Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/454

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 Convention and protocol between the United States and Peru, facilitating

the work of travelggg salesmen. Signed at Lima, January 19, 1923; ratijieation advie by the Senate, February 27, 1.923; ratijied by the President, March 25, 1924; ratifed by Peru, June 15, 1.924; gzgfcations exchanged at Lima, July 8, 1924; proclaimed, July 18, 4. BY rmt Pnmsmmrr or rmt Unrmn Sawrns or Aumuoa. A PROCLAMATION. P;-Q'°'*¤¥ www- WHEREAS a Convention between the United States of America P¤•¤¤N¤· and the Republic of Peru to facilitate the work of traveling salesmen and a Protocol for the better fulfillment of the provisions of the said Convention were concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Lima on the nineteenth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, the originals of which Convention and Protocol beingl in the English and Spanish languages, are word for word as fo ows: Convention Convencién concerning relative a Commercial Travelers Agentes Viajeros _ °°"""*""P°"°”· The United States of America Los Estados Unidos de América and the Republic of Peru, being yla Rep1ib1icaPeruana, deseando desirous to foster the develop- omentareldesarrollo del oomercio ment of commerce between them existente entre ellos y acrecentar and to increase the exchange of el intercambio de mercaderias commodities by facilitating the mediante facilidades a los agentes work of travelingi salesmen, have viajeros, han acordado ce ebrar agreed to conclu e a Convention una Convencion con tal objeto; for that purpose and have to Qpara ello han nombrado por sus that end appointed as their Pleni- enipotenciarios: potentiaries: ”"'*’°“"‘“"""· The President of the United E1 Presidente de los Estados States of America, Mr. Frede- Unidos de América a Mr. Frederick A. Sterling, Chargé d’Af— rick A. Sterling, Encargado de faires ad interim in Lima, and Negocios ad interim de los Estathe President of Peru, Doctor dos Unidos en Lima, y el Presi- Alberto Salomon, Minister for dente de la Republica Peruana, Foreign Affairs, who, having al senor doctor don Alberto communicated to each other their Salomon, Ministro de Estado en full powers, which were fonmd to el despacho de Relaciones Extebe 111 due form, have agreed riores; quienes,habiéndose comuupon the following articles: nicado reciprocamente sus (plenos poderes, Sue fueron halla os en uena y ebida forma, oonvinieron en los siguientes articulos: ARTICLE I ARTICULO I mC,¤¤¤¤[ Moijgedrgg Manufacturers, merchants, and Los manufactureros, comerouasinghlicsme. traders domiciled within the juris— ciantes y fabricantes, domiciliadiction of one of the High Con- dos dentro de la jiuisdiccion de