Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/703

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INDEX. 2011 Ashley, Jane N. (widow), Pelle- Attorney General——Continued. P¤8¤· pension 1430 directed to appear in claims a ainst Ashmead, Elizabeth A. (widow), United States in Court of (§aims pension increased ... 1499 of Choctaw and Chickasaw Ashmead, Emma (widow), Indians ..._._,_.. 537 pension increased ... 1493 of Cherokee Indians- ... --- 27 Ashton, Douzitla (widow), of Creek Indians .. 140 pension 1513 of Seminole Indians ... 134 Asportatuén of Stolen Goods in Interstate d of Stockbridge Tribe o5hI111;li3ns.l.T- 645 ommerce, uties in connection wi e era n- punishment for . 794 dustrial Institution for Women- 473 Assessment and Permit Work, D. C., opinions on uestions of law to be furappropriation for streets, etc 1 - - 545, 1222 nished by, on request of Director for sewers . 551, 1228 of Veterans’ Bureau ... 610 deficiency appropriation for sewers 37 site for Industrial Reformatory to be Assessment of Internal Revenue Taxes, selected by, and Secretaries of limitation on time of making, on all Treasury and Interior---.. . 724 but income and estate taxes 341 duties of control, mana ement, etc., Assessor’s Office, D. C. of institution vesteg in . 724 appropriation for salaries .. ---- 540, 1218 to serve on Pueblo Lands Board .. 636 or furnishing copies of wills, etc., to- 1%%% gttorneys, District (see District Attorneys). » uctioneers, for special equipment for ... 545 payment restricted to, for sales of Assistant CAttorney General in Customs Audud cérmy surplus supplies, etc . 479 ases, i aims, appropriation for . ---- 216, 1026 deficiency appropriation for paying, Assistant Custodians, etc. (see Operating against District of Columbia"- 1323 Force, Public Buildings). for paying, certified by General Ac- Assistant to the Attorney General, counting Omce .. ... 55, appropriation for . .. ... 216, 1025 6 , 697, 699, 758, 1347, 1351, 1352 Atiotta, OVW-, Auditor for Treasury Department ¤PP1'0P1'1¤·t1011 for €1118·1'¤·¤t111° ¤t¤·t1011--- 80 deficiency a propriation for sarlaries- - - 57 Astrophysical Observatory, Auditorium Err Chamber Music etc. appropriation for maintenance of--- 528, 1207 Libra, of Congress ’ ’ A1h¢!`{0t1, FT¤t1¢i·‘1 M ·» acceptance og gift for, pieparation of 1m11*“1'Y 1'°°°1d °°"?°'°°‘1 -—-————-———-— 1589 plane, construction, etc., au- Atherton, Sarah A. (widow), thomzed _________ · ____________ 788 pension--T ------------------------- 1419 Auditors’ Building, 12. 0., Atkins, N elite L- (d¢1utlh¢¢?`), izppropriation for fire protection ... 778 pension ---------------------------- 1433 A num opus, 12. 0., Atkinson, Gw'96 A-» appropriation for salaries .. 541 1218 pension --------------------·~------ 1383 Augusta, Ark., ’ At <1'1*°» Gao bridge authorized across White River appropriation for penitentiary, mainte- MU _________________________ 1131 11°11°° --——- _ —----—·-—-—-—--— 2?2» 1032 Arkansas may acquire to operate as a working capital fund reappropri- free bridge ___________________ 1131 ` 81·€d» etc --——--— _-; -——---—--—-— 1032 tolls allowed for five years ... 1131 ger pen1;ent1ary,ta§id1t;§r1al, 1?2?§§5- Augusta Ga or wor 'ng capi a , a i iona, - . ’ " · deficier1cy appropiriation f¢1r peniteéiég 1334 todae R?;13]g’;m°d °'°r°°° S°v°'°°°'h 102 1515* m¤1¤ <>¤8·¤¤¢, o G . · ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ r ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ emgegi for <1rei¤e¤e» re¤r¤r¤rr1·',33, A‘§."§§"§?$‘§’1£°§P§§,°Zs’T.(}€‘fl?f)J . 1499 "Atlunztc8Ct¢y,1*`T%§ Bidi; } ````' ‘ Aurora. gmzbnznd Fox River Electric owner of, may ring sui or co ision b .d F rm . S . t Ch I damages, in district court ... 1568 may n ee °? ver m em ere Aaoraa cmu, '1`<>w¤¤1¤n» 111 -—-————-——-——-——— 104 appropriation for surveys of, and out- A1¢1'01`¤» IF-, lying islands ____________ ___ 235, 1044 may bridge east and west branches of for surveys of. additional, 1925 . 70c _ Fox R¤ver---,--, ...-.-... 12 Atmospheric henomena, time extended for bridging west branch appropriation for investigating .. 437, 826 of Fox River, by - .-.-.---- 11 Attorney General, dam to be removed_and replaced; appropriation for, Solicitor General- 216, 1025 dernesee to be paid by eity --.. 11 an Assistant to . 216, 1025 Aaoteel, Frances E. (widow), authorized to arbitrate, etc., claims on pension ...--... 1507 which libel filed for damages Austill, J ere, against public vessel .. - 1112 payment of fees to, as district court report of all judgments, etc., in commissioner . - .._.._...__ 1583 damages claims .. - 1112 Austin, Lovada. (widow), equip Leavenworth, Kaus., peniten· pension increased ._.._._,.__...__,__ 1514 tiary for manufacture of shoes, Austin, Lydia J. (widow), brooms, etc., by its inmates 6 pension .,._..,.___, 1485