Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/843

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2384 mnnxn Dall Ws2lrm:;,' Pan. Danforth Robert E. Pmtime limit or tiling claims for losses in con- land pntent to fo} entry ... 1795 tnicts {oi public buildmgs que to Danymm, up-. Pu•Idmy#.P- 0-. war conditions waived for clarm of. 1132 appropriation for removing, etc .. 677, 1334 D¢:1l8l%s,_T¢z., Morning ad _ _ 45 D¢;;wLg, Laura E. (widow), 1730 or vertrsmgu nsrcm .. . ...-. p.,u,,°g?;'$,°:yo$P*i'°P°° ° Danish won rmzoe (eee Virgin Islands). time for bridging Columbia Dannat, Helm M (widow), River my ____,_____...,,,,,,. 1256 pension increased ,.. . 1€06, 1622 Dalles Oregon-Washington Toll Bnilge Com- Dante, Statue of, _ _ , erection of, authorized on public grounds may my Ccguvrarbio River between 358 I Washrfrgzitog, D. C . . gg? 0;%,, aghugtpu .,,_,,,..,.. · ooa ions exc u e . . .. time extendeilin for bri Columbia site and to be approved by Com- . River near Dalles City, Oreg., by. . 1256 mrssrontgfblgme Arts ... ggg Dom, Freeland H., no expense incurred ... . .. pens1o' n . . 1735 Danville, m_ Damagesbto Person: 07 .PNpG‘¢y, Poet Office gppmpyjatfgn for ggp , Volugybgy ¢P¤f¤m¢¤¢, Soldi ’ H . 763 1424 aEpmpriationiorp•yingch:imsfom·.:.. 655,1545 p,·,g&a,0j?m° • t • . ’ .-.-.•.o uh _____ limitation of amounts ... . . . `63 paw, Emmaigéhm), 0 emergency appropriation for. 1922 ·-··-- 63 pension - _.. me D¤’M9€* *9 FHM -P"°P¤'i!l _ Darling, Dolphins (widow), ¤p1>r¤.r{)¤¤¤<>¤f¤rr¤=¤:r¤¤.=,:¢°1¤1=¤¤ fvr. ¤¤¤¤¤•1 pension increased ... . .. me 1r_A1my*·¤rg¤¢ pncvw, etc- 8*1, 725,1386 Donny, Ezeo1»eu»(·oidoo), for paying, by naval forces .. 123, 1133 pension _____ _ __________________________ 1075 for pa claims for, by naval airu·•£t-- 123, Day]; um gw ,g_ g_ Ymg M My. , _ _ 805» 1148 bridge authorized across Great Peedee for Ymg ¢l¤¤¤¤ of Amé 06661% 1386 gger b§ gsrlboro County and, at 1174 ¤1<‘=¤» ¤1¤‘¤<·>¤» G ··~~-~···· , · ioty i . . d¤6<=i¤¤¤y ¤ r<;pri¤¢ip¤ f¤r vying ¤1»¤m¤ Darlmgh 0 nay, s. 0. oe. for, wl;-EMM wth mw! v<=¤¤¢1¤ -·-- 334, may iniagemi·eedee niéei; location ... 1440 _ _ 449, 774,1160, 1544 Darlington Joseph J., for c1¤¤¤¤ for. ¤>11¤¤¤¤¤¤ with memorial io, authorized on public grounds 5 ous? vessels. .------- 446,1157. 1537 in District or coinmbni . 1444 f¤* www ¤1¤¤1¤¤ f<>¤» ¤¤¤¤<¤i by Amy locations excepted .. ,-. 1444 mmP¤m®i *>l¢ -·—-·· · ~·-······ appriilylgl of séae, etgigerequgrecg of joint _ ~··•·;··•-···•··•·;;···••·;·· !‘8!'y mm} 311 HIIDJBIOD for pay: clums of collisions with lpjm _______ _ _______________ 1444 vegs:l§oiCoutandGoodeticB1rrvey. 1587 Dm; Qgouon Am for pgyénng lossez, etc., adgusted by Navy 1544 dutggon ’ 899

  • ¤= v·v·¤¤ dm *<·=· ¤¤<¤¤= wv ¤¤· °““,n".£‘},'?’T‘f ¥f'“.."’°..."’.’.‘ .. me

enn”:.§?“?“e‘n‘ as ‘ 2.;; ·;s;.n4 ‘‘‘‘ ‘“°° ¤··· S·=·*·» P~¤¤··~¤·· se simile- umimiofi . . vsv “PP'°P‘;£°“,. *°’ °'”°"5°°°Y °*P°°°°5j,;7 319 roriatxnfr .. . "37 ° mm? ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘*········ · vl dma fgr, nd? exzeedin $1,000 caused by l D°“*» Government dutyOH···-»...o····~·• 6, 1917, to be adjusted, etc., by head P¤¤I¤¤’¤d ¤1’ P¤‘¤¤¤¥*‘<=d- ····- -_ -·-··-···· 894 of department, em . 1066 D”“9’{*€’* of W A"*¢’*?¢¢m Bmiolutwni _ not exceeding $3,000, by collisions with addrmoml lots of, in Drstrrgt of Colnrnbra xm “*”°‘° mg A&’Q,;‘· I2; 1,,2 no r °‘°'3‘L”c‘id "‘E‘“ °°"*?£°'2i ““ 'usted 9 E '1 0 H s`2$$’ .  ? 1066 to be deuveiea io, of Dom, Gum, tab! t Camliiigé Z ._...,,,,. 1281 ‘ _______________________________ e presen to. rn a preoiatio

 lm; 928 for use of Continental Mergorial Hall]:

du£*x0n,tcott:»£)§ab1e,3.ndman11isotore?o£. g D- Co ;<:‘t¤5·ss;£;1;u¢geL1mn;auon of 498 ,eo., e,an manufacruresou. ·-----~·-··-- D“’"p’“'£§*‘“*“1’3“$nm£Z‘Z‘"‘°””’ °’ °`°""" D“i§’;.’2°’i’ "LQ'zo 142.4 gm, ·, o co . _,_._______ may bring suit for collision damages to Damki, FlormoeA.(1vidow), Da Steamship "F'lynderborg" . . ... 1565 Dpension .,.. . .__,,_,____ _ ___________ 1629 ms, , Cazhari , constrqction of, aufhorized across Mahon- cggfrsion. . . ...,,.. 1667 mg River, Warren, Ohio 141, 1031 Dunk, Ceplma (son), Potomac River, Williamsgirti) Md .. 1503 pension increased ... . _,,___,__,_. 1674 Red River of the Nort , y Grand Davis, Eliza (lL'l&’ll,‘), Forks, Dak., and East Grand pension ,,.., _ _,,,__,________ _ ______ 1662 W blggkg, Muuii ... HQ 1213 _ Dumb, Eliza FK (wéiow), a iver, untington, .. . . 14 ‘ pension increased . ... 1757 Dmzdvlion Roots, { Davie, Emma P. (widow), duty on ...,. . 896 l pension . . . . 1604