Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/1001

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mnnx. 2309 Vessels of the United States—Continued. 12180- Veterans? Bureau, United States-gCon. P•¢•· no lien recognized against 1113 additional hospital, etc., facilities for all benefits of exemptions, etc., accorded patients of, authorized . .- - - - 389 United States in suits ..s.. 1113 permanent training school for the blind- 389 Veetap Frank An means to be employed- -_ ------,,,-- 390 credit in accounts _______ __ ___________ 1559 accommodation for medical, etc., per- 390 Vester, Ferry, La., som`? ````````````'```'``'`'" brides a¤~¤<>n=a18a¤1¤¤i Bam Ba- 888 §§,‘,§i2',§‘§E§§t°if3tia;i;sa;;i;;;;;;i; 3% thommew a ·j ···‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘"’‘ allowance for preparing plans, etc- 390 V¢1€TG7l·8’ 8141*0011, U7111011 $101**8 (See **180 former appropriation and authorization World War Vaterana Ad. 1924% ion additional hospital toon- $PP10PY10·t10111.01`$1111*1'1°s and °XP°“·S€s- 53r ities for patients of, extended to _ _ 1210 Juno ao, 1926 . 1317 00111181, 108101181 and anboflioaa m' further facilities for care of beneficiaries _ 01110011 --------—— y -—---—--- 531i 1210 in hospitals of; rather than other P¤SS011801'» 01*% v<=111¤10¤ auowcd-- 53r temporary contract institutions- 1212 . - . 1210 purchase of plants, use of Govern- Arlington Building operating force meut Sites, eto ________________ 1212 111111 0XP011$00 -·-—--—------- 531i 1210 construction of buildings, furnishing detailed- statement of employees equipment, eto ________________ 1213 l‘€<20lV111S 0V01 $2,000 0 Y0213 to location, purpose, etc., subject to apbo made annually --------- _531, 1210 provalof the President - 1213 $1101111001 to Pllbllc 110*11011 SBYVWB transfer of other Government owned 00190110- ---—— ; - - ; ------—-—— 532, 1210 facilities to bureau ------------ 1213 for pnnnns and b¤¤<1¤¤s_f¤r----- 532. 1210 construction, oto., to be determined for military and naval disability and by the president ______________ 1213 d08·§11 00111P011S0t1011---_ ---—- 532, 1210 employment of Government techfo1‘ 111001011-1i S111'S100·1» 110$P11i2·1» aio-, nical personnel, outside agencies, services to beneficiaries ...- 532, 1210 etc __________________________ 1213 111101&11101115S to 011101 G0V01`11-1110110 amoungauthorized for additional hosv·$011010§, 010 --------- ; - - 532, 1211 pitals, etc .-..--..-------- 1213 1150 101 $11%, 110W 1100911121-» ~-`1Q·i allowance from, for technical and _ f91‘b1dd011 - - - T ------- _ - - - » 032, 121 1 clerical services --.----- - .-.-.. 1213 1111111 011 1111P1`0V111S 110$P1t0·1S» 0· -- 532, after completion of program for, no _ 121 1 other than Bureau, etc., hospitals imexpended balances for hospitals, to bg used ____________________ 1213 6170., CQ111QlI1l1Bd 8.\{8»il8bl€ 532, 1211 gjugrggnc exception ________ _ ____ 1213 0XP011d1t111`08 1111l?1101'1Z0*1 110111 allot- Marine and fnsurance Division, conmonts to other agencies . 532, 1211 tinued until September 9, 1924- - 1917 for vocational rehabilitation of dis- purchase authorized for, of Muskogee, charged disabled soldiers, etc- 533, 1211 ()k]e_, city hospituj ____________ 1354 USB fo1' r1'1111111l8 001115015 at A1`111Y repeal of former Act establishing -.-..- 630 011111PB fo1‘b1d11011-;--_ ------- 533i 1211 sections of World War Veterans’ Act construction work limited --.. 533, 1211 to be in lieu of _________________ 630 P111`0112·$0 of 0111000800 1110191010 right of way granted at hospital reserfo1‘ 11111111 0X·S01'V100 111011 ---— 533, 1211 vation of, at Knoxville, Iowa--- 792 sale of B111111110 1110001121% 0t0·» to sale of Corpus Christi Hospital, Tex., schools, authorized-: ...-.. _. 533, 1211 authorized ___________________ 1093 for paying adjusted Sérvlce ¢l‘0d11iS-- 1212 World War Adjusted Compensation for paying d!3p6Dd€l1i?S of d€C68·88d Act provisions, ______________ _ 12], veterans l11§1>8·1111101}$S 41110 011 ¤d· Veterans’ Bureau, United States, Director of jllsiéd S01‘Vl<;0 0100118 ---------- 1212 duties of, under World War Adjusted for adjusted certificate fund 1212 Com ensation Act ,-----.--... 121 for military and naval insurance- 533, 1212 Veterans, WWE} War, for salaries and expenses, addltloual, provisions for adjusted com ensation 1925 ----.-----.-.- - -_ 705 of, in service of United gtates- - - 121 dedciency appropriation for vocational refund of charges paid by, on relinrehabilitation .-..-.--.. 36, 55, 60, quished irrigation projects ---... 956 681, 697, 700, 759, _1348, 1351, 1353 Veterinarians, Army, for additional hospital faclhties for appropriation for retired .----.-...- 481, 896 patients of, school for the blind- 36, 681 Veterinary Division, D. C., for paying damages claims .-.. 36, 681, 1317 appropriation for salaries and expenses - 540, for medical and hospital services . 55, 1217 60, 697, 700, 759, 1348, 1351, 1353 Vice Consuls, for salaries and expenses .- 55, appropriation for salaries -.-.-.-.. 208 697, 759, 1348, 1351 additional pay to, while in charge durfor administrative expenses, Adjusted ing absence of principal officer-- 1016 Compensation Act ---...-. 681 Vice Consuls of Career, for paying adjusted service credits classified as Foreign Service officers, and dependent pay -.-..- - - 681 unclassidcd -...--- 142 for adjusted service certificate fund- 682 Vice President of the United States, for increase of compensation -.-- 759, 1348 appropriation for compensation ---- 521, 1198 for payment to Peacock Military Col- or secretary, clerks, etc .------- 578, 1286 lege ..--- - ---.--.-... 1317 for automobile for .--.-..---.-. 581, 1289 45822°-—voL 43—1>•r 2-64