Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/683

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I N D E X . A. P¤K¤· Accounts and Disbursements Division, De- Pnsc. partment of Agriculture, A Street NE., D. C., appropriation for chief, and office perappropriation for paving, etc., Fif- sonnel . 451, 842 teenth to Seventeenth Streets; Accounts Bureau, Post Office Department, from gasoline-tax fund . 1225 appropriationdfor personal services-- 84, 782 A Street gg p_ g_ a money or ers accounts to he renappropriation fdr Epagring, etxg, Fif- A k defied li°»(9·t_§P€§id€d P€¥`10dS~ - - 950 teenth to ig teenth treets· c errncm nme wi ow from gnso1i¤c-tax fund ._.. I 1225 A neniécng E E- b ---·-- Z ------------- 1473 Abandoned wife or Child D. 0. °’”“ 8**. °° 8 .°'”¥’“"y· . appropriation for payment lto desti- may bggggg Llggc Calumet Rwm`1 25 1¤1<~= -—----——»----———»-—--— 5711 12*5 Ann. n.n.$.§‘3<» dd.; ··············· Abbefdlle C°“”l?l» · Co appropriation for irrigation system for; bridge authorized across Savannah mp,-,_yment_ _______ _ 403 1153 River between Elbert County, Acoustics, ````` ’ Gao and ---—————-———————————- 1266 appropriation for applying principles of , A'1i’§%’..£°£‘¥°*’rr1.l£’p%c.$’t1.d¤gtd to an t° ’““‘*“" “"" ‘“d““”"“1 “S$§2 1042 Abbott, Benton (son), I _ I _ _ _ _ 22 Actuary, Government, , pension ..t -. ..-e 15 deficiency appropriation for increased Abbott, Charles (son), pay ___,,,... 693 lpension ."e - 1481 salary of, increased ..._,. 353 A bott,_Esta (widow), 1394 Acuf, Samuel E., alias Samuel E. Harris, pension - ... ension .._,___.____________ 1390 Abbott, James, F., A¢l)a County Idaho, payment to 1584 sale of lands at Adger, to Oregon Abbott, Kate E. (widow), Short Line Railroad Company, pension increased ... 1516 for sand and gravel pit _________ 248 Abear, _David (son) , 1487 Ad nglcfzral deposits reserved - .. 249 pension a a. Abear, _John (son), 1487 terms of court at; rooms to be provided- 388, pension e... 945 Aber, Caleb, Adams, Byron S., military record corrected .. - - - 1586 ayment to ,_______________________ 1578 Aberdeen, Miss., Adbms, Jacob, . terms of court at 882 ension increased ___________________ 1407 Abingdon, Va., Adlzms, John, terms of court at . - .. 114 (pension increased ,.._.________,_____ 1404 Abner,_Walter G., A ams,_ John, and John Quincy Adams, .o§’$?t‘7i‘},y1m;;.;r;.‘v.;.;t..,,..,.; ‘‘1‘ 8 ‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘ "‘°” °’°°°‘°2..‘ll..E”’.?l"2*.¥Z:t°¤$°‘* i" m1&m°" °" 1302 o io z umcy ass . appropriation fog: researches, for pre- 9 829 amcyéxlt apthorized for"., .._... 1302 ven ing e c 43 Adams it widow) Abridgment of M essages and Documents, ’ nsion _,.._,, ’ _..______________ 1 471 preparation, etc., of annual, repealed-- 1106 Adbems, M ra. M. J., Absecon Inlet, N. J., ayment to, for death of son _ 1589 preliminar examination, etc., of, to be Aelbms Mary S. (widow), mage 1192 ension increased- .._______ ._ ________ 1441 Accidents, Mine, Azllzms, Nancy (widow), appropriation forinvestigating,etc-- 420, 1173 pension increased _______ , .___._ _ ____ 1524 Accidenta,_Railwa;;, etc., _ Adams, Sarah (widow), appropriation or securing reports of, (pension increased ,__________________ 1467 and investigating .. 526, 1205 A dington, Margaret A. (widow), deficiency appropriation for securing (pension ________________________ ____ 1451 _1'ep0l"¢S Of, etc 755 A ditional Assistant Secretary of State, Accounting Ojiicg, Ggéra@ (see General arepointrgierétlof, authfpirizedggalary 146 ccoun mg ce . sa ary 0 a 0 ished 0 ce of irector of Accounts Bind tDep¢;sits Ofice, Treasury tléc (consular Service made availepar men a e ______________________ 146 appropriation for, Commissioner, and Adjournment ofo5'ongress, otiice personnel .. 67, 767 ordered, June 7, 1924 ____._..___. 1611 1991