Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/1014

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2322 INDEX. World War Vc!erans’ Act, l.924—Contd. P¤¢¤- World War Veteran! Act, 1924——·Contd. Pusaofficials empowered to issue subpmnas; compensation, insurance, support, etc., assistance of district courts . 609 allowances, not assignable, nor failure to obey orders of, punish- subject to creditors or taxes 613 able as contempt of court .. 609 claims of United States excepted 613 expenses allowed witnesses ... 609 assignments of converted insurance details of employees to examine to permitted beneficiaries, alclaims, ma e investigations, lowed ... ---- 613 etc.; powers conferred . 610 persons discharged from service for opinion of ttorney General on ques- specified causes barred from comtions of, may be required by Di- pensation, insurance, etc., rights 613 rector ... 610 cash surrender value of converted ingeneral powers of Director; all services surance to be paid 614 necessary for executing provi- enemy alien serving with American sion of ct .. 610 forces in World War entitled to utilize facilities of all governmental compensation, etc., benefits 614 agencies . 610 person dishonorably discharged by additional personnel, equipment, court martial, subsequently etc., to be furnished from .. 610 found to have been insane at arrange for further hospitalization, time of offense, entitled to cometc., if Government facilities un- pensation, etc., allowances . 614 satisfactory .. 610 provisions effective as of April 6, 1917; improve, extend, etc., government payments, etc., authorized . 614 insufficient hospital facilities--- 610 compensation benefits to person instructures to become permanent ducted, but dying or disabled, property of Bureau or other etc., before enlistment; condiagencies . - ... 610 tions 614 contract for outside hospital, etc., insurance application deemed service ... - ... 610 valid ._.. 614 permanent transfer of Public Health, person applyingq between April 6, etc., hospitals to Bureau 610 1917, and ovember 11, 1918, rules to be made for conduct of patients for enlistment and accepted proat hospitals, etc . ., . 611 visionally, as an inducted man-- 614 penalties for breaches .. - - - - 611 amounts of compensation, etc., unpaid acceptance of gifts for purposes of re- at time of death of beneficiary, habilitation, authorized- ... 611 payable to personal representafund to be created from; use of . 611 five ... - . 614 reports of receipts etc., to Congress- 611 in case of escheat to be credited to detailed report o all activities, etc., to fund .___,___________________ 614 be submitted annually to Con- payments made heretofore under regugress by Director . 611 lations, etc., validated .,.. 615 all previous appropriations, unexpend- exception as to insurance not in ed, made available for Bureau- - 611 force __________,_______,__ _ _ - 615 for military and naval insurance, no recovery from beneiciary, if withpremiums, etc., made available- 612 out fault --------___,,___,-_-- 615 premiums collected hereafter -.--.-. 612 surplus supplies, etc., may be disposed payments of term insurance, etc., of by Director ----..-.-.-.--- 615 from, upon awards of Director-- 612 lands or buildings, etc., may be premiums paid on converted insurance leased ---------. , ------------ 615 to be credited to Government proceeds covered into the Treasury- 615 insurance fund ..--. - ..-..- 612 files, etc,, fpertaining to claims deemed available for losses, benefits, liabili- con dential ..-------.----- --’- 615 ties for court judgments, etc--- 612 no disclosure permitted, except to reserve funds to be set aside from; claimants, conditionally --.. 615 investment in Federal securities, under process of court, etc --..-.- 615 or farm loan bonds;sale, etc 612 in proceedings as to mental comcredits to be allowed disbursintg clerk, { petency of a claimant --.------ 615 by Comptroller General, or pay- amount of compensation or trainments of insurance installments ing allowance, to any person--- 615 without verification from pay certified copies of, to be received as rolls --_-_- - --.,---___------.- 612 evidence -.--_.-----.--__,-.-- 615 recognition of attorneys restricted to provisions of Act not applicable to conrepresentatives of Red Cross, scientious objector refusing duty, and veterans organization, in or person discharged for alicnage 615 claims for compensation, etc-- - 612 compensation allowed for injury or dispermitted for insurance claims in ease contracted, etc., in service court -___--,---- --...-----.. 612 from April 6, 1917, and before fee to be determined by court .-.. 612 July 2, 1921, by officers, enlisted intervenors allowed in insurance men, etc ---.-.-.. 615 cases; procedure .-------.---.- 613 aggravation, etc., of existing disregulations to be prescribed for proof of ability ...-. - -...- 615 marriage, ____,_ , , -------- 613 misconduct excepted .-.-.- - --...-- 616 provisions for payments to minors, not denied while in hospital for mental incompetents, etc ... 613 paralysis, blindness, etc -.- 616