Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/900

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INDEX. 2441 Glgzierf Lead, Paso. Gold, pap, PW 0¤ ------------ - -··--·-·... 888 duty 011, articles of, not gpecigll - Gzgggéigraw <d¤¤ghm>, 1677 1vt§§adf;>11;..l ...,_ Y. Y'?. 888 ¤ ---··-··----—-------·---·-----·- a W1 atinum Glencojve Creek, N. Y., lg;~§_ _________ _ ______________________ prehmiuary examination, etc., of, to be on free list, bullion ____ _ __..,,.,.,.. 925 made . 1043 ore ,.,.,.,... . 929 Glenoove Link; Corporation, swggpiugs _______,______,_ , ,.,_,___,,,. 929 conveyance of rea; estate, {etc., to, in Gold Coins, settlement 0 claims or property appropriation for recoixmge of. 371, 1091 acqmred therefrom, neu.; Norfolk coinage of Grant memorial dollars, author- ‘ Army Supnly Base, Va., 1]; 1917 , ,- 421 ized _..,.,.., , ,,__..,.._.,.,. 362 Glzdderg, Augusta (wzdaw), Mpu.r;p0scs for, number authorized, etc 362 PGDSIOH . ... 1695 G0 Mming, Ghdgien, J. W, and E. F. Hobbs, corporations engaged in, exempt from war l‘€}1I\bl1IS€m€11t to . ... 1785 and excess profits {,3; ______________ 273 "Glzmpscs_ of Our National Parks, “Gold Size, appropmtion for priqting, etc., by duty on . .. - ...,. 867 National Park S€I'V1C€ . . 554 GOZdbeaters’ Molds and Skim, Glvstefz James, 011 free list .. . .. 927 p€11H1011 .. . . 1705 Goldman, Mary E. (widow), GZOu·¢¢8ter,_ Mass., _ pension increased 1613 appropnation for repsurs, fish hatchery. . . 485 G0;] Balls, sale of abandoned mjhtary gum house, my on ,_,,, , _.,__,_,,.,,.,,__,,,_. 912 _ authorized . _.- 1450 Gonigam, John, Hpecml canceling stamp of "D0u’t M1¤ pension increased 1751 300th Anniversary Celcbmuon, Gonzaga College, D. C'., etc., " authorized for post office at.. 502 charter amended by extending purposes Glove Trunks, and not limiting roperty holdmgs. 324 duty on . . . . 918 Good Hope Road SE., D. (R, Glover, Joseph E (son), appropriation for paving, Minnesota to pension increased .. . . 1728 Alabama Avenue . .. 1336 Gloves, Good, Julia E. (w·ido·w), duty on, comm, etc .. - .. 901 pension . ... 1679 horsehide or pigskin . -. 919 Goodell, Dollah C. (widow), knit silk _,_. . .,. . 908 pension . ... 1624 leather ____ _ _,.. , ,,. . .. 918 Goodhue, Henry T., lined ,... . .. 918 pension . . .. 1682 woolen ,_,_ , . .. 906 Goodin, Jesse, on free list, bovine leather . . .. 927 payment to, for death of daughters. .. 1593 Glue, Goose Creek, Tac., duty on ____ _ ___,___, , _,. . . . 865 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be size ____ _ _____ _ _________,.._,,,.. . . 865 made . 1045 Glue Stock, Goosebewies, 011 free list, not specially provided for . 928 duty on, cuttings and seedlings ... 894 Glycerin, Gophers, duty qu, crude ____ _ ____,_,_,__.,.. . 865 appropriation for devising methods for refined ____ _ ___,___,_,__,,..., . 865 destroying ... . . . 526, 1310 Glycerophagphqrig Acid, Gordon Corporation, W$lliam, duty on, gang and compounds . .. 861 payment to .. 1577 Glycol, Gordon, Melville M., duty on _ ________,_____ _ _,.,,.. . 859 pension increased . ... 1730 ethylene _ , ... 859 Gore, Annie E, (widow), monoacggam ____________.., , ..,... 859 pension increased 1615 pmpylgne _________ _ ___,__,,. . ,... 859 Gorgas, Mamie Dtmghly (widow), Glynn, Thmnm, pension- ._ . . 1664 Bale, etc., of certain lands to- . ... 1599 G01'm41’l1·, Alwv M-, _ _ _ Gm; Sk1m_ payment to, fpr personal mjunes .. 1774 duty og, plgtgg and mats of , ,,. . . 916 GOTSG, Hallie (wzdow), Goats, pension increased 1610, 1623 duty on _ _________________ _ .,,,. 891 Goshute Agency, Utah, meat, frgsh _ _______________ , _________, 891 appropriation for supggt, etc., of Indians Godby, Bldg A_ (widw), at, from tribal da . . . §77, 1199 pension _ ____ _ _____________________ , ._., 1606 Gosling, Eugene eagiegwuhw, alias James Gaslm, Gof, Guy pq pension incr 1755 unexpeuded balance available for salary G<wge,_Andrew J., oi, as unconiirmed member of peuswu .-... . ----.----·--.- 1690

   ____ _ _______ _ _,,_.,. 35 Gtfuld, .J£l77|·€8 F. B. P.,

additional appropriation for 35 p€¤¤10¤ -_ -··-- -; ------...····-----·--·-· 1742 Goggles, Gave, Anme J. (wwdow), duty 0};;, glass, and fygmgg _ ______ , ,,,.,.. 873 p€X1810D . - . . . .. . 1706 G0€ng, Rachel (widow), Gave, Pauline (widow), pension ______,, , ,,_______,_,,,,,.,. 1618 pension .. . . 1612