Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/857

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2398 INDEX

 D1uies—Conti.nued. _ P•s¤- Distnbt and Co?¢raLive Office Service, Depart- Punexheut of dmcriminstion to be gscertamed nlm; 0 Commerce!

by Tariff Commiminn .. 946 appropmmon for operating expenses. . 1112 .D€aeascs Among Indiana, Distnbt Attorneys, States Courts, a. gropriation for prevention, etc . I 561, 1182 appropriation for salaries expenses. _ 616, 1083 dg ciency appropriation for prevention, pa.yment_ to clerks acting as, durmg etc ... 53, 57 vacancws .. Z 616, 1083 authorization of expenditures for relieving established for Hawaii . .: 616 distress and preventing . 208 for regular asmstants tn, appointed by Dnlwaus, Anémals, f Attomey Genernl;puy1estr1c¤on. 3 P¤‘m‘m for revel; spread oi. 511, 1296 or cial assistantsto ... ,{’etc...1g1i? .. 511, 1296 eggrcing prohibition . ,.- 1 616 for investigation of tuberculosis, etc. 511, 1296 deficiency approprmtmn for salanes, etc. . 58, for eradimting fo0t—o,nd·mouth and other _ _ 194, 199, 333, 1054, 1158, 1542 mnmgiousdiseases .. . ... 536, 1318 for special asmstants vc .. 448 for supppresing, among live stack of In- salaries of, to be fixed by Atwmey General. 1560 dum_ __,,,, , ,,,,.,,,,,,,,. 565, 1186 rates authorized; based upon bmmes of Diseases, Oontugima, Isyrevious fom- years .. : .. _ ..._. 1560 appropriation for preventing spread of, in for ew York soutliern district, mwguumm ,,.,,. . ...,.. 380, 1102 northern dmtnct, and Dmlnct oi Diseases, Camagimu, D. C'., Columbia, fixed ... 1561 up mpriation for preven of. . 694, 1351 modification allowed; restricted to once degciency aggroprisiion preventing _ _ m four years ... 1561 spread . 31 Dutrwt Buildmg, D. C'.,_ "Diuaaes of Cat¢l¢," appropriation for salanep,_ care of. ._ . 672, 1328 appropriation for publication, etc., of; dis- employment of sddiuonal engineers or tributien ,.. . ... 1316 watchmen forbulden _ 6 72, 1328 Diseases of Mm, etc.; _ for fuel, miscellsmeom supplies, etc.. 678, 1335 appropriation for mvestigating, etc 380, 1102 Diatrwt Court of Caml Zone (sea Panama "Da0aa¢: of the Hora¢," _ _ Canal Act Amendments). appropriation for publication, etc., of; dis- Dsatnct Cqurga, _ tribution . ., 1316 aptprogauqn for gudges . . . 614, 1081

 Smnkc, D. C., or waii judges and reporter .. 614, 1081

appropriation for maintenance. 694,1352 for_P0rto Iiico, yudge ... 614, 1081 Disorder: during 1922, d6HC16DCY_ gppmpruauon for expenses of ‘ appendix to report of Attorney General udd.1tiona.l assignments to .. 1542 oz ordered to be printed .. 182) established in Hawamf . 119 Dupa!ch` mt: 0ngmnl` jl11’.IBd1- 'ction 0 , in BdID1¤Ll· ty an nppmpristionifor London, New York, San maritime civil causes .. 634 Francisco, and New Orleans . 602,1070 oompenntion for injuries to other than paymentot rent for, allowed from appropri- master and crew of vemel under syiun for contingent expenses, mu- workmcnh compenstion lawn of axons, 1922 ... 1._ .. . 85 States, etc . 634

 Spina (see alan Spina), exclusive when conferred by such

sddmnusl tax orxgxtgmd at nonbevonge _ lawn .. 634 _ nm, it dn _ tq beverages uses. 285 seizures, prizes, md prize condemnation renmportstiun permitted in original pack- proceedings 634 ages of, exported of tux, to ware- not extended to injuries, etc., if compenhousefromvqhxchouginnllyremovod. 223 sation provided for, by State, etc., removal of, authorized Irons one warehouse laws .. 635 to another for bottling in bond, be- jurisdiction of, in complaints of restraint of fore payuné ... 375,1006 trade, etc., by associations of agritax exemgtmn, jmpuda of, lost by jirge, _ cultural products producers . 389 the , etc., m transit, or at s distal- in suits for recovery of property in cu¤» lery, wuhout neghgence, etc., of body of Alien Property Cxmtodism, owner ... : .. 2% · em ... 1511 to eytent of no indemnification for los. 22% in vinlatinns of stockynrda regulations, gptfhmlzle to prior claims . . . . 223 etc .,,,,,...,,.,, , .,,,_____,__ 166 _ in ustual alcohol not affected . 223 for enforcing orders of Secretary of Duhllpjc. _ _ Agriculture, etc ... 167 sddmonal pgecunl taxon business of, where to secure testimony under Revenue Act forbi den by State, ete., laws .. g of 1921 .,...,,,...,.., , .,,...,_,,.,, 310 no exemption from penalties, em .. to issue rocess etc. for enforc:m' g Dwinctiwge Paper (gee Paper, Distinctive). pmvigiege thereof. , ______________ 310 Dwtmguuhad Service Cross, Army, _ additional to other remedies .. 311 bestowazl of, upon lzgody ofunknown umden· concurrent with Court of Claims for plied mldier to be recovery of erroneously collected m Arlmgton Memorml Ampluthea.- revenue taxes, etc., if collector dead. 311 _ ter, Va .. : . i-. . 191 subpmnas for mx to run into any pumshment for unauthorized wearing, other district ... 848 _ _ nmnufnctoxe, or sale of- .. .. 1286 in civil canes, limited to 100 miles; ex- Dwzmguuhed Samoa Medal, Army, _ tension allowed for three years .. 848 punishment f¤r unauthorized wearing, to asist Iyent Ccmmision, D. C., in pmm8¤\1hCt¤I'8, 01* BSJB of . 1286 curing evidence ________ _ ___________ 545