Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1297

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1266 S1XTY-E1GHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. CHS. 529-531. 1925 Mgrghéi 111A:t To authorize the building of a bridge across the Santee ..4-J- 'ver in u aro ’ . [rama, N0. aa.] Be it enacted by the Senate and H oase of Regresentatives of the Sum Rmb United States of America in Congress assemb d, That the State brsgggu clzgzimaszarigré Highway Department of South] Carolina be, apd is lgergby, audthor- ' _ ized to construct maintain an operate a big way ri ge an ap- Jmes Ferry preaches tperetolacross the, Santee River at a point sugzable to the interests 0 navi ation at or near a point known as aint James Ferry, between tie coiinties of Georgetown and Charleston, South Cm,mm°¤_ Caro ma, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled “An Vol-34.p.84· · Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," Ammdmm approved March 23, 1906. _ _ ' Sec. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 4, 1925. ·

 CHAP. 530.-—An Act To authorize the building of a bridge across the

[P'*bh°· N°· ***6-] Savannah River, between South Carolina and Georgia., suv mw Be it enacted I? the Senate and House of Rap:-esentatices 4% the smc. cmumlme United States of meriea in Congress assembled, That the State igh- G°°'g”’ my "'*d'°· way Dtipgtment gi Soush Caiolinta and tllie itealte Highway Department 0 eorg1a an are ere y authori to construct main- Lmmu tain, and operate al highway bridge, and approaches thereto, across ' the Savannah River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation _ at or near the ploint where the Seaboard Air Line Railway now $§{{“,f,"f‘f,f'$g{· crosses, betweent ecoimties of Abbeville, South Carolina, and Elbert, Georgia, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to re%ilate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," _,,,,,,,d,,,,,,,,_ apgroved. arch 23, 1906. mc. 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserve . Approved, March 4, 1925. i )?‘.;_ CHAP. 531.—An Act To amend section 409, Revised Statutes of the United ¤P¤¤¤¤· N0- ml smeS,re1az1¤g to aaa, penalties, reeeitum, and liabilities in the Postal service. Posmmmw He it enacted of thé-Séftddé and House og Representatives of the Authority of rm- United_States of lrnemca in Congress assem Zed, That the provisions

 ,0°?,§°',;‘,,l,,°§; of section 409, Revised Statutes of the United States, shall extend

wgaigisééwm IMS in all cases new (pending or which may hereafter arise to balances ’ ’ due to the Unite States through accountability for public moneys B um under any provision of law in relation to the officers, employees, ,,.,,,,“'§L‘Y" °°°* operations, _0r business of the Postal Service, excepting the class of "°'·”·¤-2"°· cases cogmzable under the Act approved January twentiy-first, nineteen hundred and fourteen, entitled "An Act to amend the Act approved May mnth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, as amended by the Act of June eleventh, egghteen hundred and ninety-six," relating to claims of postmasters or loss by burglary, fire, or other unavoidable casualty. Approved, March 4, 1925.