Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/969

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2510 INDEX. Mines Bureau, Interior Department—Contd. ·P•l•· Mi·nimum_ Wage Board, 0., Pest appropriation for investigating, etc., im- appropriation for salanm and expenses. 674, 1331 proving mining) conditions, etc.; or additional $240 a_year to employees private work for idden - . - 588, 1209 of, wholly from District revenues. 715, 1559 amount ff<g)lper;1;nal services m D§ 1209 m,,.;.,,g’ tr'ct0 um '¤ --.---····-·---- , ‘ · egurs · { mm detdil of Public Health Officers for co- appmqlxgggulioggs _____ Z? _?????_ _ 5gg, 1210 operative work with . _ , 588, 1210 yingng Expmmmt Smbm, ferpetre1e¤m¤¤d¤¤t1¤¤1z¤¤mq¤¤¤e¤-- appropriation for expenses, wtablishing, 12 0 ‘ tc .. 588, 1 for enfearcinglprovisions for oil, oil shale, 1210 y,;,,;.,,.g 1;,,,;,64 State; ¤¤ -·--·····----- ;-- lnb‘t r to b nrsdi Ri d fer e¤f<>rei;¤2§hree¤¤1¤¤e¤¤, ew-, ieeeme cx llaiieiro ins(ii1?rEi)¤pss11io(ii.- . I). . E 210 nonme 'c mineral deposits, report to aczgompany __________ _ _________ 210 eee ··•-··---·--····-·--·-·-···· 588, 1210 1Hnis¢ers Plenipozepwiury Errvqys Exuuordiamount for personal services in Dis» ,,0,.,/ and, ’ fo of C0 -1gé- ····· $,Ig[bp1'i3';,`i0]] for _____ _ _ _ _ , , , , , , ,____ _ _ 600, I GX 11.111811 0 -·. ‘ ° 88],;} for Pa., experiment stggg, 1210 1%,;;% ;§g,1;$gmh0u fof i - ` 1166 fer mo “°g°s”£`TY.?'.“. .°.d. .“.°’. .°;““. .”.h“‘” .. ii'}. - I'? 489 ior iiigé ageeson, Alaska - 5ssZ 1210 y$’,“,,’§;_;n},·1E°,€.,;],i'”,,,°*°1,°"(I,Z,i°$v°r’ 1°°°°°° °°‘ lm for teelmi books, etc .. 588, 1210 1,,,,,,,,;,, manned _________ ’ _______________ 1609 temporary details of lield employees ‘°' d“">’ i“ W“hi“€”°“¥ 8,110% ,2,0 Miypzgpuésuon for support ew or rnaiens . ·. ·• . is &1$Z°risi.e£s` tile? yards ``'`` Q 'i5nm` 5:9’ gngspecmed “g°¤¤°°· "°m *****7* ,,,,0 Celumbie —------· — ·-·-·-·—----- =’·89· 1211 .1,1,,;,,,,, ,,‘ ‘ is ‘.i,,.‘ ‘·,.‘ ;,,.,‘ ‘ *,1,;

  • ·¤,,¢g*e*·e=¢¤¤i~·* *e*e¤e1v=¤*·¤d ,2,, ,,,Zm,‘£§’, Iindian lands 1.. ne

partment garage . ¤ . ‘ : ·····* pafrgzgcff nur sees vacated 1.,, use of ml e¤<>¤¤e,g¤1v ,j11,gj<g<=,§,g;j;g¤,;¤;,·;;¤e¤g,_¤j ,,,6 purchase of land and construction or m,_v¤*¤,¤;·£,*e1¤¤¤,,e;!ee=* g2¤,=gvg;>¢¤gb8et;?e_gi 506 g·1¤;_*;,5·m,$g;>,;_·,;g>_$e;,${¤gé,$,*;,· Y o,,§°n,1,., ,,..1 times. .2 . so 8 · · ’ Red Rrver of the North etc. between able .. 1211 ’ ’ amount fogoperatingyardreduoed; sg. mu N- Dsk., and Moorhead, 351

 ,,,, ,,,,,,*;¤,:¤.*;;*:·,1,,>:,,ek,,,,,— ---··-·—--—~—·--  

6 ,,,-..,.,.. ,,., ,,,,.,,, .· . I for purchase of land Bmceton, Ps.. 589 1212 “dd“E‘°‘“l ¥“d$° ?“*·h°'“$’d f°" ···~·····- 838 transfer of appropriations for scientific ’ I smug, m- '”m°°°d ····· · ·~··· 839 wgrk by' hr °th°r d°P°mn°u?g9 1212 authorized across, at Fort Snelling, e , . for printing ete., for ... . 554,1176 gan --··--· -· ·. --···-·--···-·--·- ; · 1**27 · ’ · · - · · three gesauthonzed across andMrsd°’*‘°*°¤*ZY .°P}":tgf:*l"$L§Pt;,*{,*§:};',·§ I Csissippi River at Pike rsnind, Minn. 1430 1922 .. 44 wwf v¤;M._ _ for general expenses .,. 53, 197 approgrnutnon for recomage cf. 371, 1091 for mine experiment stations .. 53, 343 }6'W"»_ ami! E- ('mdW7)» for investigating mine accidents ,...,,.. 53, penswn . .. _. . . 1707 f l d t\i7£97, 343,459, 782, 1553 1l;¢;g¤m¢mpl01¥e¤··, Few <v“R¢1>r¤¤e¤¢¤¢41g, lm grpgtm ggfjgg- OD. OI . ... .. .·. { tionsf? iii . . . 53, 57, 459 1En0r·ityjLeqder of the House of Representatives: or enforcing explosives regulations, etc. 53 ,6*12*9, _ _ gnesungmel .. 57,197,346,459, 1054 Mgpprepnmen fer 1es¤¤1¤t1ve clerk for 1563 r mine rescue ears 57 nor.; . _ 346, 459, 464, 782, 1054, 1164, 1558 provisions for paying amounts due to, under for mineral mining investigations . 459, 1054 War Risk Insurance Act . . 1374 for PittsbvuAr?h, Pa., experiment station, Jhnta and Assay Ojiws, TGIDO , etc ... . .. 782 appropriation for Director, chief clerk, exfor Government Fuel Yards, D. C . . . 1164, f haéniner, etc , 381, 1103 _ 1553, 1556 or ight on bullion and coin .. 381 1102 1{·mea,_Oil or Gas Wells, etc., for contingent expenses, Bureau of the ’ maximum excess profits tax on sales of, by Mint .._,,,__,..,,, 381, 1102 _ _ dnscqverer, etc ._ . . . 277 for examinations, etc .. - . 381, 1102 Jlrmdoka [rr1gat1o*n. Project, Idaho, for collecting precious medals statistics. . 381, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 585, 1206 1103 pu]’1;g1]a;se$ nlfew goovgg esgtai) for émerican for and expensm, mint, Carson _ , y e reeer- ny, ev .. . 381, 1103 venr ·---·--·--·---~----~---··-·· 585. 1206 Denver, Colo . . 381, 1103 _ _ Sale of ipfe not used ·----.. 585, 1206 New Orleans, La ._,...,_, 331, 1103 Msmdogeo Natrona! Forest, Utah and Idaho, phgisderphis, Pa ..,.,__ _ ,.,,,, 382, 1103 public lands added to . .. 355 San Francisco, cou; _____________ 382, 1],03