Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/876

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INDEX. 24]*] Exportatiim QL Avrgiwuwal Products, etc. Pass Fabrics-Continued Pa (sceao arFinanoeCo rati dt . gm pmmim gnciqneiegk "";81 ml “w¥,0‘i;‘.;f!;fi.r.'ltYT?Yi‘1.??‘}?Ti111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 % , r ·····~• · WOVBD ...,,,_,, , ,_________ 907 Ezp0rinsp8Cur‘lZi<£10b)?a;>zc·1mmng" omeer of pgr|;g,’i¤ , Fab,·?gv6pmwi];·‘8`ij@ ````°'`°``````````' '` 878 ing to mariet value of shi ,ments to M as dye!. ` United Sum P 968 dugy on, cotton . . .. 900 imp¤t;a‘$nn¤nnm,§rbbibiiéé`$n`i£iinié siiijZigf.`.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 9*3 _ ow . . 969 1- ,..._______ _ ____________ _ ________ gahxggrfyiphereof be wéthheld ... 969 Fmmzgg 906 e ure con ues or 969 · ’ . Exporters Ofpmmsm Products “· Y°¤l` excise tax bn products of, using PIO- advances to assist allowed, until July 1 F -1m, mblwd cmd l°b°' ••‘‘‘•·········· 3**6 { lggliinicndiéom _________ _ _______ j 183 ageuéiglhmw W (*°"l)» 1702 · gymgr `tati0Dg’ gtcq ]·gpgg]°d________ Fmzrlu I `-ifl°°°°°°°"""°""'• •··• •·• me °:(t§,';::gswwM“Y P 19?té•f°*`bm¤1§lV¤8 additional_ amount authorized for com- Fimmce Cm_P0mtim;"· · Y 3* 634 pleting railroad, etc., from Seward w,l?¢l>¤}»ry 29, 1924 .. ...IZZZZZZZZ 1481 FaiTMm';°1jia;gQ 111························ 221 Ezposu tenmtional . . l '* . . accepuggcenof iuvimtiéu to tg in preliminary examination, etc., of, harbor atRiodeJaneiro,Brazil-..}i%.,. I 209 . °°b°m”*d°···. ······· : ············ 10*3 degden appropriation for expenses 337 Famrwnt, N. Dak., First National Bank of, 1.;,,,,0,,.;,,;,,,,, zltwml D · y ‘ ‘ payment for purchase of Liberty bonds on appropriation for exhibit at. . . 1293 ?'°c°lmt of l . t° r°pL°°° °t'h°r° l°°t Egzpogiiwm p0,.ua,,d’·g£,g_’ _ on. ... 1592 oreign nations invi to partici te in. . . 158 1 W "wlmn é auhm ed for com · . . tmmm mm, · emo pleting um- Ex tw: ’ Depm-hmm OFAQ HL tion of land at, for inland aiiflq port up ropriation for salaries . 1292 _ *“*°”·g° · ··················-------· 339 gr fa1mirs’ cooperative demonstration F“!'g:’t· {°"”“» wd h b_ lcgiml wor . . 1292 H8 0 Waygmn A18 I0 for coo ratzive agricultural extension _ ¤*·l}l¢'¤¤» {OT C0'!-my hlghwlly ·--· - ·--- 827 EI S wor ; jeoémty agents ...,,,.,,, , 1293 FMTS, Ammmk Iflglwml, ti 290 Y tra eggnm gm gg, exemp_ m_ on ;con ons... pmchmatioi)1 convsgniiig, April 11, 1921- . - 2234 _ ¤P¢¢l¤l €X¤¤€ tax - -------·---·-----·-- 296 Notrgmbgr 20, 1922 _____________________ 2239 Fairs, State, Interstate, etc., _ Exgraggg, appropuriation for making agricultural exduty on, ilavoring, containing no alcohol, blls lit- -_ -····-·-·---—·----··· 527.1293 _ not specially provided or .. 864 Falk, Kalhamle (l»'~‘ld0w), frmt, contaimng alcohol 860 FI§ll;}¤ll · - -  ; ------·--·-·—--—~--·---·- 1679 meat ______ _ _____ ____ _______ _ ____ _____ 891 G 6 I 61*80TlL CG 1011.8, vegetable, dyeing and tanning, nonalco- Punishment i°l' ?·l’lf6¤l·» Bic-, bl' 6€l‘¤0¤ hniic. 864 falsely clemms to be 9 mwd Egg;-ad{;{m;,’ States official . . ._. . Z ... 224 appropgiatiorii) nn bringing bnms crinnnnis ¤e¤¤:l¤¤sDp¢r¤¤¤, l>¤¤l<l¤¤z. vw-. of any 224 om a road . . . 610, 1078 _ P€l'$0 · ··-····--·---—··-·--······~ assnienc appinpi-intinn rn: bringing mimi- Fwmly All<¤v¤z¤¢¤. Amy and Nm (M gag home from aby0ad_ _ __________ WST IDSIIYBDCB Act AmBDd· Exbradition Convent ion, _ _ _ ments)- supplementary, with Great Britain, adding Fans, crime of desertion of dependent duty on, except palm leaf. .. . 916 children, etc .. . .. 2224 excise tax on, so d above price. . 293 confined to offenses in United States or on free list, common palm eaf. .. 927 Canada ,. . 2225 Far East, _The, Exzmterritoriality, appropriation for further developing comprotocol to treaty with Siam, reliuquishing, merce with . 473, 1113 asmmnerican citizens . 1933 deficiency appropriation for promoting, Ertraterritonicliey in China, etc., commerce in .. 344 appropriation for expenses oiinquiryinto- . 610 Farewell, Thomas Robert, balance continued during fiscal year pension. . .. 1745 1924. .. . .. 1548 Fargo N. Dak.,_ Eyeglasses, bridge authorized across Red River of the dutg on, and frames . 873 §ortl:]el:;, etc., between Fargo and wit precious metal mountings, etc., ex- 001‘ , ... . ... 351 empt from excise tax on sales of 293 reconstruction of bridge across Red River, F F _ Hbioorl?/ead, Mimi., to ... . .. . 1561 · 0118, mry . Fabrics (see also Cloth), pension . . . . ., ... 1753 duty on, lace ... 918 Farm Congress, Inlernatibrnal, embroidered . 918 foreign nations invited to send delegates pile, cotton ,,,,,..,,.,,,,.,_._,_._ - 900 to 1321 nik ..,,,,,.,. , .,.,,,.,,,,_,,,,. 907 no expense . .. 1321