Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1595

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INDEX. ccvu Quartermaster Corps, Army-—C0ntinued. P¤8°· Quartermaster Corps, Army—Continued. P¤8¤· appropriation for regular quartermaster appropriation for water and sewers, at supplies; school supplies, etc- 484, 899 posts, additional, 1925 711 forage for animals 485, 899 for roads, walks, wharvcs, and stationery, printing, etc 485, 900 drainage, etc., at posts, addisale of electricity to Baguio, from tional, 1925 - ..____... 711 plant of Camp John Hay, up- for Fort Monroe, Va., sewers, addiproved . - 485 tional, 1925 _..___.. -- 711 for clothing and equipage 485, 900 for national cemeteries, additional, for incidental expenses ... 485, 900 1925 712 for hire of laborers .. 485, 900 for superintendents, additional, 1925- 712 for other civilian employees .. 485, 900 for headstones for soldiers’ graves, for tmnsgortation ... 486, 900 additional, 1925 .. 712 depen ents of officers and cmistcr;86 901 for dispo itgon of remains of officers, 712 men .. - , etc., a ditional, 1925 .. restriction on expenses for motor for monuments in Cuba and China, vehicles ____ 486, 901 additional, 1925 .____,_... 712 purchase of motor vehicles lim- for national military parks, addiited ... - ... 487, 901 tional, 1925 ... --- 712 for purchase of horses .. - 487, 901 deficiency appropriation for water and breeding of riding horses ... 487, 901 sewers at military posts ... 52 limit; standard required 487, 901 for Cam Knox, Ky., land 52 native horses in China. ... 901 for Fort, Elustis, Va., land ... --- 52 restriction on polo ponies ... 487, 901 for Scott Field, Ill., right of $vay---- 52 acceptance of donated animals, for national cemeteries . 52, 63 etc . - .. 487, 901 fo} general appropriations . 58, report on breeding riding horses- 487, 901 62, 699, 701, 762, 1350, 1352, 1353 fo¤' military P0$t$» °0¤Bt¥'u°i·i°¤--— 487. 902 for clothing and camp and garrison for Fort Sill, Okla. . - ... 487 gquipage _._.,.. --- 58, 762, 1350, 1352 for Fort Benning, Ga; .. 3 .. 487 for transportation 58, for Schofield Barracks, Hawaii .. 488 62, 699, 762, 1350, 1352, 1352 * fo1' water supply, PW?] Harbor ----—- 488 for barracks and quarters .. 58, sale of Fort Porter, N. Y . 902 62, 699, 701, 762, 1350 got gawaiianclslglnds . Egg for supplies, services, and transpor- 59 62 or anama an .. - , tation . - . , , my barracks and quarters 488, 903 699, 701, 762, 1350, izsz, 1353 rental of grounds, etc .. 488, 903 for meds, walks, wharves, and dramgvailgble for garage, etc., 1’€11t8.1S age ______ _ _____ - ,____. ,.-- 59, 62, 762 my military attachés 488, 903 sm- hospimxs ______,...__. 59, 699, 762 T€P¤i!'Sy Old Fmt Ontario, N- Y -—-— 903 for supplies, etc., Reserve Ofi‘icers’ additional land, Fort Reno, Okla.-- 903 Training C0ypS__ 59, 62, 699, 762, 1350 for water, sewers, etc., at posys 488, 903 for incidental expenses _________ 59, 62, 762 new construction work ]im1tcgL- 488, 903 for Subsistgncg _________ 62, 762, 1350, 1352 for 1‘0&d¤, Walks, wharves. d1'¤i¤¤E€» for disposition of remains of officers, etc., at posts ... -:1 _ - 488, 903 etc ______.__.. - . 63, 699, 701, 762 repair, gc-, 0§{§€WKD¤19 HIS}? 489 for headstones for soldiers’ graves- 699 way, amp OX, y .-----·-- , , not available for N¤·¤0¤¤l Arm? for supplies, etc., Officex·s’ Reserve ca,ntonments,_ etc .. · ··- 489 Corps ___... - ..,, 701 for shootiu g3H€l'l®S End 1’8¤§9$:-- 489, 904 for regular suppiie . 762, 1353 for rent og buildings in Drsmct of for military post, Montzina, smmier- 762 Columbia ... ---_ ·.-- _489, 904 for shooting galleries and ranges 762 not available if SPMB P{°V}d°d m for sites for milituryFpurposes . -- 1344 FGc;v_<G·nment\?w¤€d b\1¤Id1¤&S- for additional land, ort Bliss, Tex-- 1344 for or A 0m‘0€, 8 --.--- — —----- y ‘ for post hospitals, construction, etc.t 489, 904 f°r %(g;g?§);:é,g§}?; E$I1°irf_I;iS?fY? 1345 '°' °HéZ1Z$a§*§‘?5?§€§}i?Y?{ Tiff? $89, 904 for waiter Reed Hospital, District of

 supplies, etc., for     C01umb18j`·-·--_`----r-_---—  

instruction _ 509, 924 lease of Interxnedmtc pepot Unit No, 2, for national cemeteries---T ... 511, 926 antlionzed to Lew Orleans Assofm. headstoues for S01d;s;;r5’, etc., mation of Commerce ... 100 BN-Y*·V€$ ---—-——-——-—- — ---- -·-- 511v 926 Quartermaster General, {11:1py, for Antietam battle field ...· · -·-~ 5]l» 926 approriation for civilian personnel, for disposition of remains Of OTHGGPSJ Office of, Wa.r Department 490, 904 enlisted men, etc---rt---1--- vu, 926 technical experts, etc., m Depart-

       ment----------•----·---—--   904

€0¤St“`i$€ “’*’·t€’“`“YFz --—··- · · · · 516 Qwzrterma.ster’s Department, Marine Corps, for regular Supplies, f‘ddm°““l2 !925· 711 deficiency appropriation for maintenfqr clogging and equipagé, 9·dd1'¤0¤¤l» 711 ance ________. - 698, 760, 1351 I 5 ..-· - ----——— — ---··- 1 ---· nces for incidental expenses, additional, 711 Qu‘m"8* (see Rental AHOW8 ’ 25 ... - ...-·-- — -—·--—-- for tgzgnsportation, additional, 195:3}. 711 Qu:;;; i§gV¥0?· ing Tenth to • ) ‘°' @';§§,‘;“,f‘§*§,2§fji__? _____ ’ F;__‘{___ m Thirteenth S¤¤¤·»¤ ------------ 548