Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/822

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INDEX. 2363 Cliiilwnr M Nev-, _ P•¤¤- Ckrkc, United States C'ourrs—Gontinued. Pnze. md °m'?° et °°“*m“°d ·--·-·- , ----~··---- 766 appwprumon for pay of clerks, circuit consolidation of offices of register and re- ooo;-te of appeals- {eee, etew to be ‘ Ceiver, Sutheyized . . 767 dgpggitgd ________ 1 ____________,, , , 616 ‘ Ck¤rP¤<>i»" S¢¢<=rri·rMz>» pay esraoissiree, Hawaii .. 616 owner oi, may bring suit for collision dam- for assistance w, in naturalization cases, , 4ss, 3866 ------. . .. 1714 1128 Cleaners, deticiency appropriation for salaries and exduty on . _ ... . . 882 penses . _41, 194, 448.l158.1542 °"”%$,1""""" "‘”‘*°""’ ,6.,, “"§3'§£el’Zl §?c§?"*‘ru?1‘.’§“°““”’ " °‘” 41 Clgsdenin; °`°``°`°`°`°°` spggmmeur vaeéree is iifreeer '``` Eension ,.,,,__, _ __,,_________ 1651 m private litigants .. 41 C lA§8‘iQtG1lU8t0S¢7IGZ()7'8, fo1'f€68-, --.------ _ ... 54 ,338 345,461 appropriation for clerks and assistant clerks ¢°¤1P€¤$¤li1°11 1113Y be 01 deto Senators not chairmen of commit- ¢1'0¤¤¢d» 011 b¤S1¤0$ mmteesspecrally provided for .. 423,1266 eeied during preceding four yearn. 500 eomrruttee statue thereof ___________ 423, 1266 no further change for four years ..,. 500 for additional clerks ..__,,,.,,.,_____ 424, 1266 CZ¢¢’P}·¢j1', MGTWM, appointments allowed Senators whose mlm 1‘€<§0fd corrected- .·--.- . . 1784 terms begin March 4 ... 1266 Cleve . Ohio, _ _ amounts appropriated for, iscal years 1921 P1`°C°€dB £1’°m_¤$l° of °ld 1¤%¤¤° }1°¤P10¤l, and 1922, reduced ___,,,,,.,,_______ 1 _ sppropnnted for new site, plant, etc. 1064 gre,-k 55,, ag gonmgoua, hunt o cost; use of old building until appropriation for. . : . ._ f ,,,,,.,..,,,. 60 %31071 §9g’€nl8:: 1‘9¤dY- ----.------- · . e crency appropriation or ... , 58, · · - -_ ------·------ · -· me 64s, 2.47, 78:1 1166 Cm Sereh M- (ww), 1676 Clerk of the Home of Representatives, ‘ ° Z ‘r ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘·· · · appropriation for, clerks, etc . . 425, 1268 cgmmugondd Pwing Cmpanyr 1577 for assistance in preparing reports, etc- . 1271 ‘‘'’‘ ’ ’’'‘'‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·•‘ deficiency atpfpropnatron or services in on ima unmxuufactumd etc 931 011100 » redports, etc 438 Cujord Euak F ( 1 ) · ···‘· · ····

 clerks p un er, after dogs. lpensiém · - mw

not czigrigebre e cemmmee 0,. 1:57 ° ;r;;;°gg*,{3nf·>;_fj~;gg, . gre,-1,, m? r,,,,,i§,}§_`t§,` `jjo§,j,], of ’ Climb 4$;<1;‘6?*9*,- -i - -----·-·-····· gs- 1614 cpresenlatwes, ’- ’ approlpriation for . . ,... 426, 1268 C,lP";m;gu' ‘'‘‘' ‘ '‘‘'’’'‘‘‘‘‘ 1640 c ergs plirced grader Clerk of the Haus; Feédozyu " 1701 a ercoseo ongrees. .. 4 6,1269 '‘ "’¥ '’‘‘‘‘‘‘'’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ janitors placed under Doorkeeper after C °mI;¤i‘g:ry E' (md°w)’ 1703 close of Oongrem ... 427, 1269 Clgfk Gnu; '`'‘`'‘' ‘ ‘‘`‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ Clerks and Mesagzgers to Comrmllees, Senal1eé2 12 duty on 'chim 870 appropriation or . 65 ’ ‘°°` · ’ '· ‘‘‘'°‘ f ‘'‘‘'‘‘ Clgggrat and Lcgmbm’ 601* 1070 C10 c§?N.hBI1WBl’€, nonvxtniied, plain 870 op o or . . . . . . , ’ · appointment under civil service rules 601, gimgggeglegfg §°§°%2{:rgf ‘‘‘‘‘‘ m _ 1070 Cloeksand Clock Moverrlenls, dericienoy appropriation for ··--- · $$,1166,1169 duty es. ... . ... ssa Clerks, Merrerram. ew-, Army He·¤i<1¤dr¢¢r¤» jewels . ess €tF~»_ marking on dials required ... . ... 885 $PF1'°F1'19;¤0¤ fo?_P3Y -·-·-·--·· · · ··-·-··· 75 denied entry if, similar to American OY 0¤‘0¤2¤ Semw P$Y ·---· - ·--··-·--··- 75 trade mark ... . .,.. 885 for allowances, etc. , to Army field clerks; ggockwork y,,;,,mg,-mo, restriction on amignment, etc .. 75 duty on ________________________________ 835 for Army tield clerks, etc .,... . .. 724, 1384 cases and cmdnge for ____________________ 835 assignment in War Department fol’- Clog, Benjamin .L, brddeu ..,. . . .. 724, 1384 pension _____ _ _________ _ ________________ 1722 Clerks to Members, Delegates, and Resident gh,g,’ C0"¥mi·*·$1’”~” 1% _ duty on, cotton, articles not specially proappropriation for; application of palyég 12 vided for __________________________ go; ments ,,.. . 71 bl ched ____ _ _______ _ ______________ ggg PW 1116116 ro be ¤¤rd9 io P€1'¤011$ d€¤1%¤8*€d ’ noiibleached, etc . .. 899 by each Member, etc-, end placed on sued or coated . ..,,.. ooo roll of employees .. 1217 gilclgth _____________________________ 900 designations authorized by Members, etc., printed, dyed, colored or woven. eieei -··-·----------· - -----·--·--·- 1218 figured ... . ... Z seo subject to removal by such Member, etc. . 1218 term dejned _________ _ ______________ ggg Clerks, United States Courts, vat dyed ... . 899 approglriatiou for salaries ,,,,,..,.. 616, 1083 Window hollzmds . 900 o `ce expenses, pay, etc., of clerks of with silk-? . 900 circuit coms of appeals to be paid by with specified weavings . . ... 900 marshals ,. 616 woven wire .. . . 878