Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/706

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2014 INDEX. · Bates, Qrominah (widow), P¤K<‘~ Bayou Crook Chene, La., Pasep€I1Sl0¤ 1525 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be Batesville, Ark., made ____,..._ - ___._____,___ 1195 bridge gviilthorized across White River, 888 Bayou Des Ourse, La., t 1 f . preiminar ami a t . t b State may acquire rights, etc., and maclvefiji Ii - fil-5-(1;;).1-3- -5 1195 operate as a free bridge --.. 888 Bayou La Batre, Ala., tolls allowed for five years ... 888 improvement of, authorized- ..----.-- 1187 terms of court at ----.----.---------- 91 Beach, Anna R, H, (widow), time extiended for bridging White River 78 B pension -------------_---_,_____-_-_ 1431 8. - .-...-.- . ...-..--. 9 eacons Bathing Beaches, D, 0,, approiniation for .-.. 233, 1043 appropriation for expenses -.--- - --- 552, 1229 Beam, Gaarlla J- (San), for ida] Basin, Potomac Park -.--- 573 P€11810{1-; ---------———-—-—- · —-—--—-— 1445 deficiency appropriation for extend- Beam, 1111116 (daaahiwl, ing, west shore of Tidal Basin-- 678 P0¤$1O11 -—---—- _ ----———-—--—---——-——- 1509 for colored population .-.----.-.--- 678 Baan Badly, Meawaa, _ for removing, etc., Tidal Basin ...-- 1323 ·‘1PP1`0P1'1*rl91011 fo1` P1'0V011r1¤S ¤P1'€9·d Batt, Hannah M. (widow), of ---- i -------·-.------ ,,-- 450, 840 pension increased ___________________ 1453 for preventing spread of, additional, Battle Bluf Crossing, Miss., l H U 1925 —-—--—-—-—---———-—————-- 705 bridge authorized across Pearl River at- 102 Baa" Caasi Guard Camf, Battle Crggk’ M{ch_, construction of cutter for Alaskan may aciluire two unsurveyed islands in waters 30 1`0P1a°0 -——---—-—-- - - - 728 alamazoo River for public pur- Baa' qraak, KU-, _ _ Egsgg; Eurchagg price, ct(g_ _____ pl'8llI111I]B,I'y CX8,H]1l`l8,tlOD, 6170., Of, to Battle Fi ds of the Siege of Petersburg, Va., be made ——-- - ——--—------———-· 1195 commission created to inspect, etc., as Baa1`d81¢U, Kam A- (widow), to feasibility of preserving for P€118101'1 —--———- _ -————--——-----—--—--- 1500 historical study,_ etc ..---.- T - - - 856 B¢a·‘10'l, Sarah (widow), Battle Monuments Commission, American, Pensmn —----——--—--—--—-~——·--—--~- 1505 appropriation for expenses of ..--...-. 522 Baaufan qaamli Lumber Company, deficiency appropriation for expenses- _ 3.5 may bring spit for co1l1sion,damages_to unexpended alances, available for all 99 VSSI, At1a11t10 CNY, 111 <11¤t1'1019 1568 expenses ___,___-_-_-_-,-__--- 11 5 u -——-——----—-——---———--— Battle Mountain Sanitarium, Hot Springs, Beaufar 1 _1 7*161, N- 0;, _ · ,g_ Dakq prelimmarg examination, etc., of, to be 1193 appropriation for expenses Volunteer me 9 —----—-—-- - ——--——-———-—- So1diers’ Home -.--- ...----- 518, 932 Beywfvrt, N- C-. deficiency apprcipriationfor Volunteer 1mP1‘0V0m011t of W¤·t01`W¤){ 110111 N01'- Soldiers, cnn, _______________ 53 harbgokglxggrtoédauthornzcd ... · z -..- Batik of Lemwwn 'mii q°"'°°rd’ intracoastal barge lines to be reestabdeiiciency appropriation for expenses, li had b t B lt. M d of Sesquicentennial_Commission- 754 agd ° w°°° E 1m°r°* ·* 1255 Bo(,,z£$Z,2,’Z$’i~IiZ°$Z,°; °°1°;"m°° ```` 754 *’”“‘“i£3§’a€§““€l”£§i?£`;o?°" °f' ll"` ms 'scon inuance o wor increasing urre ’ " ‘·‘·‘····· we *¤¤s<~= ¤* d·=¤i¤¤¤a·1 ---——--— 45 ”“‘°€§’“,§¥,,¥,”$é%l‘- .1iE‘l‘f’}?‘f‘l-i’}‘.°T ,,,3 Bagrqgiimira (widow), 1419 Beaufort River, S. C., 118 —-------•-—----—-----——---·- l' ' t' , t ., , BM, _J»,-ph, "'° "“‘I,‘,1'.i’5l‘f‘T€‘{‘{‘T T3?- fi? - Zi }f’.i’f’ ,,,4 Blmzgzfniigg —-----—--——-—-·-—------ 1385 Beaver, Barbara (widow), ' ` ...-..-. 14 payment to, ior property damages .-.. 1588 Bn%$,;],?1ggu-,,;y, paw 43

gslélgléut to 1542 may b%dgedlOhio River. Ambridgc to

_ -- —————--——————·--- oo awn --...--...-... . .--, 791 B<w¢¢r,_ Mamah E- (widow), Beavers, Mary C. (widow), P¢¤¤1<>¤ 1¤01*=3¤¢d- - —--——-—·---———-—- 1403 pension increased ... 1449 B¤¤¤¢¢r,_ Rayhd M- (widow), Beck, Freeman, PGMS1011 1¤<>1‘3¤¤¢<1 -------—-- - —--—---— 1473 claim of referred to district court . 1366 Bay Point Military Reservation, S. C., Beck, pauf, B ($552 10; $$851101103, ¤11t1101'1Z0d -—-———-- 383 B rmimbiirgementézlo, for stolen bonds 1277 · · `t . bridgéanthoiiized across Kill Van Kull, egeggjoin Kita? _ _ t __________________ 1431 to Port Richmond, N. Y., from- 1094 Bedortha, Lydia (meow), Bayou Bartholomew, peI1Si0I1 1448 bridges authorized across, at Vester Bee Culture, gerry, IWIar Ferry, and Zachery 888 B agpropifatioti}fozigvestigations, etc- 449, 839 erry --.--..--..-...-...- ee er ary . ow return from,President of bill relating pensibn increased _---_ I ----_--_._____ 1500 to bridges across, requested ---. 1616 Beekman, Lucetta (widow), reenrollment ordered ...--- 1616 pension ..-...--.------------.-----. 1477 Bayou Chene, La., West Fork of, Beet, Sugar, preliminar examination, etc., of, to be appropriation for investigations, etc- 442, 832 made --.. 1195 for investigating insects affecting- 449, 839