Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/267

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236 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 204. 1924. of officers of the field force temporarily ordered to the office in the District of Columbia. for consultation with the director, and not n,f;§*§'j,‘f,§“‘”·R,S¥e’;§*;; exceeding $500 for the expenses of the attendance of representatives commu. of the Coast and Geodetic Survey who may be designated as deletes from the United States at the meetings of the International

 gjciiincil or of it; branches, $4,620;

n , e expenses, 631,020. ii¤°$:iié,a¤. Vesels: For repairs of vessels, including traveling expenses of persons inssiicicting the repairs, and exclusive of engineer’s supplies Equipmmt ,m_ and other p chandlery, $75,000. _ _ ¤¤·>Y¤¤¤· _ For all necessary employees to man and equip the vessels, includ- - ing professional seamen sewing as mates on vessels of thesurvey, to execute the work of the survey herein provided for and au- Pay ml www thorized by law, $530,000. _ sm¢'¤meé¤. Pair, commissioned officers: For pay and allowances rescribed by law or commissioned officers on sea duty and other diuty, holding relative rank with omcers of the Navy, includirag one director with relative of captain, two hydrogiiaphic an geodet1c engineers with relative rank of ca tain, seven y rographic and geodetic engineers with relative mnE of commander, nine hydrograp ic and geoetic engineers with relative rank of lieutenant commander, thirty- eight hydroigptaphic and geodetic engineers with relative rank of heutenant, y-live ]uiuor hydrographic and geodetic engineers with relative rank of heutenant (]un1or gradeig, twenty-nine aids Prom with relative of ensign, and including officers retired in ac- A,,,,,,,;,, d,,,,,°,_ cordance with existing law, $500,000: Provided, That the Secretary of Commerce may designate one of the hydrographic and geodetic cmu pmmmd engixéeers to act as assistant director. ce force_: For personal services in the District of Columbia in Om accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $402,380. ”°°°"s‘ _ Oihce expenses: Ij`or purchase of new instruments (except survey- ing instruinents),_mcli1ding their exchan materials, uipment and suppliesrequired in the instrument sgi? , carpenterosliop, and drawing division; books, scientific and tecliinical books, journals, books of reference, maps, charts, and subscriptions; cop er lates, chart paper, pr1nter’s mk, copper, zinc, and chemicals flair electrotyping and photographing; engraving, printing, photographing, and e ectrotyping supplies; photolithographing charts and printing from stone and copper or immediate use; including the employment in the District of Columbia of such personal services other than clerical as mag be necessary for the prompt reparation of charts, not to excee $8,220; stationery for office and) field partiestransportation of instruments and supplies when not charged ai party_ expenses; office wagon and horses or automobile truck· heatmg, lighting, and power; telephones, including operation of switchboard; telegrams, ice, and washing; office furniture, repairs, traveling expenses of officers and others employed in- the office sent on i special duty in the service of the office; miscellaneous expenses, een- §%g§i);§1es of all kinds, and not exceeding $900 for extra labor, ml$Z°2§S$£?¤. ”H°w` ijipprepriations herein made for the Coast and Geodetic Surve shall not be available for allowance to civilian or other oiilcers fo; Subsistence while on duty at Washington (except as hereinbefore provided for officers of the_Iield force ordered to Washington for short periods for consultation with the director), except as now

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mnzmtr or risnnxms Commissioner, and _ _ °m°° P°”°¤¤°*· C9gS1¥§1I§1l<;;1<;§§Sgt gtir tl? Commissioner and other personal ( o um ia in ac rdan ‘ ues Act or 1923, $160,760. °° °° with th° C “sS‘H°"'