Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1288

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sixTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. os. 485. 1925. 1257 employee so designated shall receive a salary in excess of the amount which he has been receiving in the department where employed plus such reasonable additional allowance for expenses not nov; authorized by law as may be deemed proper by the Secretary of State, in view of the fact that such service it to be performed in a foreign country: Provided further, That no person appointed or em- Pay nstrmiom. ployed by virtue of the provisions of this Act shall receive a greater salary than $15,000 per annum, and not more than one person shall · receive a salary in excess of $10,000 per annum, and not more than tive persons shall receive salaries in excess of $7,500 per annum. Permission to mow Sec. 3. That officers and employees of the executive departments gihiregiutt? ei°p¤Siii¢l:; and other branches and institutions of the Government in charge of '@§§;u¤j?s‘g,°,{§g¤F•,{°r¤‘{' or responsible for the safe-keeping of objects, articles, and so forth, ` property of the United States, which it is desired to exhibit, may permit such property to pass out of their possession for the purpose of being transported to and from and exhibited at said exposition as may be requested by the Commissioner General, such exhibits and articles to be returned to the respective departments and institutions to which they_be1ong at the close of the exposition: Provided, That the Com- {mit, Hmm missioner General, with the approval of the President, at the close inn. Sw., gdicoclose ol of the exposition, may make such disposition of the buildings and °"’°“'"°“· other property of the United States used at the exposition, which it will not be feasible to return to the United States, as he may deem ad§isable.Th iw. 4. at the Shippin Board is authorized to 've the commis— §***P¤l¤¤ Fwd ¤¤ sion such assistance as ma? be necessary and to miie special rates D °vldmm'p°n°ti°°` and special sailing schedules for the transportation of governmental and private exhibits and participants to and from the exposition. martin or Sym;. SEO. 5. That the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to {§°,},:';,¤`{>lc;_’.§ ggw collect and prepare suitable exhibits of the agricultural staples and pared by ssmmymzl products and forestal productions of the several States of the Union A"“°“"“’°‘ for exhibition at the exposition and accompany the same with a report respecting such products and productions, including the qualihes and standards of cotton, the wheat and corn produced, and their uses, the standards of which they are being marketed, and the character and uality of American animal products, to be printed in the ,,,,,,’Y,*§§“ English,qSpanish, and Portuguese languages, the expense of the same to be paid out of the appropriation hereinafter provided for. m§,**;2>;`*j¤g;_¤¤$*¤*;•_ Sec. 6. The Secretary of Commerce is hereby authorized to collect passed by sammy and prepare a suitable exhibit of the fisheries industry and the com- °'°°'“"‘°’°°· _merce of the United States for exhibit at the said exposition and accompany the same with a report resipecting such industries, to be ,,,,§§,P°'° ‘° '·‘°°°“" printed in the English, Spanish, and ortuguese languagps, the expense of the same to be paid out of the appropriation ereinafter provided for. _ _ _ Sec. 7. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby_ authorized ,,,{§,‘§",.§§,‘“,,§',°,,",§§‘“I§,,‘,‘f to collect and prepare suitable exhibits by the Reclamation Service, ¤:>;p¥d¤¤{;¤¤;¤b·::Sj_Q¤b; the General Land Office, the Alaskan Engineering Qommission, twemwr. the Bureau of Education, the Patent Office, the National Park Service, and the Bureau of Mines, for exhibition at the said expo- Sition, and to accompany the same with a report respecting such ,§§§P°" “’ “°°°“" exhibits, to be printed in the English, Spanish, and Portuguese languages, the expense of the same to be paid out of the appropriation hereinafter provided for. _ SBC. 8. That in order to defray the necessary expenses above ,,f,‘{§‘?§§§,,S,,°',j{"‘°'”"l authorized, including the salaries of commissioners and employees, the cost of preparing the various Government exhibits, transportation, installation, display, and return of exhibits, construction and equipment of building, and acquisition, preparation, and maintenance of site and grounds the sum of $700,000, or so much thereof