Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/989

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2530 INDEX. Nevada National Forest, Net., '-Pam- New Orleans, Battle of} Panuse of, not affected lléy establishment of investigation, etc., directed of establishing Lehman Caves aiional Monument. 2260 a military park on Plains of Chal· New Bjalford, Mass., _ _ mette, the site of, in 1815 .. 221 preliminary exammahon, etc., of, harbor New Orleans Coal Oornpany, _ _ to be made . .. 1043 deiimency appropriation for collision damtems of court at. ._ .. 503 ages to cod barge No. 9, of . . . . 776 rooms to be furnished free . . 503 New Orleans, La., all processes, etc., returnable to terms at 503 apipropriation {pr mint at .. 381, 1303 Boston . .. or passport ureau . 600, 1 69 deputy marshal, and clerk to be ap- for_dispatch agent. ._ . _ 60 2, 1070 No e·.*’z€’.‘i‘z.E‘3’$*‘}€ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ W3 "°?o’§‘1.u°“°’y“é’.}’,f°F%§L%°.{‘€’ '”"" ” ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ if? a., e ... - .. deiicien ap iopriation for Army reserve emergency appgo riation for passport budget site 777 reau at 192% 61 amount authorized io£`£éé.i Qooiiiéf `snui ```` amount authorized ioiiéii Boil}; `1}.u` "§ reserve depot at . . 418 supply base at . 418 New England Coal and Coke Cornpany, loan of Army folding chairs for reunion of payment of judgment of Virginia eastern Confederate eterans at . .. 1287 district court to. .. 1052 tents, etc., for American Legion conven- New Haven, Conn., · _ at . 826 Fort Hale transferred to, for preservation survey directed of Intracoastal Waterway as Nathan Hale Park . . 1021 N R$lgo1Rrusl9_hristi, Tex., from ,.., , . 1439 ew , . . N¢;,,°g:;:y6f goufga to agmement between improvement of harbor, authorized 1038 New Yor and, creating)Port of New Nw) Y0Tk._ _ _ _ _ York District and esta lishing Port ¤PP¤'°P¤8·t1°¤ fo!‘ !‘61mb¤!‘¤1¤8» f¤¤' ¤18·¤116 ot New York Authority 174 ¤<>h¤<>1 ¤¤1>¢¤¤¤¤ ·--······--- 124. 788.1134 to comprehensive plan for development 000000* of C0¤E\’8¤¤ to ¤8'¤’¢Qm6¤t b6tW’¢¤¤. il? po? ol; Naw York by sntos or 822 %,¤0<;£¥¤wJqr:t¤>;u <=§¢¤°?£1?<>r§ ¤fN¤w New ro.oj"5oo?.$uz°1‘§o2;;.1r; ‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ’‘‘‘‘‘ ¤rN¤w York A·;g·_¤gw&..& ... 174 d 5 · · ti 5 ying d - to comprehensive or ev opment ° cri16•:1(l:yoiP<l)g1I?1F<:t8c<‘;1!irtf)l·.ll? . iii 1052 <>f1¤>r¢ <>f New {Yak by Sem cf. and additional judge authorized for . . 837 N Y ··-·· ··---·-·-· 822 Nmilling vacancy m, restricted .. 838 gay mit formwm 3* C°mP¤’g» appropriation for surveyor general, clerk;56 8 0*90}; A!8ht8¤' “C°¥}}P0!'l¢" --·---··-· 311;______ ______ __ _____ _ _______ _ ,117 _ -··--·----· ·-··- nu support, emo., or Iudiaus in ... 572, 1193 NM Yvrk A¤¢h¤¤¢y. Perf ¤f (sw Pert of New deficiency appropriation for support, etc., Y°¤'k A¤th¤¤W)- of ndiansm . 53, 57,343, 1164 New York Canals, égteciilflmn National Lgolnument, E`l$_IS|.dB 2297 appropriation {for survey of navigable ua epcuessorso omesteadsunto waterso ... 7501420 receive patents, etc., when land New York Central Railroad Com y, ' surveyed ... , . z .. 650 may bridlge Grand Calumet gilrer, Guy, consent gayen to negotiations for appor· In ._ .. . .,,,...,.,,,,,, 325 tromng waters of Colorado River, New York City, M K, etc. , between, and designated States 172 appropriation for navy yard, public works. 129 agreement sglgect to approval of legisla· 2 waterdfggnt imgrovements, etc., susture an ongress ... . 17 til ul 1, 1922 ... 129 Lincoln National Forest, lands added to. . 1245 suxlendedunilntil July 1, 1923 .. 805 Manzano Natrona] Forest, Ariz., and, area f repealed ,... . .,,,,,,. 1147 ¢¤}8¤'§€d ·-···- - · ····-···------·-- 2000 Hi t ... 382, 1104 sums for al otting lands, etc., not to be ig; gfhgg building . 384 used for Indians in, unless residing forbargeoflice building . 384 gglpublic domain prior to June tg}59 81 ger post office building .. 884 ... ,11 r neumati tubesyste , ustomho New Mambo Judicial Distrnlrt, Pand appr(aisers’ store:} u?5, 1106 additional judge authorized for ,,_,_ . ..,. 838 for passport bm-eau ...,, , ,,..,,_ 600, 1069 vacancy occurring hereafter not to be for dispatch agent ,,,,,,_,__,______ _ _ 602, 1(Y]0 N Mfil1e;1)..b2 . 838 for airplanemailservicetoSanI·‘1ancw mm we os, cisco ... 657, 1252 N;pp1$opria$ for project for. 560,1181 for rgneuaatic tiixbe mail transmimiogél 1255 , roo an . , ,,,_ coinage of silver 50-cent pieces in com- for courthouyga and postoffice re airs ’ 1105 · . . . r P _ memorauon of tercentenary of set· deficiency approprratron for quarantine tling_ of, by Walloons, French and station, improvements, etc .. 38 Belgian Hnguenots . ... 1287 for airplane mail service to San Frannumber authorized; legal tender, ,,,____ 1287 dam ,..,, _ __,,...,_____,,______,_ 42, 335 laws applicable; no expense for dies- -- 1287 for amay omce . . 51, 196, 337, 341 457, 1544 delivery to Fifth National Bank of New emergency appropriation for pamport bu- York on payment of par value. . 1287 ‘ reau at, 1922 .,..., 61