Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/853

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. 2394 INDEX. D?armw·nt of Labor-·Continued. S Pm- Department of »S't¢rrt(¢;-tgopvtinued. f Page. eflcien appropriatiou for Iabor 'tatis- 0 swo o ash1ngt0` 11, 0 tigB¤Iirlea11). -. . . 465, 784, 785 ¥‘rank1j.u, and sword of J acksou for Second Assistant Secretary, and pn- transferred to Smrtbsoman Institu- ' vatg ggqgtary ... _ .. 1 051 _ 1.1011 fI0m _. 399 for rncrease of compensatron _ 1054 furmture, etc., of War Trade Section, transfor paying judgments, Immigratron Serv- 1054 D tmfe1;re}l”;tco Dppartgne]151: . 192 me ______,, , ,,,.. . ... 6pGT m 0 71 see I1 epa - for War Emergency Employment Serv- ment). _ ice ,,,,,,.,... . . 1054, 1165, 1169, 1554 Departments, Executive (see Executive Defor Women’s Bureau .. . 1165 p61’¤nentB): for First Industrial Conference expenses. 1165 Departures from United States, for Charles Martin and Company ... 1543 restrictions 0n,_ unles rncome, etc., tax for Wrggttmarzgglmne . . .. 1543 De Iawsénxgplezedcglth . .. 267 7 •! 2 7 _'! _ _ _ guperinter:éd1eunt_ of State, etc., De- 1239 extzradiiltgon convent1ogxdwith_Grsat Britam 2635 partment dings _ _ ding crune 0 eserting . - . transfer of appropriations . . . . ._ . 1239 of Puplw Mqneys, _ Second Asistant Secretaryto beappomted; esrgnatron of, m forergn countries authorsalary and dunes 1 . ... 766 med for Government busmess .. 662 prrvate secretary to, authorized; salary.. 766 preference to American mstntutrom. 662 appropriation for salaries, 1922, 1923 766 Depontargu, United State: Designated, Department of Labor Buildnyeg, D. C'., sales ofnnternalrevenue stamps bygsurety, appropnatron for operating force and ex- _ et<;.,, 303 penses ... · _ . 1239 Deposits Dwrswn, Treasury Depurtnwm, care, etc., of, transferredto Superintendent appropriation for chief of d1v1sion, clerks, of the State, etc., Department Bu1ld— etc 371, 1092 ings ... 1239 deficiency appropgrgaétion for chief of divi· Department 0 State, EPP: emu 1 ····-·- ~ ·•·· · ----··· 36 appmpriati/on for Secretary, Undersecrggs 1068  :*1*2* B-» 1652 tary, Assrstan' ts . , . ---· · ···-······················ · wig-m * mage changod Dermg, Cora T., d U mm of C0 liu. _ _ _ ____ 1 pa ent to, for death of husband. 1604 ndersecretary, ,,,__ _ _ , , 068 Ym for Director of the Consular scw1cc.. 599,1068 Dmk, Aww. for officers on drafctfungisworlztii. z ._ . b599, 1068 D£°2::°l;i;k --··-·······---·····~···———-—· 1657 asslgum 0 DB: . ’ ’ . . . . mausfggcs _ _ _1_ _ _1 _ _ _ _ _ 5199, 1068 time extended for bridging White River at. 323 for assistant solicitors .,.. 599, 1068 D5 Mmm, I°’·°¤» representative before waterways Inter- t°l`mB_°i colin at- - ---···· · ·-··········· · 1484 mucm.1 rcm commence. . 599,1068 De Jfvwv Rwer, pr clerk, 1cw c1erks, clerks, etc. pes, was D01;:¤]_<;:ic¤·¤1¤:,t·1;$¤a<;dFe·<;r&‘g¤g'>e¤;m¤. M¤ ··-- - 28 01* p0!‘81’y' Gm 0 Q 8 I$’¢!'l a _ _·• f _ tion _______ { _ _ _ _____ ($0, 1068 excharggzgdof lands for addition to, author- 362 oygtgfjoucyy, u]·nitu]·g’ at _ _ ______ 6m 1 c·•c•=•.•...•:-·•...··. for automobile for Secretar; , % Da" $,1,5*****1 E'“"“*» P 1*,*1*6 Lewin icc sans, pcsccuccxc, etc., ccc nc 11- 1 :g¤¤n¤:;¤¤11¤w¤4. 111 <1¢£VP¤¤¤¤§ 1761 bnry . . 068 uym S9"'-¤8m 9* NEP Y¤1 Y for miscellaneous .. 1068 unable to return may make_ final for pnntlng and bm ing for . 600, 1069 proof and_ recexve patent without for seaport bureaus . . .. 600, 1069 urther residence .. _ 492 for rplomatic and consular service. . 600, 1069 to conform to smgle farm umt under restriction on paying rent in the Dis- Eeclamation Act before patent 1»1:1Ct .. . 611, 1078 issues. . _ ... 4 92 for in the . . .. 602 _ charges, etc., to be paid . . , .. 492 for licitor for the .. 611, 1078 1¤¤B of gtent for, to Enger K. Chnsman - 1760 for additional $240 a year to employees james . Parker .. , . 1760 of _________ _ ____________________ 714, 1559 trtle allowed to desrglrraated, m Utah. .. 1574 deficiency appropriation for diplomatic vahdated, Isabel S. west ... 1760 and consularservice. . . 35, 53, 58, 198, 335, Desert Lands, 343, 347, 452,460, 464, 783, 785, 1051, patents allowed entrymen for, who served 1055, l160,1166,1169,1547,1554, 1556 in World War if physically unable for passport bureaus rndesignated cities. 61 to complete reclamauon, etc. ,. 348 for expenses, Limitation of Armarnent time extended for final proof, etc., of Conference. .: . 192 certain entries of, in Riverside ` for natmnal security and defense, under. 198, Cormty, Calif . . 66 336, 344, 347, 460, 783, Deserters, Army and Navy, _ _ _ 1055, 1166, 1169, 1554, 1556 status oi, not adected b Resolution defer relief of cruzens, etc., at Smyrna 1051 claring the end of %orld War. .. 107 for war expenses, regulating entries and during the World War, unchanged by departures, etc _ ... 1166 _ 1aws,_etc., as to end thereof ____ _ ____ 421 for expenses, entry of aliens 1166 Desntuzc Soldura, for War Trade Board section. . . 1166 tree and subsistence go, hmmbiy authorized to delrver decoration from in Europe, and thou Spain to Norman Randolph 1788 families, to United States on Army from enezuela to Mrs. Abernethy .,... 1786 transports . . ,.,.. . 103