Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/982

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INDEX. 2523 Naval Acade1(¢y—Continucd. Pm- . Naval Armamem Limi¢a¢·ion—Continucd Pan. approp1jia.§10nforprofcssorsandi.nstructors• construction, etc., of 7 battlmhipa add 6 l1H11tfOI;S'WOI'dEID8J]£hip8DdPhySiC8i battle cruisers to be discontinued. . 814 mqtngctwu . . . - -, ·-·----.---·-- 806,1149 machinery, armor, armament, ctc-, for. . 814 restnctxqu on detsuls of naval officers settlement of canceled contracts for . 814 to dunes performed by on if terms unsatisfactory, yment of 75 _ January 1, 1922. . .. 806, 1149 per cent of award amlmsuit for balm_reductions, no coniimct with civil- ance, authorized . . . 814 mu pmfessorto bqviolated . . . .. 806,1149 conversion into airplane carriers aut.horprofessors tg have su: m<mths’ notice ized of battle cruisers "I4zxingwn" dpyror to dmrmssal .,___,_,,.. 806, 1149 and "Su~amga"., , .,_,_,,,,,,,,,, . 814 for emguated employees .. 135, limits of costs increased of designated 806, 1149 battlesbips and scout cruisers. . 814 for department of ordnance and gunnery. 13;; Naval Attachés, 806, 11 appro riatiou for expenses 122 788, 1133 for departments of electrical engineering Naval LPo·mmumZeatiom Director cj} , and phymcg __,,,,_ - ,_____,, 135, 806, 1149 appropriation for salaries, Navy Depa.rt·- for department of seamzmsbip . . . 135z 806, 1149 ment; pay restriction ... 789, 1135 for department of marine cngiueen.11 Naval Comultin Board, C`l:1)‘I:l1b7|», and lgaval construction . 135, 856, 1149 appro riation gm- expenses ._,.,,,,,___ _ _ _ 123 for commmsary degaxunent . 135, 806, 1149 Naval Iyistrnkts, for department of uilding and grounds. 135, use of pu-3*, miscellaneous for, not available 807, 1150 ess the commaudant also comfor current and miscellaneous maudaut of yard, station, cbc . for books for libgg . 135, 807, 1150 Naval Establishment (ua also Navy), for expenses, B of Visitm-s... 135, 807, 1150 appropriation for construction and my for contingencies, superintendent . . 135, chincry, new vesels ..,,,_,, 130 807, 1150 for submarine torpedo bonu ..., , 130 for commsmdant of midshipmen. 135, 807, 1150 for armor and armament . ,,,,,, 139 for general maintenance and repairs . . . . 135, expenditures limited to vcsals under 807,1150 f . Z . aa 139 { 1. mmumd { __ , or increasc o, m uding umaxpend ° °° °“ °f ’°“t °' b““d“'“°°807,}{"£» _ www .. . _ . 810.1153 for mileage from their homes to midship- mh:i£1té?£' lgllxfdlif duilme ts gg: m‘?“ enlgring · · ·. ···‘‘···· 2* 122· 787* 1133 from C0l¥ l'8, cnc., furnishing for engmeering experiment station . . . mppggésfilyégg Nsvyziiétf · e - 811 coustru perm: unadmimion authorized of Jose A. d6 is der treaty limitations, including the Torrienw, of G¤b¤ -·-·-·-··----·-.-. 1431 ··M¤y1¤¤d ·· ... su, usa pf W1l1cm van Doom, of the N ctherllmds. 848 muverung battle cruiser! “Lexin mdsmpmeu who failed to graduate from, um" and ··s¤mwg;" imo but served bonomb y in Murine c-arrivm su. um C¤¥’P¤, my b9 f‘0m¤¤i¤¤l¤¤¢>d thvrvin for nvttlcnwnt. of mntravtn for vegela _ prinr w gmduation of their ciw ...- 499 dclivercd .. su, um m¤d¤hi§m<>¤ who ¥9BiH¤€d 0¤ \’¢<1¤¢¤¢ $8 formimbursing¢·ontm~wmon account of eficient in examimticnn of Bm c0nst~n1cting,0¤·.,¤¤1th0riz0d wrench II53 tem, ]920·2l, HWY be ¤*¤¤dmm`¢d§ for gyrocom ui ments for doconditicns . ..·-.-----· 207 etmyem.l)?..8fl..l) 811, 1154 PfoVi¤i0¤¤ for 1‘€€x¤¤1i¤¤·¢i0¤ of, etc-, if for completing amor, ammunition, etc., f¤ili¤8 M hvt wm QW ---- - -·----- 207 for authorized vessels. .. 811, 1154 restoration of former discontinuance on fhg ggutggl jmuuggiqus on deqggymu-,4 failure at any examination ... _ . . 208 dgtmygrg __________________ _ _____ 31] Nductiou hereafter in allowance of m1d- gpgqigl gppuggtjgn of gddjgiqmn {und, shipmen to Members of Congress, 1144 mage 3}-gg£b&g;0h%\2;; _____ ____ 1 I54 etc ... _ trans er 0 , , m na supappointments at large or from enlisted ply account and clothing and small personnel not affected . 1144 stores fund .. . .. 1154 Ncgwaé Armament umaamm, f deficiency ¤ppr?1>ri¤¤<>¤ fvr increase of 342 c cien a riation or expenses, ¢0¤-\P€¤S¤_10¤ ·---- I ----·----·.. sc(l·yapp val vessels, etc., under for pew bacttenes for slups .. 342 treaty agreement for . 774, IQ44 for mcreaaing turretyguu rwes ...__ _ _ _ , 1544 use of unexpended balances .. 1044 _ fqr exipeuseg, scmpping na _ vemels ,... 1544 care, etc., of vessels uncompleted . 1§44 hmxis 0 cost increased of vane}:- 1544 payment for material used, etc ... 1044 President reqigesied to negotiate mth reimbursing contractors for carrying Bntgsm, etc., for an agreement charges, work done, etc . 1544 lgmxting sues, etc., of vessels and f¤r payments on ¤c¤<>¤¤= of canceled _ wvmif --.».------. - -..·.-· 1154 contracts, etc., for armament, ord- Naval Expgvadnturea, err., _ _ nance, etc., for suspended vessels. . 1544 Great Bmam and Japan minced to s cuncoutmcts for material for destmyer fzjrence to agree to a uiutual reductype torgedces, etc . _. .. 1544 tmu of, annually dunng the next wtherity f¤r esrmcticn. etc-. of vsprml five yvnrn ... _ . .- \ 0 ships under treaty provisions ... 814 report ul, to mspecuvc Govurumzmm . . 141