Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/708

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2016 INDEX. Bible, The (see Holy Scriptures). Pasa B` I .l S B D P . Bicentennial oeieimotm 7.; B7777,7a, ,,7 “’ °""’“ ,,,,’§Zf,$?,,,,Zf€;°,§i;7,,,,i,“3,‘$,T‘""”‘ °’ "“° _G€0ry6 Washynultm, appropriation for improving, etc., commission established to make ar- reindeer industry in Alaska-- 451 841 _ !'8¤8€m€¤lV¤ for --——----------- 671 for enforcing law for protecting land ’ Bwkneil, Glam A- (widow), mr bearing animals id Alaska- 451, 841 _P°¤¤l°¤ ---—-——-—-- y —---——---------- 1470 for administrative expenses __ 451, 842 Biddle, Mqrlha R- (widow), for acquisition of land, expenses, etc., B Pensmn }¤‘¥"°aS€d —---——----—-—--———— 1395 Upper Mississippi River Refuge- 842 wbcr Bwldvw, D- C'·, _ for salaries, additional, 1925 ... 705 l¢¤ yeageleslie 9·11£l10;'1€§><1 pf,1tet¢·, for 853 for %neral expenses, additional, p men o gncu ure 1 25 _____ _ ___________________ 705 Big Muddy River Ill. d 5 ‘ 4;* f preliminary exalnination, etc., of, to be 1195 of cleiiiedgegllgll?-li?--(ji-Ffm;m97, 759 m¤ 6 ——---—------—---—--—---— or executing Alaska game law; re- Bag Stone Gap, Va., appropriation ... - . 1326 terms of court at .._ 114 representative of in Alaska, made Bigelow, Jennie S. (widow), executive officer, etc., of Alaska pension increased ..._... 1418 _ Game Commission; duties, etc- 740 B·tgler,_Melissa (widow), Blrchr {Sarah (w1d0w)7 tpension increased ..._,.. 1530 p6!1Sl011---, . --- 1451 B` bay, Mary D. (agidow), Bird angmzlnrémtal Ixesarves, tak nsion increase ____,_,____________ 1505 pums en or un ing ing eggs Billit, Anna M. (widow), _ etc., illegalltyyon--l ... I 98 B Zensgog increased ._.._.._,..__..___. 1448 Bird, Gregory, alias tlliam Galer, 1419 i iar ooms Pe11¤10¤ . - ... special tax dn proprietors of; descrip- Bird Pr¢8e]‘vQ8, _ _ tion _________________________ 326 appropriation for protection, etc 451, 841 Baum ‘Mama”t J. (widow), 1520 Bziillgropriation for preventing shipment nsicn Billeman, Joanna (widow), _ of illegally killed, etc-- . 451, 841 sionsion increased ___________________ 1513 Bt1‘d8 ¢md_Arttmal8, North Jlmerltcan, Bi is of Health, appropriation for mvestigating food consular, not required of vessels trad- _ llablts, etc - . 450, 841 ingts between northern frontier 809 Birds, M¢qr¢:{0T1/ ?¤m¢h;l¢·,_ 1 po ________________________ appropria ion or e orcing aw pro- Biloxi, Miss., Imgciling ‘··’ ’"(i. ·*······· 1 ···· 45r 841 ¤~*i¤¤,=;g¤; ·=,,=¤;·¤¤g**¤¤· ·=*¤·· ¤*· lm- ,,,,4 "'°° p?.l‘;‘é7i;,"g‘°“ "‘“ {°oo"$“i$‘i'$“f§i7 so ... . . '` " ’ B mr? (ag ,:,,,;),1, &t]i°?_? _______________ 882 Btglégzgggi Laura (d¢wahter>, ’ 1464 mfr · ·· . . . ro,,.o.,7,;,;;;ii.; ‘···················* ,,,5>,;g,¤;,5;;,fi¤· f·>¤>¤~·>¤=·1*¤¤¤¤¤¤ ——--—— *578 i,,,,mp,i,¢ie,,7.;,puo17emed, .. 777 excise tax gn, sold, etc., by dealers; ex- 3 B¤;;<;;E{g:gg1gééy;g0w>» 1439 ce ion . 24 . . ··: -·········----·-· Biographical Congressional Directory, B=S’;;g{0I,f¤rr·¢# A· (mdowlr 1454 dedcieiicy appropriation for prepare.- 1314 Bghop HQ;,;_L·i, ·------—-----——-----—- ion o .. z ·· revised edition or, ordered printed 1616 Pc¤¤*°¤ ————--——-—--——---—-——---—--— 1393 Biologic Products Bismarck, Dafk., I d h . . * . appropria ion or n ian sc ool at-- 406,1157 appmpmmon for regulating saler °t°·> for Indian school, additional, 1925-- 707 °f ········· · ···············‘ 76v 775 Bittle Catharine B (widow) for control of, additional, 1925 -.--.- 710 pmisiou increase;] ’ 1532 deiiciency appropriation for control, Bmw,. Lucinda (w,fd;,',,,§ '`''`'` °t° ·························· 58 pension ..------..--. I ..----.-..-... 1474 Biological Survey Bureau, Department of Black, Clara T., 4¤r§¢u1¢W¢7 _ credit in postal accounts ------------. 1556 appropriation for Chief of Bureau and Black Death, f Giierell 81141 Ecld Pe1‘¤011¤el ---- appropgiation for prevention of epior gene expenses ..-.-.-.-.-.- , m°c ----.-----.-----------_ 76 775 for maintenance of game preserves, Black, HeslerlA. (widow), , bird preserves, etc _______--_ 450, 841 pension ____________________________ 1483 highway through Sullys National Black, Ida J. (widow), ark ... r 841 pension increased ..-..-..-.--..------ 1534 for investigating, etc., food habits of Black Lake, Mich., birds and other animals -..-- 450, 841 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be for rearing,etc.,fur bearing animals- 450, 841 made --_.-_-_________-_______ 1196 destroying wolves, coyotes, etc- 450, 841 Black River, protecting stock by suppressing bridge authorized across, Black Rock, rabies in wild animals ..--... 450, 841 Ark ...---.------.-.-.-.- 888 for investigation migration, etc., of Black Rock, Ark., animals and plants --------.- 450, 841 bridge authorized across Black River at 888 for enforcing migratory bird law-- 451, 841 State may acquire rights, etc., and for preventing shipments of illegally operate as a free bridge .------- 889 killed birds and game ...-... 451, 841 tolls allowed for Eve years --..--. 889