Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/400

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ARBITRATION AGREEMENT——NORWAY. Novnmnnn 26, 1923. 1747 of the Kingdom of Norway, the varighet if¢lge dens artikel IV W- 35» P· 1995- duration of which by Article IV var fastsatt til et tidsrum av thereof was fixed at a period of fem aar fra datoen for ratiiifive years from the date of the kasjonenes utveksling, hvilket exchange of ratiiications, which tidsrum ved avtale mellem de period, by the Agreement of June to regjeringer av 16de juni 1913 W- 38,v- 1771- 16, 1913, between the two Gov- blev forlenget for fem aar fra ernments was extended for five 24de juni 1913, og som blev foryears from June 24, 1913, and lenget ved avtale mellem dem V¤l.4<>,p.1618· was extended by the Agreement av 30te mars 1918. for et ytterbetween them of March 30, 1918, ligere tidsrum av fem aar fra for the further period of five 24de juni 1918, forlenges herved years from June 24, 1918, is here- og forblir i kraft for et yttery extended and continued in ligere tidsrum av fem aar fra force for the further period of 24de juni 1923. five years from June 24, 1923. Article II. Artikel II. The {present Agreement shall Naervmrende avtale skal rati- uxcmum or mmbe rati ed by the Prsident of fiseres av Presidenten for Ameri- ““°°" the United States of America, by kas Forente Stater med raad og and with the advice and consent samtykke av Statenes Senat; og of the Senate thereof, and by av Hans Majestet Norges Konge, His Majesty the King of Nor- og den skal trede i kraft den way, and it shall become effective dag, som ratiiikasjonenes utveksupon the date of the exchange of ling sker, hvilken skal iinne sted ratifications, which shall take i Washington saa snart som. place at Washington as soon as mulig. possible. _ DONE in duplicate in the Utferdiget i to eksemplarer S*g°“*“'°" English and Norwegian lan- paa enge sk og norsk i Washguages at Washington this 26th ington den 26de november 1923. day of November, 1923. Cuamlns Evans Huomzs {emu.,] Hmmmn H Bmm smut] AND WHEREAS the said Agreement has been duly ratified on °h§n°;g{,{*°¤°*°¤° °*‘ both parts, and the ratifications of the two governments were exchanged in the City of Washington, on the eig th day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Calvin Coolidge, Presi- P"°°*°¤“*“°“· dent of the United States of America, have caused the said Agreement to be made ublic, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof}? may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. IN TESTIMONY WTIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be aihxed. Done at the City of Washington, this twelfth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [sun,.] twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-eighth. CALv1N Coonmcn By the President: Cxmnnns E. Huomzs Secretary of State.