth. WARREN G Hannnm. By the President: Cnanuzs E. Huomcs Secretary d State