Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/53

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22 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 54-56. 1924. P¤¤*¤¤·°*°· existing law. The claimant Indians shall be parties plaintiff and the United States shall be party defendant, and such suits shall on motion of either party be advanced on the docket of the Court C°*¤P°'*'$°F*°°°°°** of Claims and of the Supreme Court of the United States. The wmeys ummm compensation to be aid the attorneys for the claimant Indians shall be determined Iby the Court of Claims in accordance with terms of the said a proved contracts and shall be paid out of any sum or sums foundp and adjudged to be due said ndiansz But in no event shall said compensation exceed 10 per centum of the amount of the respective judgments, nor exceed $25,900 for the Indians {gxéy ,0,, Nu residing on each respective reservation: Promded; howe·ver,TThat rama. said compensation shall not exceed $2o,0O0 for the hea Perce l\ation or Tribe of Indians res1ding·on both the Lapwai and Colville Indian Reservations, nor exceed 10 per centum of the amount of any judgments rendered inbefavop of sagd llilez Peirce dNation or Tribe said compensation to exc usive o a actua an necessary c,g§§g§}"§§’g§`¤lZ?°dt° expenises in prosecuting said suits. The balance of ang such judgments shall e placed in the Treasury of the United tates to the credit of the Indians entitled thereto and draw mterest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum. · Approved, March 13, 1924.

 CHAP. 55.-An Act To amend section 252 of the Revenue Act of 1921 iu
 respect of credits and refunds. ·

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the - §‘}‘f”‘°_,2'j“b_ ,505, United States of America in Congress assembled, That the second ¤m¤¤<1e<i· proviso of subdivision a) of section 252 of the Revenue Act of u€¤”§q°’;a;h¤'Zf§d M 1921 as amended by the ct entitled “An Act to amend the Revenue Act of 1921 in respect to credits and refunds,” approved March 4, ifzigigegxggvgggtfyé 1923, is anliended to_read as follovgsz "Pr1pvided further, Tha; if the ha '_ eu aa · ed taxpayer as, within five years rom the time the return or tie ‘*”;§”\ “"° "“ taxable year 1917 was due Bled a waiver of his right to have the beenfied. 7 _ _ _ taxes due for such taxable year determined and assessed within Bve m§§gggl° YW “”8· years after the return was filed, or if he has, on or before June 15, 1924, Bled such a waiver in respect of the taxes due for the taxable year 1918, then such credit or refund relating to the taxes for the year in respect of which the waiver was Bled shall be allowed or made if claim therefor is filed either on or before April 1, 1925, or within two years from the time the tax was paid." Approved, March 13, 1924. M°f§{1;#£?24' CHAP. 58.-——An Act To authorize the Park-Wood Lumber Company to

 §g§»§;$;tt;;Jdb§1;1igpsA:;p5p§;$igeaUni%ed_ gtates Canal which connects Apalachi-

. y, OI`]. 8.. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0 the

 United States ofpzlmerica in Congress assembled, That the {arkcynfigggggmgpgtgggsi ll ood Lumber Company, a corporation organizing and existing

?;%ni»g;·%-Baagksmt under the laws of the State of New Hampshire, its successors and · Yi · assigns, be, and it is hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and cnperate two bridges and approaches thereto across the United States (anal which connects Apalaclucola River and Saint Andrews Bay _ at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, in the county of Qszyfggjgtjgxgc gfaddgupfcin t;1g;1S§a£eAofAl"lor1da, in accordance with the provisions Pr _ Q _ 4Q 1 8 t · p 1 ct to rggidatelfhe construction of bridges gm-vo. _ ov r navwa e wa ers, approve arc 23 1906: P id d Th t ,,,§§§§.§°’“" M "" the Secreibary of W ar is hereby authorized, iupon thergoijcoriimendii-