Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/794

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SIXTY-EIGHTH oononnss. sms. II. oss. ss-sv. 1925. 763 POST ormcn nnrenmmivr For salaries, Post Office Department, $24.18. m§',,°§* °“°° D°P°’*‘ For balance due foreign countries, $126,264.25. i For city delivery carriers, $1,325.63. For clerks, first and second class post offices, $2,365.15. For compensation of postmasters, $1,307.24. For electric and cable car service, $2,306.57. For indemnities, domestic mail, $634.05. For indemnities, international mail, $1,795.15. For mail messenger service, $88. For miscellaneous items, first and second class post offices, $123. For person and property damage claims, $500. For pneumatic tube service, $1,865.83. For post office equipment and supplies, $2,757. For railroad trans rtation, $34,239.66. For Railway Mail ggrvice salaries, $12.34. For rent, light, and fuel, $2,234.03. For Rural Delivery Service, $594.18. For separating mails, $1,147.23. For shipment of supplies, $120.37. For special—delivery fees, $5.44. For temporary city delivery carriers, $145.07. For temporary clerk hire, $1,019.05. For vehicle service, $1,172.55. For village delivery service, $34.94. For watchmen, messengers, and laborers, $11.20. Addm,,,,·,,°,,°”b, Total, audited claims, section 2, $1,460,523.80, together with such ¤¤¤¤¤¤:¤- additional sum, due to increases in rates of exchange, as may be necessary to pay claims in the foreign currency as specified in certain of the certificates of settlement of the General Accountin Office. Tim M t Sec. 3. This Act hereafter may be referred to as §he “First ° °' Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1925." Approved, January 20, 1925. Januar 21 1926.

 86.-An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to create a com-  

mission authorized under certain conditions to refund or convert obligations of ‘ ` foreign Governments held by the United States of America, and for other pur- POSc8," approved February 9, 1922, as amended February 28, 1923 Be it enacted b the Senate and House of Representatives of the 0,,,, wa, - United States of zlwnerica in Uongress assembled, That the Act of 1%} féemmgggéjg February 9, 1922, as amended, creatin and establishing the World sd. ’p' ' War Foreign Debt Commission be, ang hereby is, further amended so that section 4 of said Act of February 9, 1922, shall read as follows: To terminate two “S1ic. 4. That the authority granted by this Act shall cease and ,§;°°{,,‘*`é,,_"°"‘ F"*"““” determine at the end of two years from February 9, 1925." · Approved, January 21, 1925. an 22, 1925. CHAP. 87.-—An Act Making appropriations for the Treasury and Post Omce Departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, and for other purposes [Publ"' °‘°‘ 32*] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, TITLE I—TREASURY DEPARTMENT The following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the mghtapprol pralffgeiiit Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Treasury Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, namely: