Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/243

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212 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 204. 1924. PAN AMERICAN UN1oN P¤¤ A¤=¤**°¤¤ Pan American Union, $100,000: Provided, That any moneys re- Unrigiiiieo. ceived from the other American Republics for the support of the ¤¤ii§r°1i’;p,xfi?iig {mm union Shall be paid into the Treasury as a credit, in addition to the appropriation, and may be drawn therefrom upon requisitions of the chairman of the governing board 0:3 tl;e umon for zhtehpurpiose of meeting the expenses of the union an o carrying ou e or ers of the said governing board. _ _ · mP'*”““¥ °“" "“"" For printing and binding for the Pan American Umon, and the l\Zi¤¤¢¤1vB¤¤¤¤¤· Public Printer is authorized to print an edition of the monthly bue d, p'_p thfdtbt b ll tin not to excee 6000 co ies er mon , or is r1 u 1on y the union during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, $20,000. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU or THE PRRMANRNT coURT or ARR1TRAT1oN I'“°"m,,““‘,,*,,°,,“°' B“' T t the share of the United States in the expenses for the i>?·’1'r\ii¤¤¢i¤¤i1tC°un caleiidIsl11?B year 1923 of the International Bureau of the Permanent V°1'3z’ p`1m` Court of Arbitration, created imder article 22 of the convention concluded at The Hagng, July 29, 1899, for the pacific settlement of international disputes, 2,000. BUREAU or INTRRRARLIAMRNTARY UNION ron 1>RoMoT1oN or INTER- NATIONAL ARBITRATION ,,j§°€,§,§’°*},’]},§m§§},Z For the contribution of the United States toward the maintenance pregptguggémuw of the Bureau of the Interparliamentary Union for the promotion of international arbitration, to be immediately available, $4,000. INTERNATIONAL ooMmss1oN ON ANNUAL TABLES or CONSTANTS, AND so roam ualgigiiu 2ii°riii¤1(駰 uri} To the International Commission on Annual Tables of Constants C°“s‘““‘S·°‘°· and Numerical Data, Chemical, Physical, and Technolo `cal, as establish by the Seventh _International Congress of Appliec? Chemistry in London and as continued léy the eighth congress in New York, as a contribution by the United tates toward the ublication of annual tables of constants, chemical, physical, and teclhnological, $500. INTERNATIONAL commission ON rtrnuo ANn PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW ,,,{S’g§;§,°°f,i§,““}D,§,’$§j The appropriation of $15,000 for the payment of compensation ¤¤¤¤=M·¤w_- to and the necessary expenses of the representative or re resenta- A proprmtion made . . P avaiiabxe. tives of the Uhlléd States on the International Commission of ‘°‘·‘2· ¥’· ‘“’8· J urists, made by the Act making appropriations for the Departments of State and J ustice and for the Judiciary, approved June 1. 1922, _ hqireby available for the purposes therein described for the sca year . ,,,{§‘§§fi_*§§,$§u,{,’fS“‘ INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE or AGRICULTURE AT Roma, ITALY ‘},;{;f¤l;_ 133,, {Fg- t%1etpay11ientpfIthe_q11ota pflsthe United States for the support , o the n rna 1ona nstitute o 1 griculture fo th 1 d r U bg { 19257 $19,577; r e ca en a year m;,,§§‘ "· ° °"m‘ For salary of the one member of the permanent committee of the éggeggiational Institute of Agriculture for the calendar year 1925, ,,Q‘Q,§?"S1"“"“ p“b““"' I<`or,the payment of the quota of the United States for the cost of translating into and printing in the English language the pub—