Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/489

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EXTRADITION TREATY—LITHUANIA. Arm!. 9, 1924. 1837 17. Kidnapping of minors or a@ts,,defi_ned__to be the abduction K*d¤P¤*°¢·_ or detention of `a person of persons, in order to exact money from them, their families or any other person or persons, or for any other unlawful end. Lu 18. Larceny, defined to be the theft of eifects, personal property, °°°y' _ or money, of the value of twenty five dollars or more, or Lithuanian equivalent Obtainin mone b 19. Obtaining money, valuable securities or other property by false pmenics, etc? Y false pretences or receiving any money, valuable securities or other property knowing the same to ave been imlawfuliy obtained where the amount of money or the value of the property so obtained or received exceeds two hundred dollars or Lithuanian equivalent. 20, Perjury or subornation of erjury. ” __ P°'j“"‘" 21. Fraud or breach of trust gy a bailee, banker, agent, factor, B'°“°°°""“°’°t°‘ trustee, executor, administrator, guardian, director or officer of any company or corporation, or by any one in any fiduciary position, where the amount of money or the value of the property misappropriated exceeds two hundred dollars or Lithuanian equivalent. 22. Crimes and offenses against the laws of both countries for the S*°"°°'“°"‘“‘ suppression of slavery and s ave trading. _ I

 .Wi1ful desertion or wilful non-support of minor or dependent d$£$?$°{IZ¤a1$fZB. °

c 1 ren. 24· E¤¢¤¤di¢i¤¤ Shell ¤k·.<>.tak¢.n1a>e.@ artiepatioii inazmof che.1-%f??‘3?i??t. .. cu‘iii1e§‘b€f6re""inéntionéd as an accessoryjbefore or after the fact; Elrovided such participation be punishable by imprisonment by the ws of both the High Contracting Parties. . ARTICLE III. _, / The provisions of the present Treatiy shall not importaclaim of 1aig§°1Z`¤ir§°¤i£ir my p°` extradition for any crime or offense o a political character, nor for acts connected with such crimes or_ offenses; and no person surrendered by or to either of the High Contracting Parties in virtue of this Treaty shall be tried or punished for a pohtical crime or offense. A t tm ts t When the offense charged comprises the act either of murder or mmm nalin Jfszgié assassination or of poisoning, either consummated or attempted the “°”°"°“"°"l°""‘°· fact that the offense was committed or attempted against the life of the Sovereign or Head of a foreign State or a ainst the life of any member of is family, shall not be deemed suigcient to sustain that such crime or offense was of a political character; or was an act connected with crimes or offenses of a political character. ARTICLE IV. No erson shall be tried for any crime or offense other than that ...T.‘Z‘§L.‘%§§§ siii·¤e°iiZ for which he was surrendered. · “°*°d· ARTICLE V. A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered imder the provisions L*¤>“¤*‘°¤ °'“¤*°· hereof, when, from lapse of time or other lawful cause, according to the laws of the place within the jurisdiction of which the crime was committed, the criminal is exempt from prosecution or punishment for the offense for which the surrender is asked. ARTICLE VI. ’ If a fugitive criminal whose surrender may be claimed pursuant m{2§§,S‘{,‘}Sc0'{,'Z,'{$§§{,r,§’§,?', to the stipulations hereof, be actually under prosecution, out on bail *°“¤d- or in custody, for a crime or offense committed in the country where 45822°—voL 43—1>·r 2— 32