Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/73

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42 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 81. 1924. 1¤¤i¤¤<>¤¤¤· ormcn or morn: Armnzs. Pwshw md Mm- Purchase and trans ortation of Indian supplies: For expenses p°r°°u°° °‘mph°°' necessary to the purchase of goods and supp ies for the Indian Service, including inspection, pay of necessary employees, and all other expenses connected therewith, includmgi advertising, storage, and transportation of Indian goods and supp es, for the following fiscal ears: Fory1923, $21,126.28; , For 1922, $9,102.03. _ _ _ _

 0, Court costs, case of Omaha, Indians against United States (tribal

m funds): For the balance of court costs mcurred in the case of the ‘ Omaha Tigbe of Ingliamsr againgt the UTnited1Stgge(s, élffggzd by gms Su reme ourt o e nited tates, une , , . , paya e frcgn th; tribal funds vgf the gmia Ilridians. to W 1 R Dk wamnimn. eim ursement to a ter e: or a ent a ter u e, R·=¤¤b¤¤¤¤¤¤* W- former superintendent of the Westernp blgiiajo Indian Agency, Arizona, as authorized b the Act of February 26, 1923, $3,999.52. ,,,K"»${,*y*f,{'°’R°s°"“` Payment to Indians ofY)’Vind River Reservation, Wyoming: For dP¤vm¤¤¢ ¢¤ I¤<¤¤¤= making payments to Indians of the Wind .R1VGf Reservation,_in ' accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to ratify andv$ine111%a11 aggzglmenik with the Indiarils rgsiiiigfoxwhe Shoshons or in 1ver an eserva ion in the ta o omin an to make appropriations for carrying the same into eifeclr," ap groved V°'·33·P·“m· March 3, 1905 (Thirty-third Statutes at Laxkge page 1021)), $50, reimbursable from the receipts from the sale o the lands ceded and _ relin uished pursuant to such Act. ,,f,_"‘*’*’°"'*"i“°"”"°' Tulberculosis sanatorium for Chippewa Indians in Minnesota m'1;¤%>rr¤&_¤; (tribal funds): For reppiring and remodeling of Indian school mmmnteumm. buildings at Omgum, innesota, for the puxgmse of converting same into a tubercular sanatorium for the bene t of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota, and for the maintenance and operation of said sanatorium, $50,000, to remain available until June 30, 1925, and to be paid from the principal sum on deposit to the credit of v¤,p.s4.s. said Indians arising under section 7 of the Act approved January 14, 1889, entitled {An Act for the relief and civilization of the _ Chiplpewa Indians in the State of Minnesota? mg¤¤Ar§g¤* R°¤°”¤· _ Gi a River Reservation, Arizona: For completing the construcc°}ap1¤u¤ga»m,¤w., tion by the Indian Service of a dam with_a Bridge superstructure {g;,g<;gg8¤,*g§,;*,;'f;¤_§*;j and the necessary controlling works for diverti water from the »¢¤.,¤¤. Gila River for the irrigation of Indian land andlllndian allotments on the Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona, as recommended by the Board of Engineers of the United States Army in paragraph Rm f 217 of its report_to the Secretary of War of Februa 14, 1914, Y¤*¤ $300,000, to remain available until June 30, 1925, reinilhursable as "°'· 3"·P·“'”· gpoyided mnlsection 2 of gg; Act of August 24, 1912 (Thirty-seventh auesa arge, pa e . §,§¤b·g`·;,°¤i°k*¤· bm, Chilocco Indian School, (lhilocco Oklahoma: For rebuildin and aaai reequipping the horse barn at the Chilocco Indian School, Ch§occo, Oklahoma, which was destroyed by iire on February 14, 1924 $12,000; and_for the replacement of horses mules, harness, and §?;d60&I35,000; in all, $17 ,000, to remain available until June 30, 1925, National mx wv- " ’ NATION M AL rmx snnvxcr:. Y,,¤¤¤*m¤¤·WY¤· _ Yellowstone National Park Wyoming: For re airi dama me- www caused by fiood washouts to rdads, bridgzs, and relgainiiig walls Iii Yellowstone National Park and to the road leading out of the park from the east boundary, $27,700.