Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1476

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Ixxxvm INDEX. Foreign Service—Contim1ed. Pace- Foreign Servicc—Continucd. hm. appropriatiou for heirs of officers dying deficiency appropriation for particiabroad _____.._...,.. 1018 pating in conferences for supfor bringing home remains of officers Ipressing narcotics traffic .. 692 dying abroad . 1018 for uterparliamentary Union Coufor post allowances to meet living ference in Washington . 692 expenses of officers ___. 1018 for payment to France as indemnity for Cape Sparta} Light, etc., Morocco 1019 ~ to Madame Criguier .. 692 for life saving testimonials . 1019 for repairs, ctc., embassy premises for Bureau of Weights and Measures- 1019 Loudon, England . 692 for Bureau of Customs Tariffs .. 1019 for contingent expenses, consulates,- 698 for revision of Chinese customs tarifs, for secretaries m the Diplomatic participating in .,. 1019 Service .. 700 for inquiry into extratcrritoriality in for International Fisheries Commis- China ,._,...,,...,.. _1019 sion . 756 for Mcxicau.Boundary Commission- 1019 consular bills of health not required for for boundary line, Alaska and Canada 1020 vessels on northern frontier ..-.. 809 for marking Canadian boundary ..-- 1020 foes for visas of foreign passports may for International Prison Commission- 1020 be m0di6cd in case of aliens not for Pan American Union -..--.-.--. 1020 "immigrauts"; condition --.--- 976 for printing aud binding for Pan Foreign Service Act, 1984, " American Union --.-..-.-- 1020 Diplomatic and Consular Service be for Permanent Court of Arbitration Foreign Service of the Umtod Bureau ._,-..--...-..-.-- 1020 States hereafter -----.. 140 for Interparliamentary Union for all cmcers below ministers included as International Arbitration ..---- 1020 Foreign Service officcrs -.-- 140 for International Commission on promotion by merit -..-.. Z 140 Tables of Constants, ctc .-.-..- 1021 assignment to either diplomatic or for International Commission on consular branch -..---...-. 140 International Law .--...-- 1021 grades, classification and proportion of for International Institute of Agri- 0Ecers .-..--..---.-. 140 culture ----.--...-.--.-..-... 1021 allotment of ambassadors as profor International Railway Congress- 1021 vided by law .--.---.- 140 for International Sanitary Bureau,- 1021 and salaries of officers by c1¤.sscs-- 140 for International Office of Public details for inspection .-.. 140 Health __,.-.-..--.---.-. 1021 appointments as diplomatic secretaries, for British · American Pecuniary consular officers, or both -_.-.-. 140 Claims Arbitration ...-..-.---. 1022 to be coniirmcd by the Senate .- 141 for International Radiotclegraphic authority under commissions .-. 141 Convention .- 1022 examination or Department service for Inter—American High Commission 1022 requisite ..---.,,.,-...-.-.-.- 141 for Canadian Boundary Waters Com- only Americans eligible -...-. 141 mission .-.-..-.-.-..-..---..- 1022 reinstatement after separation by for annual payment to Panama .--- - 1022 other position -.--.-...-.-. 141 for payment to Colombia ..----..-- 1023 by commission to a class and not to a for ntcmational Research Council, post; assignments and transfers- 141 etc .-...-..--..-..--- 1023 present commissions not impaired by for International Hydrographic Bu- new clasaiiicationn ...---.---..- 141 rcau -.- - ...-..--- 1023 report to the President on etiiciency of for foreign hospital, Cape Town ..-. 1023 cmcers, and iituess for original for Intemational Trade Mark Regis- appointmentg to be made by tration Bureau at Habana ---.. 1023 Secretary of tate .-.-...---.-. 141 for Industrial Property Bureau, c$ciency records of present ciiicers to Berne, Switzerland -.--...-.--. 1023 be certified to the President with for German-American Mixed Claims recommendations -.-.-..-- 141 Commission .-.-.----.------.. 1023 reoommissiouing, without further exfor Mexican Claims Commissions,- 1024 aminatiou - - .----..,,_ 141 for International Statistical Institute, 1024 classes designated .________-.-_,_ 141 for International Fisheries Commis» no pay reduction of class one consion ..-...-..----.--.--.- 1024 suls general aud consuls ..--..._ 142 for Rio dc Janeiro, Brazil, land for consular assistant grade abolished; cmba·ss§ building ..-.-.--. 1024 recommissioucd as unclassified for United hates court for China-, 1025 officers --._,________ _ -,,_____ 142 for consular prisons, ctc -- - .-.- 1025 bond required of all officers __________ 142 for bringing home criminals .-..-- -- 1025 amount, and conditions ___________ _ 142 deficiency appropriation for Mexican existing bonds not impaired hereby.- 142 General and Special Claims all officials acts covered by --.-- 142 C0!DII1iSBi0!1B ..-..--..-.--...- 691 deposit of, with Secretary of the for expenses regulating immigration Treasury ____________-...- 142 ¤¤Q¢Y ---.- _ .. _ ..-. 6 91 inspection of diplomatic and consular offor Fomngn officers, S8I8.flBB-- 691 iiccs by officers detailed therefor- 142 for International Statistical Bureau- 692 provisions as to 0§cial fees, etc., applifor Pau American Sanitary Confer- cable to diplomatic and consular ¢¤<’=<-=. Seventh 692 branches of service- ... 142